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Everything posted by Frogze

  1. Frogze

    Hi-Metal R

    I finally got mine today. It's a nice little figure, it will look amazing next to the Glaug and Regults. My complaint would be about the content of the box. Instead of providing filler parts for the giant gaps of this figure behind the head and the sides of the chest and give us the best looking possible figure we get the "spent missile parts" which to me is absolutely useless and kind of seems like a cheap way to have completists buy at least two of these to display one in each setup. So yeah I like it, but I want mostly the enemy mechs and Destroids. Also if you're having a dangling chest part it's most likely because you haven't pushed the chest armor down enough, mine is rock solid
  2. From Gundam's Miria battroid pics above I can see the cockpit isn't pushed down all the way which probably result in the nosecone not locking in place. There was a fix for this problem somewhere I think, basically you had to disassemble the nosecone to tighten2 screws which prevent the cockpit from sliding on the nosecone all the way (which results in the non-locking torso problems)
  3. That's a mean and lean looking battroid, EXO, also thanks for the history bit. My Bandai will soon sit on a shelf in gerwalk mode surrounded by the damashiis
  4. Looks pretty good, keep them coming!
  5. I started watching Tokyo Ghoul last week, first episode was awesome but then the next two felt uninspired. Hopefully it gets a little better after a couple more episodes...
  6. I actually prefer the Yamato too from the pictures I've seen online. Got the Bandai version the other day but I've not opened it yet since I just got it to complete my Frontier line-up (regular version). It looks definietly more solid than the Yamato though but my preference size/sculpt wise make me wish I had gotten the Yamato when it was on clearance for dirt cheap everywhere
  7. The reason why BG wouldn't let Yamato have the FB paint scheme really feels mind-boggling to me but I guess it's the way licensing works. However I'm definitely in for a VF-4G since I didn't get it the first time it was released because I was waiting for the FB paint scheme.
  8. 1, I'm very happy with the 0D and still waiting for the 0A to show up but like for many here the 0S is a must have for me because of the reactive armor
  9. Frogze

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't really see why one would hold a gripe withe the Yamato/Arcadia about the head position since it can be pushed down to completely hide the neck and look just like the HM. I do that with all mine when posing in battroid since I don't like the elongated look of the neck on the 1/60, and it's still better to have the choice how you prefer it to look really
  10. Completey agreed, the trailer looks pathetic. Hopefully Zemeckis has something up his sleeve with this movie because it's underwhelming at this point
  11. Frogze

    Hi-Metal R

    Great news! Looking forward to this one, will probably buy multiples, 3 at least!
  12. You have to pull both out until the groove on the sliding joint stops it from going out and then you should be able to fold without too much problems, it could be done on the Yamato VF-0, it's not even that hard... but obviously most people will pull the tail fins out completely because it's much easier to do it that way
  13. Frogze

    Hi-Metal R

    And I thought I was the only one who had this issue, the gerwalk joints have developed cracks on all my HM VF-1, while the shoulders that are now metal never had a problem to begin with. I can't see why the genious product designer behind this renewal release hasn't even tried addressing the real issues
  14. Finally got a VB-6 from Mandarake for 16K. Not a big fan of the design but I guess I had to get one sample at least for the collection
  15. I kind of like it,Spanner, and that's a very nicely angled shot too
  16. Frogze

    Hi-Metal R

    Is there any pics showing if the nosecone has to be removed to put the armor on?
  17. Oh, I wasn't aware it was just a preview. I can't wait for this one to start, the manga was a great mix of hilarious and out-of-this-world-epic fight scenes
  18. I didn't really hate the Robocop remake, but I must say it's not a good movie either, passable at best which is sad because there was room to make this movie relevant to today's world's matters as the original was back in its day. Also the original had some really great action scenes because the writing/directing makes you actually care about the characters
  19. for me it's easily the VF-1 (20+ variants)
  20. Frogze

    Hi-Metal R

    Strangely I'm not really excited by HM-R releases anymore. The new VF-1S head is cool, I'm glad they finally did a correct sculpt of it and the GBP armor looks good enough but I fear it would be frustrating once I have it in hand. The backpack super parts will probably make it flop down because there seems to be no locking mechanism, you can definitely see it flop down in the HLJ video. Bandai should really start show some more destroids and enemy mechs because it really is the main attraction in this line so far.
  21. I guess I'm just looking for an excuse to buy more if Arcadia decides to release an updated SV-51
  22. Fantastic job Saburo, your work is every bit as good as BAT's, it's good to have you around on MW!
  23. I love the 51, Yamato did a great job even if the end result didn't live up to all my expectations for a toy, it's still a great display piece. My only gripe with the sculpt in fighter which is otherwise perfect is the shape of the intake which I think is to square and somewhat breaks the profile's look. Otherwise it's a fantastic looking floppy mess
  24. Has anybody checked the first episode of the anime adaptation of One Punch Man yet? I thought it looked really good, can't wait to see if they can keep up at this high quality level in the long run
  25. That makes sense of course. Actually I thought maybe it would be less stressful for the ghost canards to remove one of the tank bits from the 0A's back, put the ghost in place and while squeezing the canards plug the tank bit back in place to lock the ghost in place. I haven't received mine yet and won't be getting it before a good couple of months so I'm just trying to figure out how bad the issue is
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