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Everything posted by UN_MARINE

  1. i just got a Fraulein Rei pretty good sculpt, though articulation isn't exactly up there. the arms have the best range of movement, but they have a tendency to sorta pop off... the revy joint there has been cut short to make it compact... the legs are OK, but the way things are built restricts a lot of movement at the hips. then there's the joint at the chest, it can only move 3 ways, center/lean forward/lean back (1 click each) ...and the head, pretty much your standard revy head articulation. the hands can hold a decent variety of guns, so far, the Rei can hold my Black Getter's handguns, so the other accessories will probably fit too. the blurb on the box seems true too, "beautiful lines" the figure looks great in *almost any pose. *almost being... don't spread the legs out too far not bad, not really amazing, but not enough to keep me from buying the rest of the line now the long wait for March! & the Asuka!
  2. That's super awesome! definitely Bruce Campbell as President. Kurt Russell as Vice President
  3. hmmm... interesting... i'd say... 1=Jazz, 2=Ironhide, 3=Slag, 4=Swoop, 5&6=definitely Ultra Magnus
  4. Wow! it's not a myth anymore hmmm.... looks like an upper-body swap, just like the Getter1-3 non-perfect transformation aside, that looks awesome! i hope it can do all the trademark Daimos ninja poses
  5. i like them too, but their super frail chest-to-hip leg connectors, nose swapping, & its own version of the BP8 hinge kinda ruined it for me. that being said, the 15-year-old sculpt & manufacturing are no match for anything being made right now. pretty much like choosing between a 1970's 1/100 RX78 Gundam & a 2006 1/100 MG 'One Year War' RX78, no contest at all. the only things that stand a chance are the 1/55 toys. mostly because they're indestructible thanks to the same 'ancient' manufacturing technology. bottom line: i want more reissue 1/55's
  6. wasn't their excuse for using Arnold the "6-foot walking death machine + skin = huge bodybuilder" ? it was believable back then, with the 'fridge-sized home computers running around then T2 stepped into the more believable 'average-looking' terminator. "terminator=anybody" became much more sensible.
  7. no screening date ? i wanna watch this movie now !!! "You guys ready for some violence?"
  8. i'm thinking of waiting a while 'til something mind-stopping comes along to justify the use of:... "Awesome XMAS Spendy POWERRRR!!!" so it's the wait for SANTAAAA (..and his attack on the people of Earth)
  9. yeah, GUTS! , some Evil Genius, & a whole lot of "did i just glue that part in the wrong place?!?!?"
  10. Thanks so far it's not giving me any real headaches but i know it's the painting that's gonna be murder! That's an awesome conversion for the support vehicle. the road wheels make it meaner looking that kinda makes me wanna buy that kit & do a conversion of my own...
  11. i built it it's about 4 inches end to end. i have no idea what scale it is 1/144 maybe?
  12. it's this thing it's supposed to be some kind of attack chopper, but more of a plane though
  13. here's my workbench-warmer i'm building it to look like a Leopard2A6, so far only the head looks the part hmmm... Swedish Rex
  14. Sweet Jebus!!! is that an "exploding" bad guy? awesome !!!
  15. By Crom !!! awesome news ! the Asuka has a Pallet rifle! that's 100x better than the lance! i'm sold! FMP figs ! whoopeee !!! err... CURSES !!! my wallet !!!
  16. VF-11 ?!?!?! CURSES !!! er... i mean... whoopee? and here i thought i would finally be done with the 1/60's with the YF-21...
  17. 2-foot tall transformable SDF 1. TV & DYRL versions. make it affordable & virtually indestructible, & we will buy ...all of them.
  18. yeah, the Shounen Ace limited Asuka & Rei fall apart. a lot. plus if you were lucky enough to get one with loose heels, those ones won't stand. better sculpt, yeah. articulation... novelty. the Microman versions aren't any better either. revys win.
  19. December release for the Rei... can't... wait... hmm... it comes with a lance? well that solves having to hunt down that 'mythical' weapon version Eva05
  20. VF 25 sorry guys, i'm not connecting well with the design. i don't actually hate it, it just doesn't "wow" me. oh, and... VF1=bad? Ban the disbelievers !!! jk surprisingly for its age, the VF1 blends well beside the new designs. now, if it was the original Megaroad VF1 design... we have a valid argument granted, there are people who have only seen Plus/Zero, it's understandable how the VF1 would be an unfavorable design.
  21. Turkey Gundam. it's short, overrated, overpowered, & very very unmanly. then there's pretty much every gundam outside of UC continuity. Matrix APU. it's design's about as unintelligent as those of the 1st & 2nd gen 'original' Battletech/Mechwarrior designs. yup, VA3. i'd forgotten about that until now Metal Gear Ray. so girly for a machine of doom. that, & the mini moo-ing metal gears in MGS4 the Koenig Monster's not all bad, it's got a little charm to it... kinda like a "Monster-lite" though the title "Koenig" should belong to the real Monster.
  22. so... which Con? MWcon? and speaking of super limited, is there gonna be a 1s strike Hikaru? or Max?
  23. does anybody find it strange that the VF1S didn't come with the nukes ? great... now i gotta build my own nukes
  24. VF 14. it looks like it's VF aspect is being forced into it, it doesn't look natural. Stampeed Valkyrie. while the many many guns is appealing, it just doesn't fit well in a macross universe. the design doesn't look well thought out & it looks more like something for gundam. plus the weird nosecone. and VF's with lips... self explanatory
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