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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. I still can't believe this bs is still going on. BBTS has been importing Macross toys for years.. All of the companies involved in this licensing mess are to blame.
  2. Ya right... that's why there have been several RROD class action lawsuits... to be fair Sony has had several class action lawsuits filed too for faulty PS2 and PSones(I got notices in the mail for both ).. so far so good with the PS3
  3. Anyone pick up Sin City on Bluray? In Canada? Pretty cheap even with shipping. http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B001ECDVZE...;pf_rd_i=915398 review http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/movies.php?i...amp;show=review Its been released in Japan and Canada. I wonder why not in the US.
  4. Good news box set showed up today Shipped out of Wisconsin
  5. yeah robot basketball anime...the only thing cooler would be robot soccer anime...
  6. Yes a US Yamato toy factory will feed millions of US families... Macross toys would probably 3 to 4 times more expensive if they were made in the US and they'd still have QC problems..
  7. Saw that last night on TV..cool in one way..pathetic in another...maybe it will lead to something useful..but in the meantime.. go get a hooker or a C-list porn star they're cheaper
  8. f'n christ...wtf..wow that is beyond awful..
  9. Then take care of your kid instead of arguing with me about dumb poo.
  10. lol whatever man. Mike asked me a question, I responded. Not my fault you thought I was talking about you. the last thing I need in my life is a war of words about videogames with a baby...
  11. My response to Mike wasn't exactly aimed at you..more aimed at gamers(and their overreactions) in general ..get a clue..
  12. about 2 secs.. granted I'm not into a virtual lifestyle or anything like it but it is a beta. I'd rather just play games. I'm sure Home will improve. Most gamers have the attention span of a 5 year old... I don't. I'll give something more than 30 minutes before I condemn it. Or use the typical gamer response BS :"OMFG epic phail"
  13. Wow.. you gave Home.. what 30 minutes? please..
  14. Ya I think Sony should have just dropped the memory card readers and kept the PS2 compatibility..but since the PS2 was/is still selling well that I can see why they dropped it. Sony of course panicked because the PS3 wasn't selling like crazy. 4 versions in the first year. 20/40/60 and 80GB. I'm glad I have my 60GB(now a 160GB) When the PS3 first came out it was cheapest Blu-ray player, nowadays its not. It's still considered the best blu-ray player though. The 360 has alot of great games. I was originally gonna buy a 360 but the RROD problems put me off. Plus I really only have time/money for one console. However if the 360 Pro drops to 199.00...well....
  15. No nothin yet on the ebay auction. The street date was Tuesday so I'll give it a bit more time.. He has them up again for sale..pretty damn cheap if this works out. http://cgi.ebay.com/Gunbuster-vs-Diebuster...p3286.m20.l1116
  16. Ya I actually liked Alto...initially I thought "here we go, typical angsty teen pilot" More tolerable than Basara ever was... anyway some best/worst picks. Best anime series Macross Frontier lol. No its not the best anime TV series ever but its the only one I watched all the way through this year. Most anime TV series bore me nowaydays. Although Gurren Lagann is pretty good. Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden Ten No Haoh is ok so far.. Best cartoon Family Guy. Its not as funny as it used to be but it is still more entertaining than the Simpsons. Best movie The Dark Knight. Blown away. I had to see it twice. Iron Man a close second. I was surprised how good it was. Best album Gojira: The Way of All Flesh. Just brutal metal here. Best videogame Motorstorm Pacific Rift. Rough off road racing. Drink beer and pick up & play type of game. Best TV Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles. Overall I like it alot. Good cast of characters. Interesting story but the pace could pick up a little though. Worst anime series Saw some of Code Geass Le Douche...f'n terrible. Typical nancy boy BS anime. Worst cartoon Spaceballs. Ugh god my eyes..who thought there was demand for this? It's on G4 if you don't like yourself.. Worst movie Cloverfield.. Godzilla meets Blair Witch Project...yawn. Worst Album Dunno. Anything mainstream? Country western? Hip Hop? Worst videogame Whats the criteria? A game that is supposed to be a blockbuster that sucks. Or just a downright bad game? I'd have to go with Devil May Cry 4. It doesn't suck but it is disappointing. As usual JP devs/publishers don't try anything new. Graphics aside, this game could have been released on the PS2. Worst TV Anything on the CW or MyNetwork TV
  17. Details of the NA SFIV CE.. http://kotaku.com/5105273/and-now-the-nort...t-fighter-iv-ce
  18. Wow I hope the US gets something this cool http://kotaku.com/5102423/euro-sfiv-collec...-boxes-detailed
  19. I would assume its the same. They are too expensive plus we had a cheaper and (IMO) better alternative(for the YF-19/21), the Revoltech. I don't think the Revoltechs just flew off the shelves either though.
  20. bahhaha . I wouldn't recommend that game to anyone. The gameplay mechanics are there but sitting through cutscenes of drivel is not worth it.. Not much a PSN update for the US but finally and another Soul Calibur IV costume pack. Christmas themed http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/12/04/...e-63/#more-3970
  21. monoprice.com for cheap but good quality HDMI cables
  22. Here's a deal About 40.00 shipped for the Blu-ray box http://cgi.ebay.com/Gunbuster-vs-Diebuster...id=p4295.c0.m20 seller looks legit. I'll let you guys know if it gets here...crosses fingers..
  23. I wouldn't say I'm stunned that's it disappointing or mediocre ..most of GNR music is mediocre. Its just that after all this time you'd think it would be better than just mediocre. Not perfect 10's or anything but better than the generic piece of crap that Chinese Democracy is. True that nothing ever lives up to the hype. Well The Dark Knight was damn close Why it was released? Who knows. Money of course is one. Maybe Axl wanted new GNR songs in Guitar Hero or Rockband lol
  24. http://kotaku.com/5101163/king-of-fighters...ster+in+waiting why? movies like this are all terrible
  25. ya I did that with my R2 DVD. Made one M2TS file for the PS3 and one to watch on the ipod touch. might check out this iso. I can shrink the ISO with DVDShrink, correct? I don't have dual layer burner. I know there will probably be loss in quality but I do have the original remastered DVDs so its not that big a deal to me.
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