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Posts posted by danth

  1. Good for them. Me, I'm gonna save for their Legioss/Tread.

    I want the Legioss/Tread too, which is why I said they might get a whole lotta money from me. :D I want to reward CM for making Mospeada toys, so maybe I'll even get some CM Votoms stuff too.

    I agree with the complaint about the velvet...it's too fuzzy for a police robot. I love the rest of it though.

  2. Wow, I'm excited. And I gotta say, I'm glad Yamato isn't making this thing. They're nearly as bad as Toynami.

    If CM pulls through with this, I'm going to have to reward them by getting some of their other toys too.

    The prototypes definitely have a few issues at this early stage (Legioss' chest, Tread's upper arms & hands showing), so I hope they aren't in the final toy.

    Here's hoping the price isn't completely insane.

  3. Have Rightstuf ship to your home! All over their website it tells you to ship to your business. I took their advice and they contacted me 2 weeks later to tell me they needed to confirm my identity before shipping. Yeah, thanks, that was quick. So I figure they probably have something secure on their website to confirm my SSN or something but no... they needed a little bit of blood and semen to do a DNA sequencing or something (exagerrating, they wanted photocopies and some other stuff). So I was like, "Okay, screw that, just ship it to my home." Two weeks after that I get a notice, the item I purchased is currently sold out. ROCK ON!!! So last week I sent them an email telling them that they're probably never going to get the item in the stock and if that's the case it's cool, I'll just cancel my order. They send me an apologetic (very nice folks) email telling me they're going to get the supply in next week. Today I got an email "Sorry, your items are currently sold out." Awesome.

    Yeah, sometimes Rightstuf is slow, and they seem to have no problem taking your money when they don't actually have the item in stock. If you don't mind waiting, they're pretty good.

  4. You will find around here that some will take issue with comments made for/against their favorite show particularly if you haven't taken the time to see it all.

    Although that's not totally reasonable. You don't have to eat an entire turd to know it tastes like sh!t.

    I for one hate neither M2 or M7, but I prefer M7.

  5. Now that I've made my joke, a serious response: Why not ALL of them?

    Maybe a show about kids flying valks in mecha combat tournaments? Sort of Naruto meets Mac+. For guaranteed success make one character a 12 year old maid. Let kids watch the stupid show, and we'll buy up all the Valkyrie toys. Of course each Valk would get a new paint scheme every few episodes so the toymaker can make enough money on repaints.

    I have no hope for a new, truly good anime series. This might be a minority opinion, but I haven't seen great animation since the eighties, or good animation since the nineties.

  6. I think it's all of the above. The character designs by Mikimoto in Macross 7 are some of his best - simple, clear, and cute. Though, I do agree that some of them are less than desirable (Basara.) But we should keep in mind that Mikimoto is essentially a freelancer to this job, and he only produced what he was told to do.

    I think his work should be judged more along the lines of 'look what he created given his limitations' as opposed to 'man, he was solely responsible for the characters in Macross 7.'

    Mikimoto only did the original designs. Some other guy cleaned them up for animation (i.e. made them simpler and faster to draw to save money).

  7. If I had to rate the video on its own, it would definitely get a 6 out of 5. Some of the best animation in the history of Earth, and I don't think that's an exaggeration. The song is great, and it's a finale for Macross, and the Megaroad and VF-4 look awesome.

    As for the whole package, well, everyone hates clip-shows. But you do get all the songs. Overall I give it a 4/5 (mostly due to the video).

    Question: Did 2012 come with the Japanese DVD release of DYRL? I thougt I read that somewhere.

  8. It takes more than a carried over theme to make something good or likeable. Finding a quote in the original series that supports the fact the Protoculture had the ability to weaken the Zents does nothing to make Mac7 good. No one is arguing that Mac7 isn't part of the Macross universe... we all agree that it is (I think). What some of us disagree on is how much it sucks. That quote from the original series does not make Basara believable or likeable, it doesn't make the notion of valks with faces and guitar controls plausible/reasonable/good, it doesn't make sailor moon reject character designs good, etc. etc.

    You got me there.

    I should have been more careful and said, "I don't see why some Macross fans have a problem with spiritia in general or the tactic of singing at an enemy to defeat them." The complaints you listed are totally valid...but maybe you can explain the "sailor moon reject" bit to me.

  9. The problem with Macross 7 IMHO is that the first episodes are all very redundant. Fire Bomber start a concert, the Varuta attack, Basara goes out in his vf-19, bickering with Gamlin during the battle and the Varuta leave after collecting some spiritia.

    I can't disagree. Crap, I still can't believe they squeezed 50 episodes out of that story.

  10. I'm currently watching the original Macross (I've only seen the Robotech version until now), and I noticed many hints about the Protoculture's powers that foreshadow what happens in Macross 7 (which I've already seen).

    The hints occur in conversation between Exsedol and Britai. They were talking about the power of song being related to the Protoculture, and thought it had something to do with the Macross's force field barrier. They also mention the Protoculture's ability to sap their enemies' fighting spirit. This is exactly what happens in Macross 7 -- Firebomber sings to create an energy barrier, which completely blocks the Protodeviln attacks. And of course Basara's songs sap the enemies' will to fight.

    This is all the more reason to like Macross 7. It makes total sense after watching the original series, so I'm not sure why people have such a problem with it. It carries on the true theme of Macross: Defeating a more powerful enemy by winning them over.

  11. But arguing about yamatos business practices, or comparing them to some other company selling a toy based off a different license is just all so much intellectual masturbation. We don't have the information, we're not going to get the information and even if we had the information, the second it gets put up on a public forum, i bet there will be a nice cease and desist coming down the pipes.

    That may be true, but there is another issue that Yamato supporters tend to ignore: even when someone gets a great deal on a Yamato, it better be damn-near perfect right out of the box. Why? Because Yamatos are advertised, and priced, as high-end collectibles. When a company charges eighty dollars or more for their "collectible" toys, and they break easily, or have defects across the line, that's a problem.

    As for "price gouging," I think it's happening. I don't know who's responsible -- probably a little bit Yamato, a little bit retailers, and a little bit insane fans with too much money. But you can't deny that YF-19 prices are a huge jump, and it can't be explained by actual costs.

    Damn...remember when capitalism and technology were actually supposed to make things cheaper?

  12. A few tips for those of you who are whining about a CHILDREN'S TOY:

    1) If you don't like it, don't buy it! There are plenty of other companies producing quality Macross variable toys...like Toynami! And remember, if you skip Yamato's release of the VF-19, some other company will come along in the next twenty years or so and produce another one. So just wait!

    2) Skip first releases! If we all skip the first release of a toy, then Yamato will HAVE TO fix all the problems and release it again, for cheaper!

    3) Not happy with Yamato's prices? Don't blame Yamato! Here are some handy pointers on saving when purchasing valkyries:

    • Become a wholesaler! Get together with twenty trusted Macross buds and split the savings!
    • Fly to Hong Kong! Buy local to save $$$
    • Search for deals! You can save up to 5% with some dealers.
    4) Tired of breakage, crooked parts, and and floppy joints? Solution: Don't complain! Remember, complaining doesn't help Yama...I mean anyone! A Macross toy forum is the last place you should be complaining about Macross toys. I mean, there are like five other threads bashing Yamato over the last couple years. You complainers are really stepping over the line!

    The moral of the story: If you don't like it, don't buy it! Think of the joy you will experience knowing you saved over a hundred dollars by not buying that toy you've always wanted!

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