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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. lets see if I can add pics here... probably stole some of these from members here anyways
  2. the only toys you like vibrate I take it . I'd make fun of the ghost with the smurf fetish but a1 is just such an easy target . That and I know if he ever showed up on my doorstep I could parlay [ie run] long enough for my wife to aim . Granted she'd probably shoot both of us
  3. radio shack sells a device called "helping hands" for about $10. It's a little stand with highly articulated arms that end in alligator clips. you can position pieces at pretty much any angl as well as rotate the alligator clips for access to all sides of what you are working on. You can also use it to hold pieces attached to a toothpick steady. Also has a magnifying glass for detailed work. I believe it's designed for soldering small bits and electronics but it works great for painting, and glueing, and holding small parts steady if your hands shake as bad as mine. as I look it up. The new version is different from the two I have. Looks to have more features but the old one might still be found on clearence at some local stores. http://www.radioshack.com/product.asp?cata...ct%5Fid=64-2991
  4. similar in price to a 1/48?!?! I still don't have a 1/48 . I've been to busy flushing out my 1/55 collection while everybody's selling theirs to buy 1/48's . As sweet as it looks I'll probably have one before I get my first 1/48.
  5. I still think the joon's milla at $305.00 is a lot more absurd . Maybe my max&milla set will fetch $600+ . I'll try a BIN auction just for fun
  6. holy friggin SH!T !!!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEDW%3AIT&rd=1 somebody, anybody, explain how a joon's is worth that much maybe I should sell all mine and buy a truck anybody wan't to trade me a seeker for a joon's?
  7. "warning: Macross can cause cancer and birth defects"
  8. was it me? I forget things sometimes wait... I don't use IM for a reason so it couldn't have been me. If you wan't a bunch of V.ersitle I.ngenious R.eputible U.tility S.ervice tools I can send you a cd and you can get back proper... You will have to open the cd though
  9. soooooo many pop-ups remember... paper plans can be scaled and made of more than just paper. PVC and plywood for example. Depending on how much pvc I can scavege from work and what I have left over from my irrigation system I kinda want to build an upsacled monster with pvc potato gun cannons to harass the neighbors. "turn that music down!" [Why... gonna call the cops?] [No... eat spud!!!"
  10. cool... a reason to continue drinking... and other stuff then again we're all gonna die someday so I'll keep drinking regardless
  11. normally almost instantaneous but sometimes there are glitches and I get stuck in limbo for a while. Not sure how long "limbo" lasts as I normally do something else till the next day when it's usually fine again. [drink, pass out, sober up and check back, repeat ]
  12. cliff clavin!-style: "who are people who have never been in my kitchen" rock n rule?
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