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Everything posted by protostar8

  1. But the problem might be egos. If they can't work together as a cohesive team, then it's failure. That's the problem you always run into where a bunch of people who SHOULD do an amazing job on something end up with trash because they couldn't yield to someone else's vision or ideas.
  2. I've always wanted a Gosu, but I've never seen a kit of one or anything. Perhaps I've overlooked one somewhere???
  3. I've seen pictures of the S.H.Figuarts Luffy from One Piece (the one you can pose) and the photos all look great. However, the actual product pictures from 1999.co.jp show that the figure looks less spectacular. Maybe it's just weird lighting in the advertisement photos, but it almost looks like they painted the advertisement figure... Has anyone bought this figure? Any reviews/comments on it?
  4. I still want my Zone of the Enders Jehuty!
  5. The series has kinda lost its spark in a way. But I think it's just that the story has been so crappy in so many of these first couple episodes. I love Ahsoka unlike many people, but the storylines with her seem like she's a side character, same with the other main characters. We need a few episodes in a mini-arc with Ahsoka and Ani doing their thing with some Obi mixed in. Maybe going and taking a planet and droid factory...
  6. Just curious, when does this show start? I just realized my tv package gets me this channel, so I may watch it just for the heck of it even if I don't care for the designs too much.
  7. Awesome. I think that he looks wonderful for a modern day version of Kup. I love the face too!
  8. I hope they release a fastpack/armored version of it. I'd buy it then. I love SD valks!
  9. I totally agree. I had this problem last night. I confirmed my super lag last night when we played a game of SWAT and I literally was 5 feet behind someone chasing them, shooting my entire DMR (the rifle thing) into his back and head only to have him turn around kill me while I reloaded. Later in the same game, I killed a guy WHILE I reloaded. Only lag can explain things like that. And I've met some hackers in the game too. Overall, I'm glad I'm not a Halo fan and that the game came with a $20 gift card b/c it is not worthy of $65. Heck, I don't even think it's worthy of the $45 I paid for it. It's a pretty sad excuse for a game IMO. It takes way too long to kill people most of the time. Whereas games like Call Of Duty are all about skill, Halo is all about the buddy system. In other words, if you bring a buddy with you, then you win 99% of 2 on 1 fights and if your entire team runs as a pack of 4, the other team pretty much can't do anything unless they get off a lucky nade or run as a pack themselves. I can say I much prefer Call Of Duty to this less than thrilling shooter. Please note, I was a HUGE fan of Halo 2, I just think the series has went way downhill since then.
  10. Firefall looks like borderlands and I loved borderlands! So how do you register for the beta? I clicked the link provided in the TC post, but it is just forum registration???
  11. Nice screenshot. That shows how much his hood is supposed to be sloped DOWNWARD. Still hoping he was just mistransformed.
  12. Yeah, I've thought something looked weird about the car since I saw it. It's still nice, but it just doesn't look quite right based on my memories of Hot Rod, which are mainly from the movie. I just watched it again the other day too. Hopefully it's just mistransformed somewhat in the display (displays are notorious about not taking that extra 5 min to make sure everything is seated correct and aligned correctly). Here is the vid from the movie of his best scene. The car CLEARLY has a downward slope to the front end and windshield which isn't really there in the toy. Though I have a sneaking suspicion that the toy is supposed to look more like the movie. If you examine where the windshield meets the back roof, there is a triangle shaped gap, which tells me the windshield isn't sitting flush and should in fact be more angled. Perhaps the hood actually is supposed to be angled down more b/c it's not supposed to be flat, it's supposed to have a nice slope to it. It could all be a case of not taking time to make sure it's perfectly transformed for the display (and if you look at Rodimus Prime's back pack, you know they didn't take time to make it all look perfect)...
  13. For those that can't figure out the Hot Rod transformation... This is from Jizai toys. It's basically an animated version of what we came up with on the TFW2005 boards. There are some minor differences, but all in all a good animation. http://jizaitoys.seesaa.net/article/159369825.html He also put up one for Galvatron. You have to click the actual image for the animation to play btw.
  14. Yep. I'm kind of curious why a TRU I visited the other day suddenly had Wave 1 Animated figs again. Bumblebee and Cybertron Prime's galore. What are the other figures that accompany Rodimus and Ironhide?
  15. If you don't mind me asking, what part of the country do you live in? So far, no mention of him being in GA, but if you're only a state away, might be a good sign he might be here soon. Though I'd guess you're in the west half of the US b/c the west gets stuff sooner???
  16. Well, now we get to look for MP Grimlock and Rodimus Minor (and Animated Iron Hide if you want him like I do)! Good luck hunting guys!
  17. Explain why the there are two roofs if Hot Rod isn't there? In one pic, you can see Rodimus Prime's roof tucked up under the trailer. In the robot mode pics, you can see what looks like a Hot Rod roof for his back. I used to think that this was simply Rodimus with that cab from that one episode, but there are several things that just don't make sense unless it is both. If it turns out to not be both, then man oh man did they ever drop the ball b/c if a handful of people on the message boards could figure out how to do it, then there is no reason the design team that brought us the other masterpieces couldn't do it.
  18. Actually, the most recent theory is that it is both toys. This is mainly due to there being the roof to Rodimus Prime's alt mode being hidden up underneath the trailer in one shot. We also see what appears to be a more Hot Rod-esque roof on the back of the robot mode. Why would it have two roofs if it wasn't gonna be both? The present theory is as follows: Rodimus Prime's alt mode is actually more or less false. The front end, windshield, and roof appear to be one more or less one solid piece that swings out sideways to allow Hot Rod to disconnect from the trailer, then it swings back into place. After that, it flips up underneath the trailer (there is evidence of this in one of the latest photos). That leaves us with Hot Rod, which in all honesty, looks to be what the robot mode turned into b/c of how long the windshield stored in his back is). I was very much against it possibly being a 2 in one toy, but Tak/Tom did some sneaky things and it looks like it may in fact be both, which is all kinds of awesome. It would also explain the really high price tag since a ton of engineering had to go into to get that. Edit: For images and more complete info, check out the last few pages of the tfw2005 thread about it.
  19. Has anyone ever made (and sold) Royal Command Battloids? I've always loved those things for some reason. How about the Invid Overlord Mech?
  20. Here is what I've been up to today. I made the parts from scratch (wasn't too hard really given my previous experience). It's the way Toynami should have done this to begin with. The chest piece simply slides on and the pressure on the sides holds it in place. The missile racks just sit on top. Nothing too fancy at all. Anyone interested this "fix"? (Oh, and I know the paint is off on the missiles. I did that paint job about 20 minutes ago and I'm tired as heck, so it doesn't look too good...I might fix it later on. And I think I might add another piece of plastic to the chest piece so that it's not transparent like that...lol
  21. Wow, even though I like these things a lot, I'm glad I didn't buy any to start collecting them after seeing the cost of these tiny things.
  22. I loved the goofy music they played every time they were bouncing on their balls.
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