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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. The only inconvenience was a half an hour used to erase the existance of what's his name from Macross World. May we never speak of his name again.
  2. Not only is he posting to every single topic he sees but we have a specific forum for that he won't be bothering the boards again. I am erasing all of his posts. This is the kind of abuse of the forums I can't stand.
  3. I like how this topic is going. Too bad it's too of topic for the boards.
  4. It aired on A&E I think back in 98. It's a pretty good documentary.
  5. Roy Focker

    Newbie Intro

    There is no need for introduction topics. Just find a topic you like and post.
  6. I just reviewed the old board and according to it I joined on, Dec. 12 2000,18:42 Before that I had been posting on Alt fan Macross and people here complain about flames and insults. I've lurked Macross World since winter of 2000.
  7. I think a couple of the background VOs were native speakers.
  8. Many months ago I was pissed at seeing commericals in the theather too and did a little research. Some guy brought a lawsuit against it. His claim (if I can remember) was that the theather said the movie would start a "blank" o'clock but the commericals actually made the movie start at a later time. Some theathers are now using this thing called "the 20". A 20 minute commerical about all the crap on NBC, TNT and some crappy music service.
  9. I can never watch more than 10 seconds of that show. The character designs look like cheap crap.
  10. VEFFIDIAS --- Veffidias is a 100% Zentraidi drummer of Fire Bomber. She is inordinately tall and seldom speaks, preferring to drum. Veffidias never stops tapping out a rhythm on whatever surface available. She shares a Valkyrie with Ray as a part of Sound Force. Veffidas rarely talks but when she does she is wise as well as informative.
  11. Roy Focker

    Joon's Valkyries

    In case anyone needs review this: Section IV: Robotech Historically Robotech and Macross are connected. However, Robotech is not part of Macross or Macross World. Talk about Robotech will pop up from time to time. Macross World is a place to discuss the Japanese Macross. It is not the Robotech.com forum’s sister site. This is not the place to discuss Robotech. If there is discussion expect to see a more pro Macross stance and even people being critical of Robotech. You will see intelligent comments and stupid ones. If you don’t want see anything negative about Robotech go to Robotech.com. You will see there is a forum here called ‘Robotech and other anime’ all discussions about Robotech and Harmony Gold belong there. This includes discussions about their products. The forums here are for Macross. As a general rule if something about Robotech is in the news that is of interest all around it will be allowed in a few topics in another forum. As for ‘bashing’ of Robotech it will happen. We ask that you people actually have something to say. A post that just says, ‘ Robotech sucks’ will likely get deleted. Any comment that is a threat or consider cruel will be moderated. Please don’t just come here to attack or to defend Robotech. The forums are for the discussion and promotion of Macross. Don’t make attacking or defending Robotech or Harmony Gold as your only reason for being here. Section V: Arguments and Flames. Arguments and the Internet go together. The Internet allows you to share ideas that others may not like. It encourages debate. The Internet also allows you distance and the protection to say a lot of things because you know no one can find you. No one wants to see only flame wars. To ban all sensitive topics would a shame. People will talk about subjects you may not agree with. If you want to debate with people fine. Keep it a debate not a mindless argument. There needs to be a subject. The debate is not about the person your debating with. If you have a past grudge with someone that belongs off the forums. We ask you debate about a topic not the person your arguing against. We do expect to see a little insults to appear between debaters. Attack the person’s argument not the person. The random poster that appears just to insult another poster may find their post deleted. Insults as general rule (expect for the truly offensive) can be said about an object, company or group. Please don’t insult a specific person. Many of these debates will need a moderator’s full attention to keep it under control. The moderators have seen it all they a good idea of how a debate will turn out. If a moderator is willing they will watch it. If a moderator is unable to they may stop the debate.
  12. Dolph's was actual in View to a Kill. I think it's different guy in the living daylights.
  13. I wouldn't be too surprize if AVD or ADV or what ever their name is paid to get him honored. I don't doubt he's a hero to those in the industry who help make anime main stream in the states. His contributions have help expanded anime but often at the expense the original works. Because past work of Carl and others like him their is more anime here but it's often more American friendlish. He should be rewarded for what he's done for the business and beaten with a ugly stick what he's help done to the genre. Ah who in the hell friggin cares about him anymore. In my 'universe' Carl's a bum living under a freeway over pass who yells at cars screaming, "Kawamori ain't got nott'in on me!"
  14. Beware of the power of Robotech it can cross over all the oceans and all of the land. Still it's another female and member from Japan. Both we tend to lack. I guess I.D. pictures are the same quality no matter where you take them.
  15. One people will stop posting Robotech topics in Macross Forums. When that day happens I'll know that the universe is going to explode.
  16. Roy Focker

    Jm Regult

    That was done before in that DYRL summer 84 promo book page 67.
  17. Please we don't want things to turn to this vs that. This was part of that other topic anyways.
  18. Great what the world need RC. Anyhoo. You are Sailorsaturn, the power of complete<br>destruction is at your command. Destruction is good.
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