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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Good you disagree, then remove the UN Spacy from the leg with paint remover. IIRC, the "VF stickers" on the legs aren't ever shown(I could be wrong) in the TV series itself either. I don't think think all those "do not step" stickers on the wings are shown, the "UN Spacy" on the gunpod......I thought you wanted it to look like it does in the TV show? EDIT: I like the UN SPACY painted on the leg. Even the old Takatoku 1/55 had a factory sticker of it on the leg. I don't see what the bitchin about this is.... <_<
  2. Quit bugging Graham jeez. You'll get your toys eventually. My finances need a Macross break anyway. IIRC there was mention of Macross Zero toys coming in the second half of 2004.
  3. I agree with that. I do like Macross Plus(alot) and Zero but they don't feel very Macross. It's very obvious that Macross Plus was made into a Macross story instead of being created as one. Macross Zero just looks too advanced to be a prequel. I do like it though. DYRL is my favorite. I like the TV series but it hasn't aged well. I find it difficult to watch now. Flashback 2012 is nice. Macross 2. Not bad but last time I watched it I fell asleep lol Its a DYRL rehash. Why watch this when you can watch DYRL. And as far as Macross 7 goes, nice try Kawamori but no thanks.
  4. Bandai and Pioneer a close second. These two usually put out a good product. Animeigo would probably do a good job but their distribution stinks. How many of their DVDs can you find at a retail store? A movie like DYRL needs to be out in stores not hidden away on the internet.
  5. Hey Ali Sama ask Santa for a typing program for Christmas.... I don't see what the problem was with A7's thread....
  6. Well anyone(here) who cares about the breasts of an 11 year old girl has issues...sorry. Nothing sexual appealing there. I do like Mao as a character but not that way. With two episodes left and probably 30 min a piece there isn't much time left for the much beloved(not by me) Macross love triangle. Maybe Kawamori has finally learned how to develop characters instead of using this crutch like has in the past(Macross, Macross Plus, Macross 7, Escaflowne). edit for spelling
  7. [Vic Romano]Right you are Ken![/Vic Romano] Ha Ha another MXC fan lol Check your PM about the 1/48 canopy
  8. I liked this episode alot more than the last one. Loved the mech battles ,kinda like an Armored Core intro. I'm not a big fan of the switching between cel/CG mechs in the same scene/events. It just looks bad. Character designs look better and a little more consistent in apearrance unlike ep 2.
  9. uh no It would most likely get a similar release to Yukikaze, five episodes over two disks. Nobody does one episode per disk releases in R1. Blue Submarine No 6 was one episode per DVD when it was first released. I thought the same about Macross Zero if and when it comes to the US. But like you said with Yukikaze's release it could be like that too.
  10. Actually wait for the US release. The price is considerably cheaper. 50.00 approx Looks good. probably won't transform it that much though.
  11. Oh boy here we go again...every time a new episode of Macros Zero comes out its the same BS. Buy or download what you want. Either way you're stealing. MW's double standard on bootlegs is ridiculous anyway. No one deters anyone from buying the FX DYRL or HK FlashBack 2012 DVD, for example. I have a region free DVD player and I'll buy the bootleg. Macross Zero isn't worth 50.00 a DVD for 30 minutes. I also doubt that HK Macross Zero 3 DVD is actually out. Its probably just an HK "preorder". The same thing happened when Macross Zero 2 came out.
  12. Here's an auction for the Ghost in the Shell SAC TV series lol http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=41524
  13. Mick Foley having the "Michael Jackson complex?" Okay, that's something I never knew. Speaking of Al Snow, Ivory said he's a big comic book freak and is currently collecting Spider-Man. And because I was at the autographed signing, I missed the SCSA special on UPN. What happened there other than interviews with Austin's ex-wives (and his daughters having English accents)? Ya I met Al Snow at Wizard World(Chicago's version of the San Diego comiccon) a year or so ago when Tough Enough 3 was just starting to film. He was doing a signing there. Very cool guy. Afterwards he went out & about with his wife and kids buying toys and comics. And he'd stop and take pictures or sign with anyone who asked. Austin's kids live in England. One of his wives is English. He's been married 3 times. Under court order he can't talk much about happened with Debra... He'll be back by Wrestlemania XX 20...
