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Ali Sama

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Posts posted by Ali Sama

  1. Either way, I've always understood that the reason the Animeigo Macross hasn't been ripped already was from the bootleggers fear of Animeigo, not HG.  Apparently Animeigo takes their hard work very seriously and has threatened severe legal action more than a few times to HK DVD makers who were producing rips of their other work.

    Hopefully someone has dropped Animeigo a helpful email regarding this then.

    they can stop the stores in the usa/canda form selling them. but it will be hard to stop their imports trough other means.

  2. My main concern is that MW not be exposed to any kind of liability for "facilitating" illegal activities. Apparently there's a legal concept of "contributory liability". Here's one discussion. The article provides a hypothetical case in which a Web site contains links to another site containing materials which infringe on someone's copyright.
    A contributory infringer has been defined in numerous court decisions to be one who, with knowledge of the infringing activity, induces, causes or materially contributes to the infringing conduct of another, often by providing services or equipment that facilitate the direct infringement of the protected work.
    While the article notes that "there is not yet any caselaw directly addressing the issue of a Web site operator's liability for contributory...copyright infringement", and while other discussions I've found raise the point that there are strong countervailing freedom of speech issues, we all know that litigation is often won by default simply because one side has the money and the other doesn't.

    buying the official japanese import of macross is a copywrite infringment. think about it.

    hell buyign yaamto toys is also. you are buying a similar / same product from anothe rsoruce other then the company ho paid for the copywrite.

  3. yes they are boots of animeego. I had linsk up last tiem I rpleid(to proove it) it seems soemoen deleted my posts.  gee thanks.

    It was probably a mistake. Post it again.

    I hope so. considering only my posts where taken off. And I did not psot to a site that sells them like the inital poster did. I just answered his question.

    note you need to be a memeber to see it

    I am posting highlights which proove the boots are animego and no self respoecting macross fan should buy them.

    This might have been obvious to some but i just checked the Mac Macross Perfect Set 1 and there is no english audio. In the settings menu there is only the option for Japanese Audio or music & sounds effects. I then went to check the R1 set and it has no english audio option either. Just wanted to let everyone know.

    Anyway know why there is an option of just music and sound effects but no speech? I've seen this in some dvds before and thought it rather strange.

    have it...although i haven't seen it yet (still waiting for the remaining 12 episodes  )

    Video is pretty wonderful for such an old show, and the subs seem to be there

    each DVD has 8 episodes

    the only slight problem with it is that although all episodes have closing credits , only the 1st one has the Opening...that is because i think that Ani***go didn't included the opening in the other episodes .... but there was 1 Opening in each r1 DVD , and somehow the r1s when they begin to play each episode , first play that opening and then play the episode giving the impression that all episodes have really a opening.

    MAC weren't able to duplicate this ...otherwise it seems a great set.

    Now they should just release the other 12 episodes ...

  4. All I'm saying is that if some whack artist threw in an X-wing as an "homage" or "parody", Lucasfilm would smack them around like a crackwhore.

    that might be true for them. thena gain ever played xenogears? so many star wars stuff in there almsot as muhc as star trek stuff.


    Super Dimension Yggdrasil anyone? :)

    it was awome when you could control it. fire main cannon!!

  5. thena gain ever played xenogears? so many star wars  stuff in there almsot as muhc as star trek stuff.


    Like what? It's been awhile but I really don't recall anything that strikes me as taken from Star Wars/Trek.

    frist eney you fight is a rankor, frozenin carbonite.

    hell one character has a positronic brain implants and anotther character comments if they wil get in trouble with star trek.

  6. All I'm saying is that if some whack artist threw in an X-wing as an "homage" or "parody", Lucasfilm would smack them around like a crackwhore.

    that might be true for them. thena gain ever played xenogears? so many star wars stuff in there almsot as muhc as star trek stuff.


  7. If Trash were dropped due to lack of projected interest, all official records of its announcement wouldn't have dissapeared without any signs whatsoever left. Obviously a legal smack-down. ...


    You don't have any evidence of that, you're out of your element.

    I think your heart is in the right place (Macross) but YOU need not make sweeping statments about things you know nothing about... It derails threads.

    My ass, your lack of evidence and sweeping statement about my sweeping statement & lack of evidence (be it very likely) is what derails threads.

    And that my friend is eactly my element!

    from what i gather about agent one's education and certifications. He knowes alto mroe about legal matters and copywrite then you and I. H e is extreemly qualified ot make such comments.

  8. DYRL is rocky territory, but Big West has complete legally established dominion over anything Macross Plus, 7, or Zero related.

    To use the YF/VF-19 in anything Robotech related is sheer brazenness on HG's part.

    It's an early sketch of the cover.  Yune hasn't finished it yet.  This man needs a horse hed under his blanket already.

    I guess in thoery they can use a low viz F-14 with the kite and still get away with it.

    (Oh great EXO, give them more ideas... <_< )


    Now copying Mac 0's F-14! :o

    lol. yeah!!! wow. they copied macross pepsi can. dman them. they cross the line!!

  9. Yup, it's pretty clearly not fan art. Someone should try to make sure BW knows about this along with the DYRL superposables.

    as i siad. if it is not used in the actual comic it;s sjtu acameo. a tribute. hell darth maul showes up in hunterx hunter. the enterpise shuttle shwos up in dragon ball. their quiet normal and fair use.

  10. What defective disks?...Just wondering what problems have been reported, mine seem to work perfectly appart from some menu speed problems (but on my computer they work great, just an occasional slow menu transition on my stand alone DVD player..a rather cheap one at that :p ).

    when musica and bowie are walking towards a generator of soem sorts. the video goes all kaka.

  11. is it worth it and which is the best one between focker and hikaru vf.1s's


    In fact it;s the worst toy ever!!!!!!

    it sucks soo badly!!!

    Go buy the mpc it;s like the total BOMB of valkyries!!!

    yeah baby yeah!!!


    I have 3 of them lol. Love them dearly. BUY BUy BUY!!

    oh and to your other question. Roy! How can you not want the oriignal and best skull 1.

  12. While IMHO not as cool looking as my YF-21, and having that fragile, 'paper-like' heat shield, it stills looks pretty awesome indeed...

    becare full of th ehip joints.

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