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Everything posted by Noyhauser

  1. Heh, Got me there. I just didn't think the comment was completely warranted, since the savaging of films is part of the podcasts' shtick, for lack of a better word. But yeah I do like listening to it.
  2. I'd agree with that. Though I've been known to stir up some trouble once in awhile (cmon a little drama keeps things interesting), there has been alot of inane chatter lately, particularly in the episode threads that make them unreadable. I can see why given the new series attracting excitement, ect. But its still distracting, to the point there are three or four members who I will just ignore their posts because I'm pretty sure it won't be worth reading. Now its started to spread a bit across the forum, but there are plenty of good areas, like modeling (since I frequent there the most.) This isn't intended to be criticism of the moderation team. I think they do a great job and I appreciate how the forum has been run over the years. In my experience, I know how it is a thankless job. Its hard to balance between heavy handedness and laissez faire. Misterryno probably wasn't the worst over time but given from how he acted after the warnings, I think it was deserved. I'm hoping once the series is over the boards might return towards normal.
  3. Apparently you've never listened to their other podcasts, many of which are like this, and totally deserved. Do you just want to hear effusive praise for everything, like the vapid fanboys on here? They skewer things that deserve to be skewered, like everything from Oshii. Its hit or miss, but mostly hits.
  4. Agreed with that. It looks like if you want it to be somewhat sleek there is no way but making it a fighter only model (comparing the hip parts on the ozma vs the Alto) Can someone who's built it confirm that?
  5. If you extrapolate from Glemy's transformation in ZZ I think you can see how Char went from AEUG Quatro to CCA Char.
  6. Maybe you or someone else can speak to this, but Boeing's contribution seems to be an outgrowth of its blended wing study (X-48B). Certainly how the wings operate seem to suggest this lineage.
  7. Completely agree... 8 was brilliant; you really saw his rise, corruption, fall, and then (in the series) his redemption.
  8. The VF-17 goes for anything between $30 to $90. Its an uncommon kit (yours seems to be in mint condition, putting it near the higher end of the price range) but not rare by any stretch of the imagination.
  9. Umm if you're looking for "mecha/spaceship Porn action" like an itano circus from a Yoshiki Tanaka novelization, you'll be disappointed. While it will have great designs and some massive fleet action, none of it will be conventionally eyepopping. If this is going to be anything like LOGH, you'll see the commanders play out different tactics on each other in the few battles, and episodes full of nothing but politics. I think alot of people rate it the best Anime they've ever watched, its certainly not everybody's cup of tea.
  10. I agree with you wholeheartedly; I'm happy to buy originals operate under the exact policy that you outlined. Still though there is I think a legitimate market for some recasting to occur. Quite a few of the kits recasted on here are long out of print patterns that won't see the light of day unless reproduced, since the remaining kits are basically being hoarded for their collector value alone. This is why I brought up the three examples. First, with the Valkyrie launch arm, I think you've misunderstood me. The original launch arm was a japanese production long out of production, which gundamhead fixed up, added a nice base (which made it far superior), and then sold to many on here, including myself. Its debatable whether it should be consider it a recast, so maybe its not the best example. However I doubt that Musasiya is ever going to recast its 1980s VF-4 kit, given its 20 years old and the company has been out of the regular models models business for at least the last 10 years, if not longer (they do figures now.) Tect has all but folded up and doesn't exist, so I can't email them to remake their 1/144 add on kits... which is why someone on here recasted the VF-11 Full Armor applique kit recently. Its not a matter of waiting for the model to come back out; it won't ever come back unless a recast is issued. Its quite likely the original molds have long since been destroyed in many of these cases. I didn't mean to come off as an ass on this, I just think there are circumstances where it should be considered.
