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Everything posted by bandit29

  1. Some news about the next firmware update http://kotaku.com/5019450/rumor-full-240-r...d-due-around-e3 and speaking of Soul Calibur IV again ..still looks wierd
  2. I hope this is true lol http://kotaku.com/5019368/playstation-3-ow...clusive-fighter
  3. They don't make 'em like George Carlin anymore. R.I.P. and thanks for all the laughs you have given us.
  4. This is supposed to come out for the PS3/maybe the 360 later this year. Last I heard it will be download only title. I still love 2-D fighters http://kotaku.com/5018854/blazblue-makes-u...t-at-anime-expo http://blazblue.jp/us/
  5. Hmm Amazon JPs preorder page says 8/25/08 for the Hikaru VF-1A... http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/switch-language...;language=en_JP
  6. Bingo. Ya the PS2 Macross game was shallow but it was fun to play..unlike the VFX/MPGE and Dreamcast games. Well MPGE had its moments but why in the hell would you make a Macross game where you can't transform? Deculture!!
  7. FYI http://kotaku.com/5017760/metal-gear-solid...-store-tomorrow
  8. ya great news! A must buy Finally something do with the PSP besides checking email and watching porn
  9. Hello? anyone? http://blog.us.playstation.com/2008/06/17/...es-in-game-xmb/
  10. Kill Bill 1 & 2 due in Sept...I wonder which cut we get? http://www.blu-ray.com/news/?id=1400
  11. Wow looks good. Maybe I should get back into collecting... Any chance of side covers though? That's a nasty gap
  12. Ya its Go Nagai's version of Hokuto No Ken lol I haven't seen this in a long time...still as over the top as I remember lol the other two parts are out there.
  13. No Ken or Ryu is this movie...they want to save them for sequels...good luck with that.. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3168181 I get the point.. more focus on one character instead of just cameos of everyone else but ..ack..
  14. Nice packaging...not worth about 40.00 shipped though..these are only 4-5 inches tall? good sculpt on the VF-11B
  15. Blade Runner on Blu-ray for 14.95 at Amazon here I am Legend Blu-ray @ 13.95 here Some other good sales going on at Amazon too...finally
  16. JP Soul Calibur IV covers..ack these just don't look right..of course I have the US version preordered but still... http://kotaku.com/5014871/rip-soul-calibur...make-sciv-cover
  17. Aw crap its 2001-2002 all over again and I was doing so well lol...the Hikaru VF-1A looks good...now if the Hikaru VF-1S arrives...it will be game over for me..
  18. Looks kinda cool..even though I've never been a big fan of Oshii's vision of GITS(or any of his films really) ..I saw both GITS films in the theater I wouldn't mind seeing this too.
  19. Breaking news: http://kotaku.com/5012535/itagaki-leaving-tecmo-suing-tecmo
  20. In-game XMB on the way in June? llllloooonnnnnngggg overdue I guess we get trophies(like 360 achievements) now too...meh here
  21. I never understood the point of having 2 Bandai's competing against each other in the US/Canada. They should have been one company from the start.
  22. Ridiculous..lol typo? http://kotaku.com/392923/mgs4-has-90+minute-cutscenes
  23. Its a fighter http://www.the-magicbox.com/0805/game080522a.shtml
  24. Ya I don't see why either of these movies need to be remade.. Especially Red Dawn..that was my first PG-13 movie in the theater...I was 11 at time I guess where there is nostalgia there are dollar signs..
  25. Pretty sure a PAL PS3 won't support a NTSC/Region A game...my US PS3 won't play a region free PAL DVD...even when hooked up via HDMI(my other reg DVD player does). Other than the Karas or Gatchaman characters.. the rest of the possible cast from Tatsunoko is underwhelming... just give us Capcom vs Sammy vs SNK already.: Morrigan vs Dizzy vs Mai Shiranui my dream match lol or Ken vs Sol vs Terry Bogard
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