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Posts posted by danth

  1. Yes...it does look like the imai kits. Geez can't HG do anything original.

    Well, how different can it really look? I saw some differences. Definite must buy for me, unless Yamato announces something better. We'll see if the rider is truely "highly articulated." It'd be nice if it had a neck joint so he could actually see while riding.

    I too wonder if the Alphas will have any improvements. Kinda doubt it, though.

    Anyway, I hope the Cyclones turn out better than the Toynami Beta Fighter. :rolleyes:

  2. For those who continue to believe that Macross is and always has been a one-froating-head show, I'd like to point out that Kawamori didn't really assume any direct creative control until DYRL. SDF Macross was mostly directed by Noburo Ishiguro, with the "scenario" credits going to Ken'ichi Matsuzaki, Noburo Ishiguro, and Sukehiro Tomita. And ultimately, it's because of SDF that most of us are here in the first place. Would something written or directed by any of these men somehow be any less "Macross?"

    My feelings exactly.

  3. Mechs=good

    boob=very good

    mechs with boobs=not so good.

    Not sure if anyone could tell, but I was joking about the MAXL. :D

    I think I love the VF-1 the most, but I really hunger for a good toy of the VF-11 with fast packs and full armor. I also really like the VF-4 and would love for Yamato do make one. The VF-5000 rocks too!

  4. LOL, I haven't seen it yet but Night Stalker, your criticisms seem a bit shallow. You don't like the character designs or outfits, that's fine....The fact we don't see a Cyclone transform seems ticky tacky for those of us who haven't seen it (it might become readily apparent that they did everything to avoid it and seem more jarring for those who have actually viewed it). No... go after the WRITING to destroy a film. Make fun of nonsensical elements. Tell me about the part where the main character escaped on a flying rock. Tell me about how a pilot who was lost in space was discovered because of a new technology that found sound energy in the cosmos. That's the kind of stupidity you have to nail. Bad outfits are par for the SciFi course.

    I'd have to disagree; I think anime is supposed to be eye-candy. And Robotech should definitely be robot porn. As for being shallow, I won't watch a show if I don't like the character designs. So, here's defending shallowness when it comes to anime.
  5. Macross 7 would have been golden if it's got trimmed down to 20 something episode, ditch Planet Dance and put in more Holy Lonely Night.

    I could agree to that.

    I'm trying to find genuine CDs myself. Especially the ones with Emillia and Basara's Heart and Soul and the acoustic version of Remember 16.

    If you're responding to me, just so you know, JAM Project are the people who did the Macross 7 music (or at least some of them), but the Best of CD didn't have any actual Macross 7 songs.

    EDIT: Open question. Why do people call Macross 7 music "kiddie J-pop"? I object to both kiddie and pop. It sounds like J-Rock to me -- the Japanese equivalent of Def Leppard or Journey. Okay, Planet Dance is poppy, but almost everything else sounds like rock. And why kiddie? I find the music to be very complex and smart, not simple or derivative. The musicians and singers were obviously extremely talented. Again, Planet Dance is an exception. And admittedly, I freaking hate Power to the People.

  6. I just realized something. I think the major failing of Macross 7 is that it features one of it's most mediocre songs -- Planet Dance -- in the first ten episodes. You get tired of hearing it and it's not all that great anyway. In one way it's a good thing because it saves the stronger music for later in the series when the stakes are higher. But it also, obviously, turns a lot of people off to the series.

    If they had started with Totsugeki Love Heart, which is an awesome song, and then switched over to the adorable My Friends after two or three episodes, Macross 7 would be much more appealing.

    Hey Keith, where can I get more Macross 7-like music? I bought a Best of Jam Project CD and it was pretty decent. What else is out there?

  7. As for the complaining, let me elaborate. It's counterproductive. The popular stereotype of hardcore American anime fans is that we are never satisfied with anything and will complain about everything. Whatever a company does with a title, they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

    Oh my god...that's a huge load of B.S.

    There are plenty of anime releases that go off without a hitch and without complaint. The shelf in my living room is full of them. Totally unedited, uncut series that generated no fan backlash. These releases are unedited and uncut because because that's what anime fans want and we get pissed and cancel preorders when original animes are messed with. If we listened to you, we'd still have stuff like Robotech and Macron 1 over here.

    If they know we will complain about something on every single release, where is their commitment to release quality products?
    Um, because if they don't release quality products, less people will buy them?