  11. I'd agree with this, up to a point. I think in some cases, for long out of production kits or ones that are being hoarded purely for its rarity value, recasting actually might be beneficial, if done under certain conditions. In the case of Wave VF-17, the model certainly doesn't meet this standard; its possible to get models for around 50 dollars. Yet on the forum there are three good example of recasts that have brought an rare kit to a wider audience; the VF-4 recast, the YF-21/22 hase Battroid conversion and the Valk Launch Arm. Seriously, would we see so many VF-4s or Launch arms constructed if a recast didn't occur? http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=29703 http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=50763 http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=29520 http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...=VF-4&st=40 Of course not. I tried for two years to legitimately buy YF-21 battroid conversion from Japan, willing to shell out several hundred dollars for it... far greater than what it was worth originally. I even had someone go to wonderfest to pick one up, but he was unable to secure a kit. Personally I wasn't interested in getting it to hoard, I generally build whatever I buy. If it wasn't for a member recasting it on this board I probably still wouldn't still be in possession of it or have paid an exorbitant price for it. I should also note that in all three of the cases I outlined, the recaster actually made a far better work than the original. From what I've seen of the original, the current VF-4 kit looks like a generations ahead. The addition of brass piping on the Launch arm and its hull details blew away the original Japanese launch arm, and psychodynamic's VF-21 is far crisper from the original goigen semetsu kit. I think these people have done a service, and it shouldn't be criticized for it. Where I agree with you about the dangers of recasting is probably true in other cases, which likely represent the majority of cases, particularly with those companies we all know exist. They are a problem. But quite a bit of the recasting done on this board is positive, and shouldn't necessarily criticized for it.
  12. So they are finally doing it... There was talk about this about three years ago and it fell of the face of the earth... Excellent its now happening.
  13. As much as I'd love to see a Hasegawa VF-4, to be honest, we got some pretty amazing resin kits which are fairly easy to make (as resin kits go.) The recast VF-4 kit Valk009 was offering (I think its a recast of the Musasiya kit) I think best represents the style that Hase would build such a model. It has a wondeful cockpit and beautiful proportions, nice panel lines, and a bunch of pretty extras. I think many of the people here who have built it would attest to this.
  14. Would you mind posting some of the information on F-16 details? I've also got this kit, as well as a Hasegawa kit (and a lot of aftermarket stuff for it) and I'd love to hear (and maybe see) your views on it.
  15. Thought you guys might be interested in this... UK tries to offload Typhoon fighters
  16. I wonder what happens when he has a mid-life crisis... I watched the first couple of episodes... seems like a fun series, I'll probably check the rest of them out. Thanks for highlighting it.
  17. "Go out" with no, though there are alot of what is called enjo kosai. You can read about it more here.
  18. Its been said numerous times, that the colonies are virtually self sufficient; the vast majority of goods must be created onboard the colony ship. Sure water, metals and other basic materials must be drawn in from the surrounding environment, that does not mean however the transport network is required for its sustainability. You're not going to see basic staple goods be brought in. Because of the limitations of folding (in distance and size goods that can be transported) I think its clear that transporting goods is a very costly activity, and only reserved for high cost items. Something like multicolored carrots might just require a DNA sample that can be sent to a colony, where its produced under license for profit. Intellectual property would be the driver of such a system. We've already seen one definitive example of this: In Macross 7, Shinsei send the plans for the VF-19 to be produced at the Three stars plant; they didn't produce the fighters at earth or eden and ship them to Macross 7. Neither did they rebuild Battle 7; the fleet built it itself. So I'm not saying that its a completely closed economy, however the colonies are virtually self sufficient and act almost completely closed economies.
  19. I posted about this very topic in two different posts... so I'm just going to copy and paste. Here is the post on Zentredi economics As for the initial post... here it is.
  20. This article from the NY Times might shed a bit of light on the subject. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/17/world/eu...17military.html Also this is the present listing for the Georgian AD in the Database. AD • SP SA-13 Gopher AD • 75 - SA-2 Guideline towed/SA-3 Goa/ SA-4 Ganef SP/SA-5 Gammon static MANPAD SA-7 Grail: 150 effective.
  21. Exactly. Somehow I doubt Kawamori would tell them to completely change the design just because he felt it wasn't "correct." In reality he needs bandai more than they need him. Even if he had concerns I'm sure bandai workers would explain to him the inherent difficulties in making a transformable model, and I'll just shrug his shoulder and say "oh well."
  22. Seriously... the fighter looks like no lineart I've seen. As I said about three months ago and what cool said above: nice battroid, crap fighter. Its shaping up to be exactly what I expected from bandai. I've already pre-ordered it.
  23. Have to agree with you there, especially when you put it around some of its predecessors.
  24. Trust me, right now people aren't really interested how they shot down the aircraft, but that they did.
  25. Any history of Macrossworld that doesn't reference doorknobs, isn't really a history of Macrossworld at all.
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