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Everything posted by HWR MKII

  1. And you would be almost 100% correct in your assesment. Theres alot of people out there that like certain mecha yet have no model skills
  2. Im almost tempted. Theres another version of the monster i want to do.
  3. I hate to say it this late in the painting but in the photos it looks like your magenta/burgundy color is very spotty. Like some of the primer is showing through in spots.
  4. Here i go again. As far as i know mine is the only built one. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=25859
  5. After seeing these pictures i may have to reverse my opinion on this particular model. I may give it a chance. I just dont have much faith in bandai overall. Their tumbler, while a good model could have been so much more even at that size. Same with the big hovertruck. Details could have been much sharper and more defined in it. I will reserve final judgement for when the kit actually appears.
  6. Loks great. Cant beat the nora scheme. Same scheme i put on my flyable SV-51 RC aircraft.
  7. one could always slice off the offending hinges and make new ones out o fphotoetch brass. This would also allow you to tighten the fit tolerances in the gaps. But hey im known for not liking most of bandais mecha.
  8. Those Destroids look like Cheyennes from macross zero. Also gota love the nose art on the VB-6
  9. Si i take it the 25 will be variable? sorry no sale here. Id rather have a model KIT with better detailing than an unassembled TOY with sub par detailing. Even the hase battroids had some rivet detailing. Not as much as the fighter kits but enough to give a more realistic feel to the subject. For that price id expect alot more from bandai. But as usual not the case.
  10. Im working on a little something speedy Follow the build here http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewt...p?p=13263#13263
  11. More falking around. Started decals. The mouth on the front of the boom is hand painted.
  12. you might want to clean the flash out of the little hole on teh top hatch befoer you put the clear piece in. It may cause fit issues.
  13. Man i wish i had the free cash. Id love some of these tiny gems. Anyone need them built for them? hehe
  14. Oh that Falke is still nowhere near done. I just got the fuselage together last night. Booms arent on it yet nore are the little greeblie bits. I still have an engine bay to detail as wellYou can see trhe rest of the buil here http://www.samurai-monkey.com/boardz/viewtopic.php?t=1288
  15. Im just doing some work on a little birdy A falke!
  16. I think it looks right as it is. Any more and it will look too clean. Blue is a tricky color. I use mainly acrylics for everything. The only oils i use are for my panel washes.
  17. Looks like your leaving too much of the pre shading showing through. You want it to look like grease stained paint from handling and use. The effect needs to be very subtle. It will show more as you do the panel lining is done. In 1/72 scale you want the effect to be very subtle, almost invisible. Any chance you could give it one more overall misting of color?
  18. The Japanese also use it. The Sea dragon/Sea Stallion are its 2 more well known names. The navy uses them just as much as the marines. but they are the only 2 US services that do use them.
  19. Blackout was an MH-53J. Its the USAF version. it only has 2 engines and 6 rotor blades. it also has the "chin" bulge fr radar and other things.
  20. Nope he 25 would be the same size maybe bigger in overall size. The base parts seem slimmer and sleeker but the fighter and battroid modes seem to be similar in size to the last generation of craft.Lessons learned from use and the old protodevelin threat. Plus new systems and abilities for it to handle greater sresses
  21. VF-0 was basically a regular turbine powered fighter that could transform as a test bed for the VF-1 series. Turbines were probably bigger than the fusion motors usd in the VF-1 thus the craft and battroid were larger. The VF-1 was made for one thing, fight zentradi. This it did well. When the next gen fighters like the 11,19 and 21/22 came out the craft had more systems and capabilities installed. They also learned from the VF-1 that a larger fighter would be better. It would be stronger, and more capable of dealing with the powered armor the Zentradi wore. When humans first learned of the Zentradi they knew how big they were physically and built the VF-1 for that. They didnt know their pods and suits would be much larger and give them an advantage.
  22. I used XF-60 dark yellow on mine too. It was the closest match i could find to the DYRL color scheme.
  23. My SAFS is in that mag too in the wonderfest section. Great work on the 0D so far. If it comes out as clean as that VF-1S Strike it will look really good. Its good to see more buildups happening.
  24. That looks great! Very clean build. now you definitely need a pyln for it. or else your bosters will pop off from the weight.
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