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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. Current automobile production lines are currently highly automated, yet region of manufacture has a huge impact on QC. The Ford Focus debuted in Europe several years before it did in North America, and it was a smashing success in terms of QC, there were no recalls, and they got rave reviews in terms of reliability and overall build quality. The cars to roll off the American production lines several years later, despite using the same tooling, were plagued with QC issues and are a generally inferior product. Just drive a Euro vs. American Focus, they're staples of rental companies on both continents and there is a night and day difference between the who seemingly identical products.
  2. I understand how it works quite well, I frequently de-weaboo and edit fansubs for my personal archive. I just don't feel like downloading the entire Thora set just to discard the video. I'll probably end up doing it anyways. PS. I prefer OGMcleaver for demuxing streams from video files.
  3. Which would be fine and dandy if they hadn't hard-subbed their ridiculous karaoke. When a subber does that, basically they're saying "I don't care if we break your immersion, our masturbatory text effects are more important than the show you're watching, also I have no respect for the creators of the show." Having said that, if someone would be kind enough to rip their subs using OGMcleaver, zip them up, and chuck them on RS or Mega-upload I'd be happy to time them to a good set of raws, or even the popgo release (if they ever do volume 9)
  4. Unless they've done V2's I remember lots of hardsubbed garbage over concert scenes. Anyhow, I've deleted them since, I'd rather have softsubbed TV rips than weaboo BluRay rips.
  5. They use it throughout, damned shame if you ask me. Visual pollution, use of honorifics, and translator notes are the three cardinal sins of fansubbers.
  6. You need to be running the newest build of YSFlight.
  7. Do you have a blog or an update page? I had no idea you were doing this.
  8. Kind of an out-there request, but does anyone have a pic of the VF-9 with the piano in it from Vol 1?
  9. If someone who has downloaded the Thora release is willing to use OGMCleaver to pull the .ass subtitles from each episode, I'll remove the ridiculous honorifics retime them to work with the better quality (and non karaoke'd) raws that are out there).
  10. He released a new version of the pack today. It includes a PVP Map for SMS/NUNS vs. M:Galaxy/Anti-UN Forces
  11. The Thora releases are terrible IMO. There was no reason for them to continually pollute the screen with Karaoke, let alone hardsubbed, animated, Karaoke. Bunch of typical weboos. Also what is with the awful encoding? Their release somehow manages to look worse than the Chinese POPGO releases, while having much larger filesizes.
  12. You have friends who didn't like it, I have a number of Japanese friend in their late 20's who watched it as teenagers, loved it, and have told me that in their social circles it was quite popular at the time, and is still a memorable subject of nostalgia (along with G Gundam and other crazy-ass early 90's anime). But anecdotal evidence is all but worthless. If three encore LaserDiscs, and a 4 part OVA sequel aren't proof of populatiry, nothing is. I'd love to see the viewership numbers compared to the original, I'd reckon M7 consistently outperformed it.
  13. You do realize that Macross 7 was well loved in Japan right? And that it was the most popular entry in the Franchise until Macross Frontier came out, right? I don't think Kawamori cares if a small group of Americans didn't like his show.
  14. What's there not to trust? There are several open source clients available if you want to have a peek at the code. I trust Deluge and Transmission more than I trust any email client (Outlook and Mac Mail I'm looking at you) or chat platform.
  15. Add this: java script:var%20t=((window.getSelection&&window.getSelection())||(document.getSelection&&document.getSelection())||(document.selection&&document.selection.createRange&&document.selection.createRange().text));var%20e=(document.charset||document.characterSet);if(t!=''){location.href='http://translate.google.com/translate_t?text='+t+'&hl=en&langpair=auto|en&tbb=1&ie='+e;}else{location.href='http://translate.google.com/translate?u='+escape(location.href)+'&hl=en&langpair=auto|en&tbb=1&ie='+e;}; as a new shortcut on your browser's bookmark bar. Whenever you want to translate a page (in any language) to English, just click it and BAM translated by the almighty wintermu...err Google.
  16. It looks like VIP may have called it quits. There is a rumor that CA will be doing their own remaster release, but i have yet to see anything.
  17. The original post was mostly facetious, but parallels can definitely be drawn between the two fandoms. Particularly with the more rabid/obsessive fans.
  18. I came across this article the other day, and aside from being funny and biting, I feel it is a fair assessment of the Star Wars fanbase; http://www.jivemagazine.com/column.php?pid=3381 Reading through I couldn't help but draw parallels to Macross fandom, not the casual mecha fans on other boards who generally enjoy the series as a whole, but the caustic and divided hardcore fanbase on macrossworld. The final remark in particular seems to sum up what I see here; Thoughts?
  19. Every series had it's moments and great episodes. But my all time favorites; -Bye Bye Mars -Pineapple Salad -Love Drifts Away -Music Box on the Battlefield -Deathmatch on Planet Lux -Rainbow Colored Song Energy -Nightmarish Invasion
  20. I've seen it all, liked most of it. Macross 7 was definitely the best entry in the franchise after the original. Zero was the weakest by far, and Frontier was too generic to really stand out. Also own and have played through most of the videogames over the years, 2036 and Eternal Love Song were both really solid games (especially back in the 90s!). VF-X was a piece of crap, VF-X2 was great but flawed, and the SEGA AM2 Macross game for PS2 is the best mecha game I've ever played. The only one I haven't played through (even though I own it) is Macross M3. Aside from it is a truly terrible game, I don't have a dreamcast and my emulator won't run it properly. I might pickup a used dreamcast this weekend, if that happens I'm going to slug my way through it.
  21. Just out of curiosity, did you build-out the mecha using MTS?
  22. There are plenty of design notes regarding the Three Star ships. Basically they're gigantic reactors with habitat modules, and various modules tacked on as needed, also their configuration can change on a project by project basis. I don't think we're seeing a new Three Star being built, I think we're just seeing a more detailed view of a construction ship that is aiding in the construction of the new Battle 7, hence the raw materials, construction containers, etc floating around it. When I get home I'll pull some screen shots from the remaster disc.
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