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Everything posted by Myriad

  1. They won't be getting my money. No one is forcing me to buy it so I won't. Dreamworks should leave the anime releases to the anime companies..... Oh wait....They screw up too...........
  2. People boast how great G1 is but the first few years of figures were borrowed from other toy lines............ Once they stopped borrowing figs from other toylines TF's went down hill....... Diaclones rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry had to get that off my chest.
  3. Can any one else contribute LP, EP or CD pics?
  4. How many LP's and EP's are there? Here is one
  5. "Aren't you little short for a Stormtrooper?"
  6. Perhaps ManFey picks should be put in this thread to get it locked up............
  7. I hope someone who comes into this thread can at least use the Zelda map
  8. Those toys are cool but fragile as hell. I have not heard of any new Orguss toys. People are probably cashing out.
  9. He IMed me and told me he can't get into his MW screen name. For some reason his account is locked. He is trying to get a hold of a mod. Thanks!
  10. People are dloading instead of taping......... Back on topic..... Too much beer now can't add anything to thread........
  11. http://www.animesuki.com/doc.php/legal/mediafactory.html Will more Japanese studios follow? I hope not. Fansubs help me decide what new titles I will pick up. I am all for Fansubbers stopping when a title is licensed and picking up official releases.
  12. Here are all the books together. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=books&n=507846 I have seen the compilation at book stores recently too. Keith you should check out the book storyline.
  13. The motorball cgi sequence that came with the last volume in Japan. ftp://ftp.reimeika.ca/amvs/motorball_CG.mpg
  14. The file was originally from this place.... http://www.hongfire.com/ Hopefully it will reappear.
  15. Ack! I can't get it to dload......... Bad Tracker........
  16. The movies are just compilations of the 0079 TV Show. The novels are a different universe. I actually prefer the novels. Amuro was actually trained to use the Gundam. They are not just a boy finds a bot story.
  17. Yep you! I have been eyeballing those Kubricks for quite some time. They are Starship Trooperish.
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