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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. Should we be judging the 1/35th by how close it is going to be to the lineart....or to a previous release's attempt at getting close to the lineart....
  2. I've said it before....whoever is currently in charge of the Macross line at Bandai must be an old school fan and truly loves Macross..... I see the love.....Have you felt it? ....maybe he was a former Yamato employee! It's OK guys...the lit up visor is totally legit!!!
  3. May as well add these too....to the gunpod..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5scT4NdjPw The Valkyrie..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgcpuECmHlY
  4. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Is that a 20ft piece of scrap metal in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
  5. 800-1000 USD.....I guess it all depends on how detailed this is going to be... This doesn't transform and it was close to 400 USD 3 years ago or so.... http://kotaku.com/5968961/this-robot-toy-is-expensive-but-damn-its-beautiful/
  6. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe websclusives?
  7. That's cool...only way to pay for more Macross!
  8. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Since Bandai is completely aware of the difference between a SDFM and DYRL regult....I wonder if we will see some HMR DYRL Regults in the future?
  9. Can't get one past you! ....fixed!
  10. So I'm going to guess Arcadia kept the 1/3000 scale license for the DYRL SDF-1......they may have also hung onto the 1/2000 scale license or Bandai just went a bit larger to avoid any issues in case Arcadia did indeed keep the 1/2000 license (maybe for Wonderfest releases).... But if Arcadia decides to go ahead and re-release the 1/3000 DYRL SDF-1....will it really sell as good as before Bandai announced their behemoth? Arcadia really needs to come out with their 1/3000 TV SDF-1 NOW!!...I hope they would have gotten the license.....and release it before Bandai announces the 1/1800 TV SDF-1.... Arcadia is really between a rock and a hard place on the SDF-1 at this point, in either version.....they have totally been outplayed by Bandai.....
  11. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Special Tamashii mail-order display stands or will they come with the Regults? Wow....
  12. wishes do come true.......
  13. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Perhaps....but it looks like they are using the same illustration for the HMR VF-1S Strike Hikaru and Roy.....just changing up the yellow/red bits and the box coloring style....
  14. Are you envisioning this?....If so, not a bad idea...I'd buy it....
  15. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Are you saying the Evolution Toys VF-2SS will be graced with a Tenjin illustrated box? If so, will the Macross high ever end?
  16. I would totally buy that! There are stories of jumbo Takatoku VF-1S demos from back in the day.....as an old-school fan...it would be an insta-buy for me....no ball joints required!
  17. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Shock and awe continues......
  18. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    11 of them already released, soon will be, or likely will be......prophetic poster indeed! And that doesn't even take into account the destroids and enemy mecha coming down the pipeline...... Great day to be a Macross fan! Where is that guy who wanted more than SDFM/DYRL stuff from the HMR line...he should be happy now!
  19. No way! This is the prophesized DX VF-1 that is supposed to bring balance to the force! Enough of your sith trickery!
  20. Without Macross......Arcadia is dead to me....
  21. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Dunno....on the contrary, it seems the 1/60 line is very much alive....unless you are referring to Arcadia's 1/60 line?
  22. Waiting for Bandai's HMR VF-4 FB2012 preorder to open....
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