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Everything posted by arbit

  1. This is a comparison for body proportions. The DYRL suit is directly from UTA Macross as the reference. The Bridge Uniform is my work, bashed from parts with additional sculpting by me. The head and hair is also bashed/sculpted by me. I think the proportions are good, right? Comments appreciated.
  2. After a little summer break, back to fiddling with some ideas. I don't have a project in mind for these figures, but the idea is I can pose them as needed. I still need a cool project though... any ideas?
  3. Nice canopy! What's the best resin for getting a clear result, without yellowing. (I use Elegoo translucent, which comes out a bit yellow for larger parts, although I have noticed that small parts may appear yellow the first day, and gradually become more clear as they cure.)
  4. Hi. Thanks for asking. I was on summer vacation. Just came back from the mountains.
  5. Don't worry, but out of respect, please don't sell.
  6. Wow what a nice surprise. Really cool added details. As a side note, anyone complaining about nekro posting on Macrossworld is a bit of an oxymoron, since we are dealing with a 40 yr old show!
  7. Makes sense. I think at a latge scale I would consider adding some additional details by hand. I thought I would even 3d-design added details right on the part, such as the bridge.
  8. Black vallejo primer on as pre-shade. Two for one application.
  9. 10cm proto-type print came out great with .05 resolution. Good practice to understand the model before a larger print. I'm thinking of a 30cm version to match the Hasegawa SDF-1 in size. What a beauty!
  10. A small test print to get a feel for it.
  11. Macross fans, salute your captain. I have not got to painting yet...
  12. Whoaaaa looking good. Which line art are you using for the city, or are you making it up as you go?
  13. You are right, there are issues with the model. Senovis is working on a V2. Hold off on printing.
  14. I posed it a bit in Blender to see how it looks.
  15. Go give the man a million thumbs up, likes, subs, hearts, or whatever people do these days. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5436223?fbclid=IwAR21ilwOf0fzFfe6MFxPekVoaNymhKMJJl-DBuryKW1pbLut2g7bg7zXwE4 https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/sdf-2-megaroad-01-1-8000-mini-scale
  16. Guys, get on this. https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/sdf-2-megaroad-01-1-8000-mini-scale
  17. arbit

    Uta Macross!

    RIP UTA Macross. I only loved you for your game assets....
  18. Beautiful work! And Minmay's room 😍😍 Are these files you plan to provide for the city?
  19. Nice. Which clear resin are you using?
  20. Very nice photos of your staged progress. It feels like we are joining you on the ride. Hope you succeed to fix some of those in he next update.
  21. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    I think they will actually make it purple, to shake up the "old fashioned" color scheme. Then they will try to sell them again in the future with the brownish colorsπŸ˜„
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