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Everything posted by GMK

  1. Thanks - I have. They just don't look as sharp as the Bandai ones. Maybe they look better under paint. Greg
  2. Love the look of the SDFM pilots - would love some for my Hasegawa kits...
  3. Just so - thanks. Was there a shot of the spike thingy (technical term) that the -1J was pinned on? May just be able to make something of the Bandai kit...
  4. I'm looking for screen-caps of the Hikaru vs Britai fight from SDFM, specifically when the -1J is pinned to the wall and the chest plate has been ripped off. Any help appreciated. Greg
  5. They look great! What are the details of the blue you used for the Max -1J? Greg
  6. Nice - where'd you get the Shuttles in 1/144? Greg
  7. Not sure about the correlation between yellow and the commander? For example, Hikaru retained red accents on DYRL? I'm going solid CF Brown & white.
  8. I agree - I'm considering building one of my Wave 1/100 kits in this scheme: it'll be exactly the same as a CF -1A, just with a -1S head. Thanks again
  9. Yep, which was the basis of the idea I had. Essentially a VF-1S that looks the same as any other CF -1A: except for the fact that its piloted by an ace & leader....
  10. Oh yeah - very cool! Most appreciated too! Thanks
  11. Thanks for the close up... Not sure my plan is going to work...
  12. Ah, very cool. Thanks for the clarification. Never seen Macross 7, my only exposure to the VF-11 is via Plus. Nice profile updates - loving the website.
  13. Thanks guys. @Mr March: thanks - excusing my ignorance, is the VF-11C armour you're working on 'in-universe'? It sounds cool. That toy is interesting...
  14. Looking to do something a little different with my 3D printed VF-1S DYRL? head. Was considering a 'low-key' ace/commander that retained the CF brown as he progressed through the ranks. Any pics of a -1S head in CF brown out & about? Mr March? Greg
  15. GMK


    Well, it's arrived. Jebus - it's huge!!! Looking forward to checking it out in detail.
  16. Fantastic job - where did you get the 'leg art' decal from? It looks amazing!
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