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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. I actually bought the DVD. Sold it a week later . I felt really dirty after watching this beer coaster of a disc . Excellent review A7.
  2. I don't know if this is old news but I came across this site browsing for custom TF's. http://www.tfmaster.com/gallery_kb0147.php
  3. And B.O.B. was a lost member of Devo! Mark Mothersbaugh, by accident, tossed him in the trash compactor.
  4. It's Dolph Lundgren! Seriously though, excellent Focking Focker Hair!
  5. He (Bill Nighy) looked liked a pimp in his complete form. . BTW Underworld 2 (evolution ) looks mildly intresting since the first built up for an eventual sequel.
  6. I LMAO! Three words for ya. BIG JIM SLADE!
  7. Gotta be Roger Cormans Fantastic Four. Forget Jessica Alba (sorry gaijin ), Rebecca Stabb is Sue Storm/Richards. FF is pretty high in my guilty pleasure movie list
  8. You got some awesome Macross cosplayers overthere. Misa looks so dreamy !
  9. I also recieved gift cards from Target and Starbucks (I'm addicted to Nonfat Chai's hot and cold) , Journey "Escape" Live CD/DVD set, Queen the Videos collection volume one and two Kaiju Big Battel DVD's!
  10. Did you get him any of the new Exo-Force Lego sets? From what I've seen at the Lego store one of the Mini-Figures' chest had what appeared to be Max's vf1a cockpit pretty cool homage IMHO.
  11. How was that a burn? He was just correcting the guy. 354981[/snapback] Just being fecious, it's all in good fun.
  12. We've seen them all. Along with Macross 7, for better or worse. And you're confused. Macross and Robotech are diffrent products, in diffrent universes. Harmony Gold uses Macross footage for the first half of Robotech(followed by Southern Cross and MOSPEADA), but it's not Macross. Or even anime, IMO. IT's an american production that uses several anime programs to provide the visuals and portions of the plot outline. They won't resurrect it because Sentinels is, by most counts, a horrid piece of work. They've written a new story called Shadow Chronicles to take its place. By most counts it is less horrid. Likely never. Aside from a large portion of the Eva and Akira camp requiring shiny visuals to watch the program, HG lacks the marketing skill needed to resurrect their cash cow. Also: file me in the "Eva and Akira are way overrated" camp. 354922[/snapback] JBO, That was a wicked BURN!! Seriously Arbalest PLEASE consult Egan Loo's Macross Compendium.
  13. Not a big haul this year but I'll be satisfied when I get these in my hands! -HalfLife2 for Xbox -An Xbox wireless controler -Last Exile the complete series, w/ the figure or the Range Murata collection sans figure -Gatchapon collection of Beta Midget 2.0 w/ the jackets/armor Happy Holidaze!
  14. I've seen it twice and enjoyed it equal times. The kids were believable moreso than the HP teens. BTW has anyone see the 80's BBC version?
  15. BioRobo and BioDragon carrier from 1984's Chodenshi Bioman! It was my first exposure to Sentai albeit english dubbed from the Philippines.
  16. I'm suprised they actually came out with these! http://www.microforever.com/tomnews905.htm
  17. I have a dillema. I'm low on green and I want to get CCC but I don't know which system I should get it for? AFAIK Gamespot gave it an equal score for PS2 and Xbox versions (7.5). I'd also like to know which is closer to it's arcade counterparts, if any.
  18. I remember buying that ish of Animag at Comic Relief in Berkeley. I wish I still had it . If I remember there was also info on an Anime called Salamander based off the Famicom game, known as Life Force for the NES.
  19. Least we forget the metalheroes who wore the same fare in japan back in the 80's. Google Shaiyan/Shaider, Speilban, Juspion, Jiban (Even though it was a blatant Robocop ripoff), Machine Man, Cybercop, Byclosser and Bi-Fighter and Bi-Fighter Kabuto and you'll know what I mean. Anyway I remember the Captian fondly at least from the toys and the video, I don't remember the series very well though. I used to go to a friends house after school (on minimum days) and played with his XT7 and shot at the cardboard foil target that came with the fighter. Later he bought volume one of the VHS series and came to my place (he didn't have a VCR) to play. He usually scored higher than I did plus on Saturday afternoon's at 3 is when Capt. Power aired and I scored pretty highly but forgot which episode though. I never owned any of the Capt. Power Toys not even the action figures I always relied on friends to let me borrow toys here and there. It was a toy line that was way ahead of it's time IMHO.
  20. Still have my DC. It's still in my living room (unplugged) gathering sentimental dust. My games are in an album along with my PSone and Saturn games to boot waiting to be taken out and be played once again (someday). My fave Dreamcast titles? -Bangaioh -Power Stone -Space Channel 5 -Seaman -Tech Romancer -Crazy Taxi -Crazy Taxi 2 -Jet Set (Grind) Radio -Maken X -Sonic Adventure -Shenmue
  21. I didn't own a first gen PS. It was when the Dual Shock first came out I finally bought one, that was back in 1998. The first few games I bought that year were Ridge Racer Type 4, Rage Racer, Tekken's 1 & 2 and Namco Musuems 1, 3, 4 & 5 (Vol 2. "A" is a bitch to look for even then, I never found it ). I'm proly the last people to notice it was it's 10 years since it came out . Anyway Happy 10th Sony!
  22. Even though I didn't see the first film something about it screams of Riding Bean.
  23. I have an Iria cell from Zeiram the Animation that I bought for like 5bucks at a small con back in 1996. It's been framed up in my room ever since I got it and in really excellent condition. Pic up soon.
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