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Everything posted by Nicaragua

  1. I would say its because Ozma is just Roy 2.0 re-skinned for Macross Frontier. Its pretty much the same character so if someone likes the Roy/Ozma character then they are more likely to gravitate towards Roy since he is better fleshed out and has more nostalgia value.
  2. Gotta be Isamu. Awesome pilot, terrible attitude, flys one of the best looking fighters ever, and he actually gets the chicks into bed rather than acting like some kind of bumbling idiot (gamlin) or androgynous freak (basara, alto). Kinda like the pilot version of House.
  3. I know but thats not what i was referring to. The Predator in the first film took out a good few people from long range, in the back, and while remaining cloaked - according to the canon that came afterwards then this is considered particulrly cowardly and shameful in Predator society. So that Predator compared to the ones that came after was not badass at all, in fact quite the opposite. Of course this is likely just because they hadnt fleshed out the backstory of the predators culture so while it did spare Anna's life it didnt follow the rest of teh code which was only established in the later films.
  4. I dont like how Fold Quartz has become some magical crystal for making stuff better.
  5. Yeah i thought that was a dumb argument too. If he had just left it as "I prefer the variety of mecha in robotech like bikes, tanks and choppers" then that would have been a reaonable viewpoint but he starts rambling crap about technology going backwards in Macross and the Thunderbolt being weak due to its smaller calibre rifle... the guys a tool. Some of his spelling is hilarious though, so i give him some credit for amusing me.
  6. Thanks. Its quite an interesting read this thread, should keep me entertained as im sat in the office today.
  7. Who is MEMO ? Apologies if this is a nooby question but since this topic is 60+ pages then im hoping one of you will humour me.
  8. I just had a quick glance over that site - that Bendo guy is a proper bellend The way he rants about "you can't even support your own robotech" - he makes it sound like a heroin addiction or something.
  9. In all fairness though the Predator in the first film was a bit of sneaky mard arse. He spent the majority of the film fully cloaked, up a tree, and just sniped Arnie's team off one by one with his shoulder mounted plasma caster. Its only as the character has developed that we have seen them introduce their culture and honour system - in comparison to the current Predators the first one was a big shower of sh1t.
  10. Battle Angel Alita, both the original series and Last Order.
  11. No terribel idea. she is nowhere near young/cute/doe-eyed enough and i just cant imagine her doing any of Alita's emotional passionate rantings about the people she loves or how far she has come as a fighter.
  12. BDI is the direct brain imaging system and dosnt control the actual ship, BCS was the brain control system. It could still be sueful to have the imaging fed into the brain while still having manual control. Im sure it would have advantages as shown in how Guld plots a course through multiple incoming missiles during one of the tests without risking the pyshcological problems and knee jerk reactions from the BCS.
  13. The rear of it looks really untidy in that image, far too many spikey flappy bits.
  14. Thats a really great line of thought, i like it a lot and it makes me want to watch zero again to see if there are any other relationships i hadnt seen before. I dont think that it was intentional by the producers but therea way that it fits anyway is pretty cool. I really like stuff like this which is open to interpretation.
  15. why? its a sci-fi aircraft so why try and look for potential problems that would exist in current technology. What about the inherent weakness in the vf-0's fuselage were it folds to make a backpack or the weakness in its battroid locomotion due to its flimsy hip joint that conects to the nose? Your judging one craft on real world limitations while completely ignoring real world limitations of the other which is ridiculous considering what these things are supposed to be.
  16. Thats really cool, good job dude !
  17. Luckily the human brain dosnt have to process anything seeing as the pilots are all fictional characters in a sci fi cartoon show. This leaves all their resources free for looking cool while blowing stuff up and in that respect then two guns is much better. Still if you wanted to have a more nerdy explanation then you could assume that the pilot can lock onto one target (with his retina tracking lock on system) which will then be automatically tracked by arm 1, leaving him free to track a second target with arm 2 without distraction. It would use far less brain power than tracking and destroying a volley of 25 incoming short range missiles, which most Macross pilots seem to be able to pull off without breaking a sweat. BTW: The purpose of missiles is not to attack multiple targets, its to be a self propelled guided munition.
  18. LOL, seriously the YF-29 shape looked really familiar to me and i kept wondering what it was from. I was racking my brains thinking is it BSG or from a video game ..? BAM! there it is, Cyclonus.
  19. TBH it reminds me more of Power rangers. Old mecha become a bit run of the mill? Series need a bit of shot in the arm? HERES THE NEW SUPER DUPER AWESOME MECHA TRON O BOT ZORD VERSION 2.0 YEAH !!!
  20. I quite like the look of it although its existence seems rather unnecessary. Its already a bit of a stretch that a school kid would have access to the latest VF-25 via his after school super PMC club but that same kid now having his own experimental next gen test fighter is getting a bit too silly.
  21. I'd like to see Yamato do some of the Varauta mechs from Macross 7, i've always had a soft spot for enemy valks.
  22. Well thats easily sorted - just stop adding people who have fuzzy toes as friends, either that or get some friends who dont have fuzzy toes, or just ask your friends to shut up about their goddam toes. Anyway word on the street is that the fuzzy toes gang think we are a bunch of dorks for obsessing over sci fi planes so it all balances out i guess.
  23. I find it a bit odd that half the people saying they hate facebook check back to this website for their own form of nerd/anime/toy social networking and discussion on a daily basis, but yet seem to have a dislike for people catching up with people on facebook/myspace/twitter. Whether its Macrossworld or Facebook its all just internet communities. Some people talk about cartoons and some people talk about what they are having for dinner. All communication is good in my books.
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