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Everything posted by GMK

  1. GMK


    I'll make sure I post pics, then. Bring on the A head - please! Greg
  2. GMK


    Welcome back Dan! Great news on the work front. Just grabbed the S head from Shapeways. Looking forward to receiving it. Greg
  3. +1 Nagmammit! I had my weekly episodes with the kids scheduled perferfectly too!!!
  4. Awesome & 'oh cr@p' - great that they're there, can't believe I missed the singles!Thanks
  5. Looks like this series has inspired the release of a kit from previous series' http://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=139270 Nice!!
  6. Very nice - I'm a huge fan of the Wave kits (see my avatar). Thanks for the inspiration. Greg
  7. Sounds workable - thanks for taking the time to think through an answer. I'll pass that one on to my son.
  8. Cool - wonder when the Garmilla tank is coming out? Watched chapter 5 last night. Wow. How do they keep making it better with every episode?! Quick question (from my 9 y.o. son!) - how does the UX-01 operate in the dimensional rift and not lose power?
  9. Had to work late - missed picking volume 5 up from the Post Office 'late collection' by 15 minutes - it's trapped there until Monday
  10. Looks awesome: any chance of a SDFM version?
  11. Got it: 'Q' parts rather than 'C' parts. Thanks
  12. If you look at the lasers, the front ones are splayed/angled differently to the rear ones. This is probably so the ones closest the fuselage can clear it when rotated forward.
  13. very nice - I have the 48, but the 72 has an overall a 'nicer' feel to it.
  14. Still talking about the Hasegawa 1/72 scale model kits?
  15. Thanks - nice to have options...
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