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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. I would definitely buy a Battle Galaxy. I really prefer the mecha designs of the Macross Galaxy team over the SMS/NUN Spacy ones.
  2. Hmm.. I always thought SAL stood for Sea and Land. Meaning it shipped via boat, truck and/or train. Well now I know better hehe.
  3. I'm not too worried about missing AmiAmi. Just wanted to see how fast it goes out of stock. I am sure I can score one at NY sooner or later.
  4. LOL. I got to see the Add Cart button. But clicking on it just led me to an Error message saying it was no longer available.
  5. @chyll2 Hey there kababayan. Which local retailer did you get it from?
  6. That's very informative. Thanks for that!
  7. With all due respect, watching the OVA again just reinforces the off proportions of the toy's battroid mode. Just take a look at the fight between Isamu and Guld during the trial run and you'll notice that the YF-19's proportions make it look taller and slimmer. Anyway, I was just stating my opinion.
  8. For some reason, the more pics I see, the less excited I get about this release. I think it has to do with the battroid pics. The proportions don't look right to me. I know it's mostly the same as the VF-19S which I love, but I guess that was fine because M7 animated their mecha to look bulky while in Plus I seem to recall they're animated to look sleeker.
  9. Did they bump up the release date for this? I just got a payment request from NY with a deadline of 11/25. Checked the Bandai website and it still says Dec 2013. Wonder if this is going to be released at the start of December rather than the end.
  10. Aww shucks. I'm probably one of the few, if not the only one, that wished they didn't modify the hip armor. Never had a problem with the old design. Sure it can fall off during transformation, but once I pose it in place, they stay secure. My main issue with the new design is that the peg can scratch off the paint of the intake area if you're not really careful. I scratched up my Alto that way the first time I put on/removed the hip armor of his Armor parts. Oh well. I'll just have to unscrew that peg similar to the armor parts.
  11. I don't think the DX will have any problems standing upright. These toys usually have metal in the feet or legs to keep the weight distributed more to the base of the feet. The reason MG model kits can be so back heavy is because it's basically all made of the same plastic. So the more plastic there is towards the back, the more the center of gravity shifts to that area. Comparatively, the Metal Build Freedom Gundam has no issues standing upright while the Robot Damashii version requires a stand to keep it from falling over backwards. But similar to the others, I do wish the wings could've folded up more.
  12. I really hope that's the case (staff shortage). I also have more than a couple of preorders with them so I definitely do not want them to go out of business. If the preorder cancellations really do turn out to be hurting their business, then I would like to request that people stop cancelling or at the very least stop using NY as a safety net during preorders. In any event, this kind of news makes me sad and worried...
  13. Hey man, don't worry about it. We all have our bad days . If my prior post offended you in some way, then I do apologize as well as that was not my intention. On another note, I just got my parts today and slapped them on my CF VF-171. Looks great. Placed the huge MDE bombs on the CF and the oversized reaction missiles on the Alto. I must be one of the lucky ones that only got 1 CF and so far the NUNS triangles haven't showed any signs of stress marks or cracks yet. Transformed the thing back and forth around 4 times or so already and have left it displayed in fighter mode for the last month. Still don't really understand why it breaks even when untouched. I know there must be something putting pressure on it from somewhere and that's why it broke for the others, but I really can't figure it out. If I knew, then it would be easier to take precautions. For the meantime, hopefully mine stands the test of time.
  14. That may be true, but if we're talking purely about delays in shipping, then I believe that this happens with all vendors every now and then. Personally, my experience with NY is that they always manage to ship it out the first business day the item is available, regardless if I chose Fedex or regular airmail. This is much better than other vendors like Amiami where I have to wait for them to send me a shipping estimate before they can even start processing my payment/order, or HLJ who is practically always delayed when shipping out stuff. Before anyone mentions that NY has higher prices than other vendors, it must be acknowledged that what NY brought to the table was the ease, reliability and peace of mind when securing preorders, something that no other vendor could match. For some people like myself, that more than makes up for the higher price. Lastly, customers who decided to place preorders with NY were fully aware of the price they would be paying when they make the order, and they all made a the conscious decision to place that order. No one forced them to do it. Other people that chose not to pay that amount were perfectly able to decide to just wait for cheaper prices elsewhere instead of preordering with NY and that is perfectly fine.