  14. Have you ever met Mick Foley? What a tool...he must like making little girls cry.. at an autograph signing I was at he would refuse to take pictures or talk to anyone who didn't have a penis. This includes 5 year old girls with Mick Foley/Mankind merchandise.. really bad when its brother & sister and Mick Foley would only talk to the little boy... now Al Snow on the other hand is awesome. He was cool to everyone. Anyone catch the Stone Cold "truth" last night on UPN lol I wonder what SCSA will do now since he's unempolyed....oh ya get ready for Wrestlemania 20 for his match vs Vince McMahon
  15. Only 120.00 for a set of VF-1 Robotech Superposables. offical product from Japan lol http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=13668
  16. LOL! That's one of the funniest images I've seen in a long while. Thanks for the laugh. $$$ The credit goes to Myriad. he posted it once I couldn't let that image be forgotten lol
  17. Ya not all VF's can used on certain stages in free battle. Has anyone given up on getting 20 S rankings yet? I quit playing this for about a week and then on Sunday I finally got the last S ranking I needed to get Roy's VF-1S. I must of have died over 50 times on movie stage A 07 until I realized I'm a moron..lol That damn ship at the end...
  18. As long as some fruity guy with guitar and a horrible voice doesn't show up it will be good. No more American idol, Jamming birds either please lol
  19. Maybe HG will milk the Macross cow one more time and release SDF Macross dubbed. lol They said Macross would never be dubbed but they also said RT would never be remastered... In the press release: Tony Oliver(Rick Hunter) will do the voice of Hikaru and Reba West as Minmei. lol
  20. I see I'm not the only one who watches that dumb show lol oh Rob, Monkey Nugget, sent ya an email. Thank you for doing this.
  21. Gundam? Good? some of it is, most of it isn't. I used to like it but the older I've become I find that Gundam's angsty characters are really annoying and just unbelieveable. They should be shot and put out of their misery lol If you can handle dated animation the Gundam 0079 movies are worth at least one viewing. Amuro is really annoying 2/3 through. Overrated Gundam....I mean Zeta Gundam.....eh ok.. If you are an 80's mech freak you'll like it. The story(?) blows. Characters are annoying. ZZ Gundam sucks for the most part. Very dissappointing follow up to Zeta. Gundam movie Char's Counter Attack. Kinda slow and boring. An overrated anime "classic". Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket. a snooze fest if you ask me. Others love it. Gundam 0083. Not bad. Some really cool battles. Kou Uraki and Nina aren't too annoying. Nina is somewhat hysterical IIRC Gundam MS 08th team. Probably my favorite Gundam if I had to choose. Cool battles and likeable characters. Gundam Wing.....if you think full of angst 15 year old gay Gundam pilots are worth your time then by all means... Basically all Gundam is a series of shows to peddle toys, model kits etc. to childeren and young teens. The stories aren't all that interesting and rather dumb. The characters are annoying and unbelievable. You can do better than Gundam.
  22. IIRC Graham said he already has his. I'm just buying the regular VF-1J with no FP http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=16467
  23. I was looking at the Macross Zero site and noticed this in the item section two prices next to the 1/60 VF-1J 4095 yen and 10,290 yen http://www.bandaivisual.co.jp/dbeat/magazi...cross/item.html There's also some new Macross items from Tomy coming
  24. I thought Battle Cry was better than VFX-2. Anyone who thinks the PS One 3- D Macross games are good are playing them through Macross-colored glasses. I've owned them all and they truly suck. Ya you are in a box in the new Macross Game. Some are big, some are small. Very rarely do you run out of room. The one that is kinda tight is TV mission 5 when you are on Mars. Controls for both games are kinda clunky. Most mech games are. Its just the way it is with the small PS2 controller. Battroid mode is about the same for both. Gerwalk and especially fighter mode are superior in the Macross PS2 game. Where Battlecry is better than the Macross game is in the variety of missions. The Macross PS2 game really could of used more ground missions. Some say that the Macross game has to follow a more strict story is BS because there are a few new original non canon missions in the game. The Macross game is less annoying than Battlecry. I like the realistic graphics over Battlecry's cel shaded graphics. Plus the ability to play as the Hikaru VF-1S on the last movie stage kicks ass. lol Anyone sick of Minmay songs can turn the volume down in the options menu lol Slim to none probably. That still pisses me off. I loved the first Kengo. It's almost as bad as when Shenmue 2 got cancelled for the US Dreamcast because of Microsoft/XBOX but was still released in Europe. At least Way of the Samurai 2 is coming to the US. And a new Tenchu game in the spring.
  25. I'd love to see Family Guy back with new episodes on Cartoon Network. Screw Fox.
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