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Everything posted by sh9000

  1. The 4 ft Jabba’s Sail Barge is cool. http://news.toyark.com/2018/02/17/toy-fair-2018-hasbro-star-wars-hasbro-lab-jabbas-barge-288609
  2. sh9000

    Macross figures

    I’ll buy 1/20 Misa and Hikaru. I skipped Minmay in Chinese dress but maybe I’ll pick that one up too. Bring on SHF Britai and others. If Kitzconcept is making 6” SDFM figures then hopefully Bandai or another company will also make them. I still want this too.
  3. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Bummer. I’ll have to paint and color match myself.
  4. Got my 5 HMR Regult Missile Type Sets and another set of HM VF-1 Super Parts.
  5. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    That’s a nice photo of the VE-1 with GBP armor. Does the grey of the VE-1 match the grey of the VF-1J that comes with the GBP armor or VF-1S Hikaru or Roy? I’ve got some parts swapping ideas.
  6. sh9000

    Macross figures

    Very cool. I should have requested SDFM Macross instead of just Macross in general.
  7. The POTP Dinobots look cool but I don’t like combined mode. As cool as they are I skipped buying Grimlock and Slash and ended up returning Swoop and Slug.
  8. That’s great news. I’ll probably skip the Bumblebee movie.
  9. So awesome. Here it is on a tripod.
  10. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    My Regult Missile Type Sets will finally be coming in today through registered ferry from NY. 2 months is quite some time but life happens in between.
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