    They can pass off any garbage, because whether it's an A or F level release, someone will find something at fault with it.
    So, for an anime company, an A level release, met with universal acclaim and high sales and a few minor gripes, is equivalent to an F level release with mediocre sales and and huge fan backlash.


  8. I have to say, as a long time anime fan, I'm pretty sickened by the constant whining of anime fans about how things are released here. I can recall complaints about AnimEigo's Macross because they threw in some Star Trek references. I can recall the complaining about the Orange Road OPs. And of course, I can recall (and was affected by) the issues with Zeta Gundam. No one likes it when changes are made. Zeta Gundam is one of my top favorites, so I certainly wasn't happy with the musical changes or the initial problem with the dubtitles. But you know what? You have to live with it. Releases won't always be handled the way you like.

    Honestly, isn't some of the sentiment here extremely overdramatic? It's a short piece of music. Changing it doesn't have the apocalyptic effect of ruining the scene, the show, the world, etc. There's an old cliche about picking your battles, and this is one of those cases. Complaining about the butchering of a show like One Piece is one thing, but this is another. If suddenly Bandai Visual is so thoroughly evil for doing this, no one is forcing anyone to buy this DVD. If perfectionism supersedes the ability to sit back and enjoy a show, what's the point of watching anything?

    And I'm tired of your whining already. Why the hell are you reading this thread?

    I've never seen Gunbuster and I was looking forward to buying this release. Now I'm pissed. I don't know if I even want it now.

    I think someone should burn copies of the untainted version for people who buy the R1.

  9. I have a theory on this. I think the writers of Macross 7 meant for Mylene to stay undecided and single. She's an idol, and the writers intend for the male viewers to like her and daydream about being with her. That really wouldn't work if she got taken. This may also be why Minmay stayed available.

    If that sounds weird, remember that in Janpanese culture it's not uncommon to have very strong feelings for a cartoon character.

  10. That was Conan, but I was thinking the same thing.

    I remember watching that! My girfriend and I were sitting on our couch chatting, and I heard the word "Robotech" come from the TV. I immediately stopped, looked at the TV in disbelief, and then just watched in utter shock. I couldn't believe I was in on a nationally broadcast in-joke.

    Oh yeah, the "Minmei" music makes my ears bleed, but the Robotech BGM rocked.

  11. Hey,

    I went to Tokyo in June and stayed in Minami Senju, because there's a cheap-ass hotel there where my borther-in-law has friends. Tokyo's rail system is so good that we were able to go anywhere in Tokyo without any trouble. So, my point is, it really doesn't matter where you stay in Tokyo because it's so easy to get around.

    As for anime shopping, definitely check the upper floors of out Nakano Broadway (in Nakano). The place has floors of old comics, robot toys, models, and other anime goodness. Mandarake has a bunch of different specialty stores there. Then hit the bottom floor for some really good udon noodles (it's like a department store, and around the middle is a small food court).

  12. I don't like macross Plus a whole lot. Sure, there's good animation, some cool mecha designs, and Kanno's music, but there are some key aspects missing.

    * Charm. There are no likeable characters in Macross Plus. It's kind of novel that all the main characters are jerks, but I certainly didn't care what happened to them. I was hoping Isamu would die, actually.

    * Aesthetically pleasing character designs. Sharon Apple looks hot when she has short orange hair, but other than that, everyone in this show is a pain to look at. Maybe Kawamori was getting revenge on Mikimoto (over Macross II) by excluding him.

    * A good stoy. Macross Plus introduces characters smoldering with anger or angst, and then reveals why through flashbacks. I can't fathom why so many animes use this weak technique; it's melodramatic and it's not compelling. I can only imagine how much better Macross Plus would have been if its main characters didn't know eachother from before. The whole "did Guld rape Myung" thing was totally gay.

  13. Top 11 reasons why I like Macross 7 over Macross II:


    10)Character Development



    7)Full Armor VF-11

    6)Big-assed Speaker Missile



    3)Awesome Music (Except "Power to the People" which is super gay)

    2)Guitar flight-sticks


    Seriously, am I the only one who likes crazy shiznit in my anime? That's what anime's for. If I want a story with no magic, well, I have real life for that. But when I watch anime, if there are no space demons or guitar-generated magical blasts, I want my money back.

  14. Second one is a magazine insert also. Animedia July, but I'm not sure what year.

    Wow, thanks! I had no idea. Do you have a lot of the old Animedias? I have a bunch of old Outs and My Animes and The Animes. I don't think I have any Animedias.

    As for the third item, I thought the exact same thing.

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