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Posts posted by danth

  1. I swear I saw one of these at a Pic-and-Save in Modesto, CA when I was a kid. My horrible were-batty of a mom didn't get it for me even though I begged. It was about 1/100 scale too, and packed in fighter mode, but it looked like cannon-fodder colors.

    Did the bootlegs ever come in cannon-fodder colors, or am I crazy?

  2. ,Aug 13 2006, 04:14 PM]


    lol...panel lined with pencil and stickered up. the stickers do suck. i don't think these should be $20 but they do look great displayed next to the monster.


    Look at that...just look at it. And then remember the people who said this toy is ugly. Can you ever trust them again?

  3. How hard would it be to put a small rounded peg on the swing bar, just like the 1/55s and it doesn't even have to be spring loaded, just a small dimple that goes into the fuselage.  That doesn't require the greatest engineers in the world but would have added haf an hour into production costs. 

    I'm with you there. If the 1/100's wings are closed in battloid mode, then the legs will stay in position just fine. However, if you want the wings open for a cool pose, the legs are totally loose. Maybe toynami didn't realize people would want to pose their Battloids with wings open -- which is pretty dumb.

    If they cut corners to save proportions then where did the money they save go?  Cuz the proportions certainly arent there as I already stated.


    Okay, now I think you're crazy. I'll give you the shoulders -- they are too big -- but otherwise, the overall proportions rock.

  4. I suggest reading the instructions and other notes that come with the programme.  I've been busying myself in them, and there's a lot of things you could glean from them that are useful.

    I spent the last hour, maybe hour and a half, and I came up with this apartment.

    Yeah, I watched all 7 of google's tutorials, and nothing was mentioned about polyhedrons. I'll keep looking.

    When I first got the programme (3 days ago,) I started working on a jet too.  I humbly suggest starting by blocking in the larger shapes first.  The cockpit/nose area is a rather time consuming area, and it's always handy to have at least the rough of a body to compare it to.

    The other benefit is, because of the flat surfaces on the jet in question, everywhere but the curved nose cone/cockpit should be much, much easier and quicker to draw.

    I also suggest leaving out the details until after the major shapes are completed.  Prime reason is that it is really frustrating to put hours of work into great details, only to have to erase them and start over, because the area or part they were placed on never really fit into the overall model, and it had to go.


    Those are great bits of advice, thanks.

  5. I didn't say it was true -- just crazy. Judging by all the merchandise, though, he was probably right.


    You mean the handful of models and toys right? That's a lot of mechandise. Yep Sure is.


    Well, for toys, Macross 7 had the red and blue VF-19's and the two different VF-17's. Macross Plus got diddly squat (until 7 years later with Yamato). As for mainstream models, M7 got the same VF-19's from Bandai, and again squat for Macross Plus. I'm sure both series had garage kits and stuff, but for the mainstream stuff, M7 had M+ beat. I also recall seeing a bunch more posters and books for Macross 7 back when they were both out.

  6. EDIT: Oh yeah, I just heard from a trusted friend that the Japanese liked M7 much better than M+. Crazy, huh?


    So your friend speaks for Japan right? He's an official source right?


    I didn't say it was true -- just crazy. Judging by all the merchandise, though, he was probably right.

  7. I just started with google sketgup and it is indeed hard to get the desired shapes.

    Hey, how did you start with the cockpit? The unfinished rear canopy looks pretty round -- i can't figure out how to get round shapes. A cylinder, yes, but a ball, no.

  8. Bannou Bunka Nekomusume (All Cultural Cat Girl Nukunuku) the original OVA.  Loved it since I first saw it. :)  Didn't like anyof the later series though. :p  I couldnt bear to watch the tv series, and the ova with superhero Nukunuku I couldn't watch past the first episode. :p


    Yay! Me too!

  9. I picked the VF-11. There's just something about it that has the charm of Kawamori's earlier designs, the VF-1 and the VF-4. I can't explain it -- I just love the Vf-11. Also, it has way cooler fastpacks, plus:


  10. How many people have had issues with their 1/60 VF-0S' loose elbows? How many broken shoulders on the Yamato Garland? How many broken chest bay doors on the 1/48 GBP? BP8 anyone? I like to think people are being open minded about these toys, but I can't help shake the feeling that if these exact toys (same sculpt, materials, size, etc) had been released by Yamato, somehow all would be forgiven. I could be wrong, of course, it just seems a lot of members here are not giving these a fair shot.