  15. In my country, marking something as a gift means nothing. It won't save you from import fees.
  16. 100% agreed on above 2 posts. I will always appreciate NY for allowing me to get the Macross products I wanted. Same as wm cheng and Mommar, I've also saved a ton from customs and import fees whenever I order from them.
  17. Got a few more questions. 1) When transforming to fighter with the super packs, does it seem like there is no ratchet click at the angle the gerwalk hip joint is supposed to be at? When I angle it down, the first click happens at a way too low angle. So in order to tab the wings into the legs, I end up leaving it at an angle between the ratchet clicks. The other renewal valks have a ratchet click at the correct angle. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong? 2) Inside the crotch joint, there's a small metal tab that you can flip up or down. The instructions seem to indicate that it's a locking mechanism for the crotch so it won't collapse, but I can't seem to notice any difference whether it's flipped up or down. Can anyone confirm what it locks? Thanks!
  18. Hey guys. Just got mine today. Wanted to ask if there's an extendable neck joint on this version (similar to the renewal 25S). Reason I ask is because the promo pics make it seem it has a longer neck, but when I try pulling on it, it doesn't seem to budge. EDIT: Disregard. I checked my 2nd copy and it does have the extending neck. Guess I just expectedit to be longer.
  19. I guess I'm in the minority when I say that I really don't like the SV-51 stand that Arcadia is including in their VF-1 release. It's not as dynamic as one might want it to be since you can only really angle it in one direction (up and down, albeit at different heights). It's also far too large in comparison to the VF-1. I'm also probably one of the few here that really dislikes the launch arm stand that Yamato used to sell. Sure, it's heavy and has diecast, but the joints aren't rock solid and have some give, even though they're ratcheted. Also, the way the arms angle around is very awkward in my opinion, and the base is too small, so it's hard to find a stable angle when positioning the valk. Add to the fact that the connection point for the stands on some Yamato valks are awkward already when in fighter mode since they do not balance the valk properly. Maybe what I'm trying to say is that although a lot of people think the Bandai stands are ugly and whatnot, I think they do what they are advertised to do. I've found that the Yamato stands disappoint me from the get go since it appears that they'll allow for more dynamic angles, but that wasn't what my experience was.
  20. Uh huh. This is exactly what I didn't wish to happen.
  21. To those that have the broken/cracked black part with the NUNS logo, can you explain why exactly that part breaks? Mine is still intact fortunately, but I can't seem to understand where enough stress would be coming from to break it.Does the stress come from the transformation process? Or in a particular mode?
  22. I hope that everyone stating they won't touch NY will keep their word. I intend to still get mine from there as they are the only online retailer I've dealt with that has never failed to fulfill a preorder and has always come through with a means to allow me to still obtain these items without any significant hassle. To me, these are more important than saving a few bucks. Also, I don't understand why people keep calling NY a scalper. They're definitely not like those ebay guys that buy loads of stock just to corner the market and force high prices. NY obviously only obtains additional stock as they sell out on their site. And if you look at the prices for their initial stock, they're not marked up over retail. It's only for the succeeding stock that the prices start to increase. But how can anyone expect them not to mark up their prices when they're obtaining these additional stock from other retailers? I don't think they're getting the same discounts as when they're getting it from Bandai themselves, so in order to make a profit, they need to add a markup. Not only that, but they'll have to pay for the items being shipped to them from the different areas of Japan, which is another additional cost to getting these. Add to that the time and effort in finding these stock in the first place. And unlike scalpers, their price markups are probably not based on the rarity or demand of the item. It's more likely based on the cost to obtain it, plus their usual markup to make a profit from it. That's why people have noticed that sometimes the additional batches of stock remain at the same markup, or even go lower in price during the preorder period. That's not how scalpers behave. For me, it's pretty obvious that NY spends money to ensure that they will have enough items to fulfill all the preorders made at their site. That's why I feel bad whenever people cancel their preorders with them at the last minute whenever they find a better price. It's like people backing out of a commitment. I'm sure you'd feel bad as well if someone asked you to get something for him, and then at the end, he'd tell you that he won't get it anymore since he just found it somewhere else cheaper. If people keep preordering from NY just as a safety net, and then cancel, I fear that NY might eventually feel it's not worth it to keep working towards making enough stock available for everyone and just act like all the other online retailers that only rely on Bandai to give them more stock and not do the extra effort that NY has been doing.
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