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Everything posted by vsim

  1. Well, since I managed to screw up the nose of my VF-0B, so I ordered a VF-0D from HLJ so that I can use the parts from it. At least I learned to be very careful using thinner to remove a bad paint job, because it removes the plastic as well as paint. I plan to try to recover the part and fix the panel lines, etc. but not for the 0B. Maybe my 0D can be my first attempt at experimenting with battle damage . Anyone have any suggestions for damage to the nose section that doesn't look overly done? Or pictures would be awesome!
  2. Make that four remaining . I wish they'd get the attack helicopter in stock too. That would be interesting to have.
  3. You are a braver man than I. I thought about it, but chickened out. I have zero experience with PE.
  4. I could no longer resist! Pre-ordered from Lunar! I'm going to have to put it right next to my Yammie SDF-1. And now it makes me think I really should get some of the Metal Box SD Valks...*sigh*. Someone should make a SD Monster, Mwhahahaha.
  5. Yep, missed it too, but thanks for the post saying it was up! And yes, Play Asia had the ridiculously long open time for POs. I got a PO, but I seriously doubt I will ever see it .
  6. I bought my Mr Color from Red Frog Hobbies (http://www.redfroghobbies.com/).%C2'> At they time, they were the most reasonable price for me including shipping (US). I unfortunately don't know if they will ship internationally and I don't see any info on shipping on their website.
  7. I've done some more experimenting and it seems to me that the mix I use for the airbrush that seemed to work okay did not work so well for the brush (too thin). For the brush, a good amount of retarder seemed to help, but, as expected, white is still quite difficult to paint with the brush. But it's starting to look a little better. I'll just have to keep trying and learning and get better as I do more of these kits .
  8. Thanks for the info guys. I'll try messing with the retarder some. Now with the white, should I expect it to take multiple coats, even if I get the ratios right? Or should there be a way to get a nice flat coat that completely covers in one coat with white?
  9. Hey guys, I'm finally getting back to my old Hasegawa VF-0B kit that has been languishing on my desk for a few years. I starting seeing all of the awesome kits that people have been turning out on these forums and I have a question about painting. Note that I am a complete newbie to modeling building and have only ever finished a few kits in my life. I have watched a bunch of you tube videos and picked up a lot of tips so this will hopefully come out much better than past kits. My question is, how do I get a nice flat coat of paint with a brush? I have certain areas where I just don't want to whip out the airbrush and deal with that for small areas that need to be painted before I put the big pieces together. Part of the problem being that I am painting white! I am using Mr Color paints (laquer based?). I cleaned and primed everything before painting already (Mr Surfacer). I tried thinning out the paint some, but it always seems to be either so thin that you can see through it easily, or so thick that the paint does not flatten out. I have Mr Color Thinner, Leveling Thinner, and Retarder on hand. What is the retarder for by the way? I bought it a while back and now I forget why . Thanks for the help!
  10. Thanks for the info guys! That's what I figured, but I wanted to make sure.
  11. This is probably an old questions, but since I missed out on so many of the DX Chogokin valks until recently, I feel a bit behind. So my question is, will accessories for the valks fit both the V1 and Renewal versions? i.e. if I have a V1, will renewal parts fit? And likewise, if I have a renewal version, do I need to make sure I buy the accessory that explicitly states "renewal"? Thanks in advance!
  12. vsim

    YetiStand Alpha.

    I would love some 1/48 adapters in one of your runs. I didn't get in on your first run because I didn't have time to decide which adapters I would need and which valks I wanted a stand for etc. Well, okay, the answer is "all of them", but I can't afford that many stands . I'm hoping to get in on the next run if I can get my act together and decide.
  13. It would be awesome to see some 1/60 or 1/48 Glaug, or Regult. I want something to have pew pew battles with my Yammies damnit! More capital ships would be awesome too, but I know they aren't as popular in general. But I like em! . Come on 1/48 SDF-1!!! I can put it in my garage.
  14. Maybe those are the display cases I should get. I still just have them out on shelves where they collect dust.
  15. No damnit! lol. I'm still hunting, which is why I'm still finding other stuff I want. Bandai's strategy is working quite well on me, grrrr. On the plus side, I've gotten decent prices on most of them.
  16. Nice...I really need to get back to my Hasegawa VF-0B.
  17. The downside (for my wallet) to this is that while continuing to hunt for an Ozma, I've ordered a Luca Ghost Super Parts set, a Isamu Durandal, a Prophecy, and a YF-30, lol. On the up side, I now have a Luca Ghost Super Parts set, Isamu Durandal, Prophecy, and YF-30 ordered . Oh, and I think I snagged an Alto Renewal as well finally. I did resist a few purchases, honest!!!
  18. Okay, this brings up a question I had. Why do some of these valks come with two different head lasers? One set is soft and the other is hard plastic? Can someone please tell me how this is useful?
  19. Yeah, I placed my order with Play Asia, but I'm not betting on it. If I see another pre-order I can get in on time, I'm going to do it.
  20. Nice, thanks for the picts!
  21. I tend to open them and display them. Often in fighter mode because it usually looks the cleanest. A lot of mine are still MIB, but that's simply because I haven't had time to open them up. I sometimes apply the stickers, very carefully. I rarely transform them unless it is for the first time to put them on display, or when I want to put them back in their boxes. But honestly. I never expect to be able to sell any of these toys for anywhere near what I paid for them, even MIB. With a few exceptions. Unless Macross becomes popular in the states again (*cough* HG), in which case all of us could be sitting on gold mines . Yes, I love to keep them in as near a perfect condition as I can, but where's the fun in having them if friends can't come over and go "oh, that's cool, what's that?". That being said, my Wave SDF-1 broke a leg the other day sitting on my shelf. It hadn't been touched in years and I picked it up carefully by the base to move it to clean the dust off the shelf and the leg just dropped off . I can look at it and see that it's a weak joint, but now I'm wondering what stresses some of these toys are getting just sitting on a shelf even.
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