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Posts posted by danth

  1. I went ahead and ordered it. Thanks for the link. B))

    Man, EVERY review of Ariel I've seen totally slams it. If it's bad, hopefully it's so bad that it's funny.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, you should write a little review in this thread after you watch it.

  2. Oh yeah, I forgot to show my solidarity with people who think Akira is overrated. It really is. And whenever you read anime review websites, nobody has the balls to say it. It gets an automatic perfect score every time.

    I notice the same problem with Ghibli movies. I'm sorry, but they're not all perfect. I adore Kiki's Delivery service, and I loved Nausicaa as a kid, but I wanted Spirited Away to be over long before it was, and I thought Princess Mononoke was just okay. I think I actively disliked Porco Rosso -- I was so bored by it that I didn't bother watching it all. Yet through some sort of Ghibli fiat, all of these movies get five stars or A's everywhere you look.

  3. I love old-school anime from the 80's and early 90's, especially OVAs (back then we called 'em OAVs). I think they get slammed too hard in most online reviews. I too love Outlanders, Appleseed, and many others mentioned.

    You just can't beat old anime. I personally think the new stuff stinks to high heaven, because they don't feature much movement. The budgets are so low they can't even afford to animate lips and jaws moving, so when characters seen in profile are talking, they talk out the side of their faces. And of course they don't animate people moving when they talk, or any motion at all that requires a significant number of cels. For instance, those dogfight scenes from (the non-"Anime Friend" episodes of) Macross -- you don't see stuff like that anymore (unless it's CG, which rarely looks as good). A few seconds of dogfight meant the same Valkyrie had to be drawn like 50 times from different angles and in different poses. Those dynamic actions scenes are why I love Japanese animation.

    Plus, they must use a line-draw tool to draw digital cels nowadays, because none of the curves in new animation look natural. You can really tell when looking at characters' faces. Not only are the curves jarring, but they're simple.

    I find that, in today's anime, the characters are melodramatic and overly angsty as well.

  4. I don´t get the whole idea of animes having main characters in the same age of ¨possible¨ viewers, I wasn´t in my 20s when I watched Macross Plus yet I felt it was perfect as it was, an adult themed production

    Likewise, when I was very young, my favorite movies were the Star Wars films (starring adults), and my favorite show was Greatest American Hero (starring adults). When I was around 10 years old, my favorite cartoon was GI Joe (adult characters). Kids naturally look up to adults and think they're cool, so what's with this idea that characters in kids shows have to be kids?
  5. I know one thing: it'll be hard for me to get into this show if Mikimoto doesn't do the character designs. I know kids these day's might not like his style, but kids these day's also like rap "music" and Naruto. Show them something GOOD and I'm sure the smart ones will like it. The rest will follow.

    But yeah, for me, it ain't Macross without Mikimoto (and no, I didn't care much for Macross Plus).

  6. And since Imai also made a transformable model of Lancer's cyclone you can almost be assured that Toynami will steal...err, borrow elements of the design to make their own.
    If they ever make a Lancer Cycone, which I still doubt, then yeah, they'll "steal" from the Imai design. Although I don't mind them stealing at all; I was one of the few who really liked their Aplha fighters, which I thought not only "stole" from the Imai model but improved upon it.

    Now when it comes to a Hoquet/Rook ride armor, since there are no transformable models of that one to copy I wouldn't be suprised if we never see it.

    EDIT: Wanna make a friendly wager that that they will ever make the Lancer? I'm game. :)

  7. Actually, it would make no sense either. CG allows you to not lose the cell if you make errors, to make quick tests and then use the undo button to return to a previous state, plus, once you've done it you can reuse it whenever you want, while a cell once is drawn has to be remade from scratch is things are not perfect. It's just more convenient in everything. Plus is cleaner too.

    That's the theory, but in reality, CG is only used to make animation cheaper. No animation done in the last 10 years approaches the quality of DYRL and other old-school OVAs. If you want specifics, all the curves in modern anime are very simple, as if a person was using the curve tool from MS Paint. This looks plain ugly when drawing characters. Also, movement is restricted mostly to translating and scaling, without any actual rotation. Even the 3d stuff is unimpressive. The only recent show I find visually decent is Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. The 3D CG for the Tachikomas is seemless. Plus it's got Shirow's character designs.

    So is it confirmed that Kawamori has nothing to do with the new show? Not even doing mecha designs?

  8. I'm just looking for someone in the business of forwarding packages. I want something from Amazon Japan, but of course their affiliated shops don't ship to the US. There's gotta be someone out there who does this, but I figured I'd try Macrossworld first.


  9. Also the licenses are very expensive. After spending money on the license and parts & labor, I doubt Liquid Stone/IHP makes much money off their kits.

    Actually, that sounds like a reason to make more of them.

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