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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. Now I fell cheated by Bandai😠
  2. Interesting argument Wokfx. But is it possible that other manufacturers/factories might not be able to produce the "quality" expected? Cheaper may mean less quality amongst these factories.. I don't collect TF's so I can't speak to their quality output from third parties..
  3. And as for why out of print kits are so expensive on the secondary market? the collector mentality is stupid. why do we pay hundreds of dollars for transforming plastic planes? Because they're based off OVAS with content spanning 30+ years & some of these transforming planes run out of production. Whereas Legos recently create movies to dip in. Also the Lego company has been a steady fixture for even longer and they're still super expensive! Nevertheless, I still buy them , so I'm spending with my eyes wide open👀
  4. You know anything else Denmark does😉 The latest Denmark Astronaut just took some up with him..that's how important Legos are to their economy😄 Lego pride..it's expensive!
  5. The White Glint is Cool! I also love the classic Rayleonard-Aaliyah 👍 In fact, most of the Armored Core designs are pretty epic..
  6. Spanner76 Thanks for the compliments! You are correct ,XB-12R & XB-12S You got a beast there! I love the bar end mirrors👍 Just got this from HLJ. Anyone ever put one of these together. It looks way cool.
  7. I really like the ZZR👍 that's funny I almost bought a 6 myself. The helmet Is DOT certified. If you look closely at these , they're basically a half helmet with extras screwed on. The extras are plastic and would completely disintegrate if sh!t went down. It isn't worse than a motocross helmet. A lot of air passing thru. Not a good winter bucket. Great out here in hot California. Here's my other ride👀
  8. I believe the squareness was intended to give it the retro look..if the SV looked any cooler, it would've overshadowed the VF-0S.. But imagine if a new sleeker intake version ever went into production..
  9. Bolt

    YetiStand Alpha.

    Guess I need to prep my wallet...😕
  10. Bolt

    YetiStand Alpha.

    Looks really good !! Is it very top heavy? BTW what exactly is that? Some kind of imperial attack shuttle variant?
  11. Bolt


    From the album: Bolt

    Latest Helmet from Masei with my 05 Buell Firebolt. 👍
  12. Haha! Ya , except for Slave 1 and the clone dropship , I just can't go any bigger.. Oh, by the way. Guess what's in the bag😊
  13. Looks awesome ArchieNov👍 I love that kit, got two so I could customize one. Ya the Legos of today are phenomenal. You gotta check out Lego Digital Designer man😮😉
  14. You speak of the SV Spanner?Battroid mode looks the weakest to me, though it is an all around unique Mecha, which I like. I think the VF-27 is pretty unique as well , though obviously very 25 ish w a delta face lift.
  15. Wait a minute...Arcadia IS doing the SV-51??Whenwhenwhen?!? I love the SV's more. Tho I only have the Ivanov and own 3 of the VF-27's.
  16. I certainly wish Arcadia the best. And I am looking forward to their future releases. SV Nora please! I also made it a point to say I don't expect perfection even if that's what I want😉 Funny thing is I am wondering about the Japnese market. Are they eating up everything from Arcadia? For some reason I think so..
  17. Oh. I'm assuming you mean from Macross The Ride?
  18. I'm not saying we're gonna get perfection. Just want. I'm happy with my Yammies they're beautiful. Can't see spending so much more for a slightly "better" version. At this point , the only Arcadia I will fork out the dough is the YF-19.. We all have different opinions on the how and why of justifying ( or not), paying for expensive VF's and such. Ultimately I wish Arcadia would produce something different and th 0D is a good start.
  19. Products go wrong. I think we understand that. At the cost of Arcadia products, we want perfection.
  20. Hah! Awesome ! I was browsing shapeways earlier today for your latest stuff and it wasn't up yet😁 I must have been workin the intuition or something..😏 Looks great Kurisama👍
  21. You might certainly produce a different version off CG's now. But I think Yammato did a great job translating from line art and hand drawn animation. There's no exception when it comes to CG based modeling , look at the fact that Bandai had to do v2's of the all the VF-25's. Those were all based on solid CG references as well as line art..and ultimately it's a debate on preferance. Oh man ArchieNov..can of worms topic..
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