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Ali Sama

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Posts posted by Ali Sama

  1. From the Anime News Network:
    Would-be Child Murderer Attacks Classmates

    Omiya Police announced on March 5th that a local boy attempted to kill several classmates over Pokemon related schoolyard taunting.

    The thirteen year old student at South Omiya Junior High School in Saitama City and injured several classmates using a Japanese sword. According to police, the day before he injured them, the child was insulted by 6 classmates including boys whom he tried to kill. They reportedly likened him to a Pokemon character.

    Following the incident, the child confessed " I'm Killing them" to police. The sword came from the child's own home, where his grandfather used it as decoration.

    Apparently, Pokemon is too violent for kids.

    Pokemon fan attacks classmates, huh? did you even bother reading it? where does he say he was a pokemon fan?

  2. man I remember when i was 8 or 9 watchign this show. I used to have on e of the bikes. transformers was alot more popular. I still liked this show.

    though I have to admit it was a badly drawn and written show. you can;t beat nostalgia thoguh.

  3. My 1/48 Hikaru 1A took about a five-foot spill yesterday. I adusted him on his clear-tripod stand and then went out with the gf for ice cream. When we came back. . . ouch. He had fallen off the stand and dropped off the bookshelf in fighter mode (w/ FAST Packs).

    FAST Pack Armor and reaction missiles were everywhere! Yet, there was no permanent damage. I checked the backpack hinge first. Thankfully, it was still intact.

    So, proof positive that the VF-1 does have energy converting armor. :)



    tha happend ot me with asmaller fall. both of my vf 's at the tiem fell. i was panic striken. One of th ebackpack stablizers had popped off and it was abtich fidning it. but their safe now. *kncok on wood*

  4. If Manga is distributing to HG's store wouldn't Manga have to get permission from the original liscense holder, BW? BW could always pull the liscense from Manga.

    If something comes out of this so be it.  The Macross franchise isn't big enough to have several companies fighting over it.

    No, Manga wouldn't have to get permission.

    Being the distributor, they can distribute to whomever they please as long as the company they distribute to can legally sell retail products.

    Well I understand that but I'm just curious if BW would get pissed and pull the Macross Plus license from Manga. Japanese companies have pulled the US liscense before from US companies. Most recently, Toei pulling Sailor Moon from ADV.

    why woudl they.

  5. ADV Officially Confirms Sailor Moon (04:08 PM EST): From their site:

        ADV Films today announced that the first 86 episodes of the original Sailor Moon television series will no longer be available in the U.S. on home video after April 1, 2004. Although the response of the fans and sales of this video series in both the dubbed- and uncut-subtitled format have been tremendously successful, the creators of the program have decided against continuing the availability of the home video in the U.S. at this time. All episodes released under ADV Films will remain available for sale in retail outlets and via the company website.

    Yep, it's Toei's doing.


  6. Wow, Macross Plus for sale over at RT.

    An interesting portent of possible peaceful times?  :huh:

    I can't wait for this year's convention panel reports.

    they are a store. they can legaly sell anythign they want. you don't need rights to sell a product someone makes. hell they can sell yamato toys . You think bw will stop them form slelign yamato touys. rofl.

    True. You could always get the regular ones as Suncoast and Bestbuys. This is interesting that they are branching out like that. Man what is next.

    anything that sells i woudl imagine. more anime. model kits etc.

  7. Ali Sama's probably right. If I wanted to, I could probably sell Macross Plus out of my garage.

    Well you do need a resale or wholesale license/number for one thing. HG could have made a deal with Manga to sell thier DVDs or bought from somone who distributes for Manga. But from what I know Manga does that themselves...

    yep. right stuff also sells this. it;s not uncommon.

  8. woman!!! he said he saw and liked 0080 and 0083. lol.

    Before using such offensive tone on me.... I would appreciate if you actually READ his post!!!! He asked a question... I answered it. What did you do? Spam the thread with useless BS.

    What? Besides being uncapable of spelling words properly you can't read either?

    I like

    this means he likes what followes

    stuff like 8th ms


    char's counterattack


    The original gundam,

    he lieks 0083

    and 0080

    H ealso lieks 0080.

    His question was if the moive and the ova where the same as 0083. he thought 083 was a tv show. and I was jokign around!!! chill.

  9. Wow, Macross Plus for sale over at RT.

    An interesting portent of possible peaceful times? :huh:

    I can't wait for this year's convention panel reports.

    they are a store. they can legaly sell anythign they want. you don't need rights to sell a product someone makes. hell they can sell yamato toys . You think bw will stop them form slelign yamato touys. rofl.

  10. I was wondering if these are any good to see.  I like stuff like 8th ms, char's counterattack, The original gundam, 0083, and 0080.  I dispise G-gundam and Gundam wing.  Please help.

    Would I like


    MS Gundam 0083 OVA, (is this the same as 0083?)

    MS gundam 0083 Stardust memory the movie (again is this the same as 0083?)

    Gundam Evolve

    Help I don't want to buy anything that sucks.

    Rent them all first. 0080 is heavily character centric. 0083 the movie is something you should avoid like the devil avoids the cross.

    woman!!! he said he saw and liked 0080 and 0083. lol.

  11. I'm hoping that the final botcon exclusive would be a 20th prime all black version!! That would be awesome!! :p:D:lol:

    hate to burst your bubble. It say's on the official site there will be NO botcon exclusives thsi year as this year's con is not offical.

  12. good for him. Dont; forget he was faithfully translating macross before they made him change it.

    Really? When did you find out about this? :blink:

    they had dubbed 2 or 3 episodes. Some names wher changed, about it. The music was the same as sdf macross, no mention of robotechnology etc. if you go on rt.com and see the missing clips they have up. Theos are from the original english dubb.

  13. But does it really forgive the.........debateableness of Robotech?

    It's all well and good that he was doing it clean from the beginning, but the end product is usually the kicker for most people.

    yes. there is no morality in money. Guy was a salary man doing his job. 9 out of 10 tiems you tlel your boss what to do you get fired and blacklisted.

  14. Thought I would bring this topic out from the dead.

    Does anybody in the Southern California area know where to get a prime anymore. I went to the brand new target store opening on La Brea and Santa Monica and the prime was sold out the day before it opened. Apparently, they had friends of employees get first crack at merchendise the night before and the Primes were sold out in an instant.

    I'm not too worried, but I just hope the prime will be released like Unicron. At first he was impossible to find for me, but now Unicron is readily available everywhere. Is the 20th prime going to be limited release, or will what happened to Unicron happen to Prime? I know smokescreens were hard to find at first, but they are everywhere now too. Anyone with info, please help.


    prime is limited 20th aniverssay figure. I got the takara version myself.

  15. ...I believe this little guy made a cameo in Macross! :D

    I've never seen the series (is it good?), but I always loved the Takatoku toy. I always thought it looked beefier and more anime-like (much like the Yamato's of today) than the Takatoku VFs. Even the Nikick (or whatever the thing was called) was pretty sweet.

    Do you guys think Yamato will ever bring these back from the dead? Hell, even if Bandai re-issued these, just like the VFs, I think that would be just as good.

    Now these, I'd pay $120 for.  :D

    P.S. How is the series? I'm really thinking about picking them up from vf-exchange.com.

    depends on the scale. it is only 6.7 meters high. compared to a vf 1a whichis 12.68

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