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Ali Sama

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Posts posted by Ali Sama

  1. just not posting if they don't like it.

    what do you take this site for? robotech.com? Opinions matter. this is not a I love everything yamato does and will buy it blindly club.

    if you like it. Fine. go buy it.

    If you dont; fine.

    Either way your entitled to debate and discuss your opinion.

    Only time will tell if thsi toy is sucessfull or not.

  2. Shawn does nto read much of the topics does he. lol.

    Honestly. Just look at the pinned topic of the mpc and look at any rt product brought up or any product by toynamie. Debating over worth of product is not against the rules.


    thanks for the review Graham!

    and special thanks to those in this thread who took a new toy review and turned it into a battle over what anyone 'SHOULD' spend their OWN money on-you guys rule!!


  3. So many points of view. Here's mine. ;)

    Yes, it is expensive, especially for people who have to import the toy.

    Don't like the toy for whatever reason? - Don't buy it.

    Think it's not worth the money? - Don't buy it.

    Just don't imply that people who like the toy or who feel it is worth the money are being stupid or making a BIG mistake.

    This reminds me of jealous people pissing on people who drive luxury cars or live in monster homes. Yes, some people can afford things that to most people seem totally not worth it. No one NEEDS a BMW, Merc, Porsche, etc, etc. All you need is a Chevy Cavalier to go from point A to B. Are those people who purchase expensive things being stupid or making a BIG mistake if they have the money to spare? I don't think so.

    Face it, the world ain't fair. Yamato has a monopoly on the Macross enemy mecha toy market. From their point of view, they can afford to mark up the price a bit. If the response from the market is lukewarm, they will suffer the consequences. On the other hand, if it sells really well, they will have done the right thing for the financial health of the company.

    if the sculpt was accurate adn it had more detail and articulation. I'd buy it.

  4. Thanks for the excellent review Graham. Your analysis just cements my pleasure in ordering the Q-Rau from Tam. In regards to all the constant complaining and bitchin over Yamato's latest release. For all those that have (and haven't) been paying attention for the past few months we pretty much knew what the specs were going to be on the Q-Rau. We roughly knew its size, lack of diecast content (which is good), price and lack of padded acessories. None of these things are new people. So all the crying over these things is just plain retarded. Yamato didn't just change these things right before its release to piss off the more anal retentive members of this hobby. If these were issues with you some of you when we first saw pics of the preproduction model along with its price you've had more than ample time to deal with it. Legitimate complaints or concerns would sound something like this: "After handling or seeing a Q-rau in person I feel that it isn't worth the price tag because X,yand Z." As great as reviews and pics online can be, they don't always tell the full story. The great thing about capitalism is that you can let your wallet do all the talking for you. And comparing the Q-Rau to the 1/48 is off base as well. Different scales and one transforms and the other doesn't. But mosth of us already knew this. It would be pretty funny if the Q-rau ends up like the low vis. Alot of early complaining, and once word of mouth spread in what a really cool toy it was they were virtually sold out and people were forced to fork out twice its original price. Rant Mode off.

    Originally I was going to pass on the Q-Rau but for its price and uniqueness I had to preorder one, hopefully I didn't order one too late in the game.

    i doubt it. the "low viz" was not over priced, did not have an inaccurate sculpt on pilot and mecha, did not lack in detail and posebility, and was alimited production.

    if you don;t bleive me watch the scnee where the meltran comes out of her green pwoer armro and dies. she is not only bigger in respect to mecha, her position in mecha and the cockpit detail is diffrent. The pilot stands in a V position not standign standing straight up..

    I wish i had $120 + to blow on thsi toy but I don't. :(

  5. You may want to check again to make sure. Disc 4, last 30 seconds of episode 16, and last 5 minutes of episode 19, both have a nasty encoding error that make all moving objects flicker.

    it is during episode 19, "Crisis" on disc #4. During chapter 3 (title 5) from around 17:40 to around 23:00.

    I just got my repalcement dvd from adv.

    they just got a plus point for ease of repalcement.

  6. The Q-Rau SUCKS!!



    Because of this.

    rofl. nice @ss damn. seh sisupposed otbe bigger also. if you see the animation. the arms go into sockets on the sides and it fits mor elike a power suite then acock pit for the aromor.

  7. even though I will not get it. I Like the idea of a valkyrie for every person. I mean not everyoen can afford a 1/48 etc. hell this wil be heacpoer then a1/60. it is a good time for the not well to do macross fan.

  8. can a HG-made DRYL movie dubbed with Reba West be far behind? Honestly, even that Australian/New Zealand voice actress makes for a better Minmay imho!

    she was nto a bad minmei. her voice was the same high pitched stuff we got from japanese minmay. her songs nnoyed you however sicne thy tneded to repeat the bad ones. Also they gave her soem god awfull dialogue in some scenes.

  9. I just love how Tommy boy couldn't resist taking a little jab at us. You're truly a freakin' professional, Tommy.

    We ran those bastards off of this message board for a reason.

    elitish behavior is wrong in any context.

    besides waht do you expect with the general behavior of people towards them.

    Also he is aprofessional artist not a saint.


  10. Hi,

    Is there any difference between the bootleg and official widescreen version of this anime?  I have seen copies of it floating around particularly on valkyrie exchange for about $8-$15.  The official version costs $80.  What's the deal with that?  $80 is quite a bit excessive for one movie no matter how good the quality (though this is an excellent movie, I've probably watched it at least 10 times whereas I wouldn't bother purchasing most stuff that comes out in theatres)

    Also if anyone knows a place selling the official version for a decent price (below $30 I'd say is fair) please let me know.  It's doubtful though.

    try japan cd

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