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Ali Sama

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Posts posted by Ali Sama

  1. Heh one thing hasbro has that takara doesn't is decent quality control, Takara MP Prime has really cheap plastic and due to the weight that they support(usualy around the feet) stress marks and breakages are common, Takara used really cheap plastic for MP Prime where as Hasbro used a much more hardier plastic, unless you are just going to keep him in the box and never open it, get the Takara version. If you are going to open and pose and display him get the Hasbro version, granted it has the shortened stacks, but really yuo don't notice them after awhile. It's sorta like when widescreen first appeared, you really noticed the black bars on the top and the bottom of the screen but now it's so commonplace you don't really notice it anymore, it's kinda the same with Prime's smoke stacks.


    mien is fine. what are you smoking?

  2. I agree... For real, I would NEVER sell any of my toys, therefore keep them in box is pointless for me.

    My prime is a very very happy toy and I wanna make sure I play with it and transform it once in a while.

    man. ti;s quite druable. i transformed i to many tiems they few days I first go tit. you cna be rough with utit unlek all of yamatos relases. lol though I'm not lol.

  3. Hey, for those of you who finally bought these in stores, did you guys see the black gun version? Man, I guess I'ma have to look more carefully now. If there is a black one out there, I want that version instead of the grey version. I'll probably give the black gun to my takara version.  :p  :D  :lol:

    Yup. Seen the black gun version. In fact, I've seen four of them at my local Walmart. I bought one :D , so now there are three left.

    did you open that one yet? I'd like to see a picture of the grey and black gun versions side by side to what differences they made on them. Let me know. Thanx

    Sorry Pat. MISB for me :p !

    why do peopel buy toys and keep them in thebox. it;s soo lame to me

    Honeslty. colelctors who hourd good toys and dont; allow treu fans tobuy them piss me off. not you though . your cool. btw. the sdf-1 I got form you. man I love it oso much


  4. here is a review for you

    First of all, let me make this clear. This is the best (and really, the ONLY) means to watch Sonic X in it's original language unless you fluently know Japanese. Before I bought this set...I had to stick with watching the episodes RAW and had only seen 1-7 fansubbed. This boxset quickly catches up with the episode count in japan that's at about 37 as of now. So, if you want to understand the show for the most part...get this set, despite it's flaws. Sound Quality: I can't see any problems with it. Very clear and although a TV rip it works just fine. Video Quality: TV rip. There is an odd off line at the buttom, numbers with the time at the top(Which every source except for the official DVDs has anyway), and the video quality is slightly dark and blurred. However, this is still about the best you'll get short of buying the official Imported DVDs. Subtitles: The good news. The dialouge makes sense for the most part. If you've read HK subs before...this is pretty easy to sit down and watch and understand. Some episodes are worse than others...but compared to watching the eps Raw this is a breath of fresh air. The Bad News. The names are mostly wrong, some dialouge IS Engrishy and some lines are slightly confusing. Disk 3 is a bit moreso than 1 and 2 but still understandable. Names: Sonic = Sonic Tails = Diluss Knuckles = Knucklus, Knuck, ect Eggman = Machine King Cream = Krem Amy = Amy Rouge = Luichi ...and all the other names can vary. Buy or not buy: Unless someone convinces MI to re-release this set when all the Japanese DVDs are out, and unless they improve the subs a bit more, this set is worth the money for anybody who likes Sonic and knows who the characters are. As for the show itself. This half is the more original aspect of the show and spends alot of time building and developing the characters. The plot is abit thin, but the show has some HILARIOUS, and I do mean HILARIOUSLY RANDOM things with the characters. Anybody who is a big fan of the Sonic games will love it.

  5. He's got terrible customer service, and he doesn't seem to understand the nuances of the english language as well as a seller should - as such, he gets very defensive very quickly. My advice - much like my experience with TISINC, you can either try to communicate that you want to return the item for a full refund (I tried and didn't understand what I was saying), or just go and resell it on ebay, or to one of us (what I ultimately wound up doing instead of returning the item).

    form waht others have said he speaks english jsut fine. he is a fraud. f*cker shoudl be banned.

  6. Maybe if you let people know, we would understand why you type as you do. Dig?

    Now let's all hug and forget about it. :)

    ok. *group hug* freinds. I have slight dyslexia. it annoys me alot I can spell the word in my head and type it as it comes to my head but a few times the letters get scrambled when I type. well it can happen alot of I am tired or dperessed.

  7. OOOHH YEAH!!!!! I finally got my hands on one!! Thanx Tamim!!! I just went to go pick it up and damn didn't realize this thing is hella heavy and big!!! Can't wait to open it I guess, or I might not and just buy the hasbro one and open up that thing. :p:D:lol:

    the box is pretty small comapred to a 1/48 htough

  8. Calling it "Robotech" doesn't make it any less than Carl Macek's goofy-ass vision of melding 3 very different anime series into one barely coherent story.  So, when I say "vision" of Robotech, I meant Carl's bad idea, not the name itself.

    whst woudl you have done in his place.

    you have jsut invested alto fo money into 3 series which you cnat; air becuase they are too short.

    1: sit on them and loose alot of money possibly loos eyrou job. etc.

    2: try to salvage wh tyou can and get the sereis out so yoru family and yor money

    will nto go homless.

    And before you tell people to learn their history, learn to spell.  Or type.  Or whatever it is that makes you say "clal".  :rolleyes:

    are you the loosers who tell criples to learn how to walk or blind people how to see. yeah. make fun of my handycap.

  9. Question is, "how" would they have integrated Orguss? A miss-fold of the magical protoculture tower to an alien world?

    This IS hg we're talking about...

    no. Hg invested money in macross and the other showes.

    they had 2 choices

    1: si tont he sereis unitl laws changed and loose alot of money

    2: come out with robotech and not go broke

    Hell if it was up to most people. they woudl do somthign similar. hg was not some big million dolalr compnay. people need money to live and keep their company alive. consider that.

    the treu culprite is the people who amde the 65 ep rule and for evel for forcing roboptech titel.

  10. Yep, Revell made Robotech-brand Orguss models and HG considered using Orguss footage to make up Carl Macek's [sarcasm]vision[/sarcasm] of Robotech.

    As we all know, they decided to use Southern Cross, Mospeada and a little show called Macross instead. Of course, they later abused Megazone 23 to make their awful Robotech movie.

    I'm sure there's more dirt and rumor, but them's the basic.

    To find out more, there's a pretty good FAQ on the basics of Robotech and where it came from here.

    macek was dubbing macross as macross until revell made them clal it robotech. learn your history.

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