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Everything posted by Phren

  1. I liked the GBP1, but it was too bulky. I hope if they make it, they slim it down some. (the box and price could use some slimming too, IMO) Love the spiked kneecaps on that thing, though Oh, and SWAT KATS icon, lol I actually used to watch that...
  2. I have a boxed 11B myself. Identification help would be appreciated, I got mine after, so if there was any running convo about it, I missed it.
  3. All they REALLY need now is an option to map your own buttons...
  4. huh, I'm wondering if it were possibe to get one of M-world's 'Agents' to become a wholesaler to filer down less inflated Valks to the community? As for increasing prices, I can see a jump from the less complicated VF1's to the newer ones, but not to such a degree (and an ever increasing one). ~$45 for VF19 FPs?! that's two plastic plates and a non-moving ledkeychain equivalent? They sould have added the FPs to the toy originally for it's price - no question.
  5. Also, once you have that going on, the reinforcement peice wouldn't hurt to lessen the chance of an accident. - though, I have yet to see the inner backpack tabs fail me, admittedly. EDIT: Sorry, didn't see Lowviz's edit.
  6. thought it was pretty (back when it first came out) but just didn;t have the gameplay to back it up. I might dig it out again..
  7. Lucas is a prime example, IMO, of why the 'then watch something that isn't Macross' philosophy doesn't do it for me.
  8. I'm ALL for the SK designs and having his hands off the story. Just make sure these new designs feature less anime magic and big, well connected joints - hint, hint. As for the timeline, going along with one of the expeditionary forces would be cool, if done right. (no, they find the horrible force that destroyed the protoculture. It's called "Robotech" and they have to destroy it before it re-writes over and changes their history)
  9. Do tell. Now that lik-sang's gone (not that they were flawless themselves) I was looking for another supplier, and thought play Asia might be a good bet... BTW, how do I figure out how to play this game? Would the translated GBA original generation gmes help?
  10. That middle shot is just awsome! My only complaint about the 19 is how plain it looks without as many panel lines as the 1/0 types, So I was holding off on getting one untill I saw the custom marking availiable. Very nice, you'll be getting an order for these from me around the time my tax return comes in.
  11. Almost literally! "It's time to PUMP you UP. " /Arhnold
  12. I hear that. Used to love sega, but they're nowhere near what they were before. Am2's across game was good, but I'd also be interested to see what kind of magic Namco (possibly the Ace Combat team?) can work with the title...
  13. I'd like to see a review of the 1/48 GBP parts myself.
  14. Alright. I am ashamed to post this, but, how the HELL do you get the intake covers off the 1/48 VF-1? I've owned these things for what, 3 years now? I never had an issue because I thnk the engine turbine "details" look like a grey stamp on a white block, so I left them on. Out of boredom I decided to take them off and found.. they don't want to. I mean I pryed and pulled from every angle. How DO these things let go? Nevermind> Stick something thin in and pry them foward from behind, of course.
  15. Well, not really a Gundam fan, but the first one(AKA Journy to Jaburo) and also True Odyssey (An RPG-style take, AKA MS saga: a new dawn) are both utterly horrid. Weather or not you're specifically aiming for Gundam, Another Centruy's Episode 2 (is there a new one out yet?) is loads of fun. Can't say I'm much of an expert, but those are the ones I know.
  16. Yeah, it's gonna take them a while to find enough forests to cut down to box them all up
  17. jenius, I'm suprised how cool that GBP looks empty
  18. if you're going to play Battlecry, play it first. I cannot STAND the game now. It's only strength is the sheer number of missions.
  19. Looks greatly like those armpit covers we get in the Yamato 1/48 GBP opening up, actually.. as to where they go/ where they come from, I think it just doesn;t exist in fighter mode, or was naver though of
  20. I can't wait to see a pics thread of the actual thing when it comes out. .. and the eventual weathered customs...
  21. I actually hated the valkyrie n this game when i finally got it. I found it slow, amazing clumsy and just not usefull enough. Then after a while my characters started dissapearing from m hanger (like I could understand what they were saying) and was eventually forced to use one. In time it becamse my favorite unit for it's own merits, let alone my opinion of Macross. BTW I've heard there's an easier control scheme for the sub weapons/transformations (like, not cycling through them all to switch). How do I change this from the between mission menus and how does it work? Is it better?
  22. is this a joke? Seriously, if everyone at toyboxDX is like this, there'd be no need to ban me from there. Touting youself and your VERY RARE VINTAGE MACROSS reviews that don't exist yet as the greatest thing on earth is one thing, but to sign up for a board jus to gloat and put down the people ON those boards isn't going to win you a lot of respect. The fact that you do this while calling us 'classless' makes it almost impossible to believe you're serious. Anyway, that from a lowly, proud nobody on this board just making a simple observation. Anyway, if I count for anything, this has little of anything to contribute and I would feel the mods would be doing a good job to see this thread locked - although it's good for a laugh right now
  23. Wow, NOW it's looking good. I actually like the slender battriod myself, the thunder thighs of the lineart never did it for me.
  24. That's all we get, shadowy thumbnail picks? - Still ... looking pretty good. Anyway DH, about your droopy wings comment, I'm not so sure they are supposed to be bent down. If any vertical dynamics, they should dip down a tad and angle up. Even the Su-47's wings don't droop - I think that might make it look unintentionaly floppy...
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