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Everything posted by aurance

  1. Were Supervision Army/Meltrandi gun destroyers relatively common? It seems a little odd to have a capital ship design that can instantly obliterate dozens of enemy capital ships. I would have thought the battle doctrine would then have shifted away from big huge expensive ships, since they can't be defended anyway.
  2. Yeah it definitely doesn’t fit in with SDFM or DYRL, but weren’t we saying canon is fuzzy? Just look at it like another alt universe.
  3. UGH!! One of the black plastic rectangular pieces on the right side of my VF-19F "cheek" had fallen off and now is lost... I'm so annoyed. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't even know where to begin other than sell this thing at a loss.
  4. I’ve been inspired with so many questions. What used to be in the giant leg cavities in SDF-1 where Macross city ended up? I assumed they would have been filled with rather necessary engine parts and not just an empty space ready for an ad hoc city. Where did those parts go?
  5. Ahh I just watched that scene again, such a cool scene from a mecha trivia perspective. Weird things excite us I guess.
  6. Are valks in fighter mode able to do VTOL? If not, would they need to take off on a conventional runway before being able to change to gerwalk in the air? I.e., if they landed on a surface in fighter mode that doesn’t have sufficient runway space, are they sort of “stuck” there, or are the verniers powerful enough for a short vertical lift/hop enough to switch to gerwalk mode?
  7. Another question, the thing on the forearms of yf-29 are thrusters? Not guns?
  8. There was a new mecha teased to be in Delta movie 2, right? Was it just one?
  9. Is there a picture of this camel mech? Or was it just text descriptions.
  10. Oh that's interesting, this model has the same size/shape of canards and fold crystal housing as the Siegfried rather than stock Kairos, I'm sure it was just an oversight but still neat.
  11. Haha, now I'm demanding that the next VF be made of gold and called the Money Pit.
  12. Do you think it’s possible that the drone charger housing on VF-31 can contain ECM or sensor module or something instead of a drone charger? It would nicely explain why so many 31s are flying around with what look like chargers and not carrying drones or hang around Walkure.
  13. Cool, thank you. 1) Is there any explanation in-universe for why they fire huge swarms of missiles? Is it because of shitty guidance systems or amazing missile countermeasures or both? 2) In a related vein to our discussion above, is there an in-universe explanation for why the base model VF-11 was so minimally armed vs. some of the others with more comprehensive weapons packages built in?
  14. I don’t suppose anyone knows a good way to stiffen up the ball joint ankles?
  15. I think you're right, I compared the game footage of GERWALK firing with the containers up, and container down, and both seem to be depleting from the same "gauge".
  16. Sure, but it doesn't really conclusively support your assertion either that the thing is comparatively lightly armed. And wherever the information from Macross Mecha Manual came from, also says there are hardpoints. I really appreciate your knowledge (I always look forward to reading your responses!) but sometimes I think you make some definitive statements based on suggestive evidence when the conclusions allow for a fair bit more leeway.
  17. So in Macross 30 the YF-30 sometimes appears to shoot missiles from around its legs(?) without deploying its container, and they seem a different type ( https://youtu.be/yUiwsQrb-Vk 5:00 as an example). Does it have another missile bay, or is it just video game artistic license?
  18. I'm with Jenius, I definitely think the Minmei et al. stories are nicely finished, but I'd love to see another fleet from that era, classic mecha with modern CGI. VF-1's of course but I'd love a more star treatment of VF-4's and VF-5000's.
  19. Ahh, I picked mine up after about 3 years of standing still in battroid mode, and its legs are like noodles, haha. The ball joints in the feet are quite bad. Surprisingly the nose still doesn't droop at all without a bracket.
  20. Actually looking at my YF-30 toy it seems like it has the hard points to carry those missiles just as easily...
  21. Yeah okay but how cool is Rick Hunter JUST KIDDING DON’T HURT ME!
  22. I suppose so, but compared to, say a VF-25 it's between its hip guns vs the extra power of a heavy quantum beam rifle. Seems kind of like a wash to me. I guess I always forget about the knife.
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