    If these 1/100 toynami's cost $10 instead of the $20+ that people paid for 'em, I'll give it a fair shot.

    Until then, my $20+ is better spent on something else.


    But you'd pay $150 for Yamato's QC-ridden screw-ups.

    instead of bashing each other or toynami, how about we bring facts into play.

    And then you go on to state 5 of your opinions. Nice.

  11. Someone said the fighter mode on the 1/100 is ugly. I can't believe anyone would say this. Just look at my pics a few pages back -- the thing is a beauty. One of the reasons I never bought the 1/48 is the ruined fighter mode -- the arms and shoulders hang so low as to render it non-airworthy. And then there's the fat-assed, bubbling canopy. Although Toynami got a few things wrong, I think the 1/100 just has better proportions in fighter mode than the 1/48.

    Seriously, for a paltry $20, the 1/100 is worth every penny. I have four of them, and none show any signs of breakage -- unlike the 1/60 VF-0S which has broken tailfins right out of the box. And I'd much rather have a 1/100 with a broken stand than a 1/48 with a broken backpack. And let's not even get started on the Garland.

    Seriously, some people will defend Yamato to the death even after all the screw-ups, yet the come into this thread to celebrate when the freaking stand on the 1/100 breaks. At least the 1/100 comes with a stand.

    I guess the main question is, why buy the 1/100 when I can get the 1/48? It must be because I can't afford the 1/48, right? Well, not exactly. I could easily put away 150 a month if I wanted the 1/48's. But as a normal adult, I just can't justify spending money like that on toys -- especially getting ten versions of the same toy with different colored stripes. It just seems kind of silly, and, well...sad. I'd much rather take my wife on a vacation or something.

  12. As much as I like these, I gotta say the stickers don't work too well. They're just not transparent enough. I had to cut out the skull & crossbones to avoid having a big gray square on my tail fins.

  13. I will say that besides the obvious favs, I'd add Gall Force as mentioned above.

    I love it for the mechanical designs, and for what it could have been.

    The basic outline of the story (at least for part one) is pretty interesting, but the movies don't deliver like they should.


    Dude...I know exactly what you're talking about.

    I'd love to see a longer Gall Force series, preferably a prequel with the original cast. I want to see all the adventures they had before Eternal Story. Like, in space. I don't know why the hell they made an post-apocalypse-earth segment for Gall Force. It's supposed to be chicks in space with cool mecha, dammit.

  14. Oh crap, I forgot an important one!

    * Dragon Quest -- the original series. Based on the game series, with character designs by (of course) Akira Toriyama. A damn good show. The first season was shown in the US as Dragon Warrior. It's finally getting a Japanese DVD release, but who knows when we'll get it elsewhere.

  15. I'm tired of hearing about Naruto and Full Metal Panic and Azumanga Diaoh. I wanna hear about old, obscure, or underrated shows.

    Here are some of my obscure favorites:

    * Bastard! I love these OAVs. Heavy metal sorcery with an anti-hero as the star. Great stuff.

    * Genesis Survivor Gaiarth. When I was a kid, I loved fantasy, sci-fi, transforming robots, and post-apocalypse stories. This anime had it all.

    * Gall Force. Maybe not obscure among the Macross crowd. This one had beautiful designs by Kenichi Sonoda and Hideki Kakinuma (lots of Mospeada-esque designs). Kakinuma came up with some sweet mechs -- transforming hoverbikes among other things.

    What other obscure anime should more people know about?

  16. I'm up to episode 24! I can't believe I'm only half-way through this show.

    Dudes...Sivil is effin' hot. I love how they animate her face when she's, er, "enraptured."

    M7 made me remember tonight, for the first time in ages, why I love anime. During the scene where Basara is singing at Sivil, and his song is sending out Spiritia waves, Sivil pushes through them, and they finally kiss. The energy released blows out Basara's glasses and knocks his Valkyrie over. That's almost Dragonball sh*t right there! Maybe it's just the way anime was in the early nineties -- they threw everything in. Spirit-energy reactions, space demons, whatever -- it's all good.

    I finally heard Holey Lonely Night. I love the scream at the beginning. Still, it's nowhere near as good as My Friends or Sweet Fantasy.

  17. Ever see an anime and really get into the music? I finally bought and watched the new Appleseed movie, and I discovered an absolutely AWESOME band out of Japan called Boom Boom Satellites. If you haven't heard them, I highly recommend them. Has this ever happened to anyone else?


    Yep. Macross 7 and Tenchi Muyo.

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