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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Does anyone know if they're allowing multiple copies, or is it still 1 per household?
  2. Sorry for the newb question, but are these pre-painted?
  3. I just wish I had a close friend that was into Macross. Even my twin brother doesn't share my love for Macross
  4. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    So will we or will we not get the stand if we ordered from NY before the 29th???
  5. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you! Pre-ordered 2 FYI, they allowed me to pay later, as usual.
  6. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Can we assume this will be available through Nippon-Yasan?
  7. I wish they'd at least tampo the "U.N.SPACY" on the lower leg...
  8. I bought 3 right off the bat myself, but they're all still sealed in their boxes. I'd call them MISB, but I'm sure at least one of them has a cracked triangle. They'll stay in fighter mode indefinitely, even when I find the room to display them.
  9. mickyg, so they should be more grey like in your photo?
  10. Yeah, I would love something more like this! Image from Macross Mecha Manual
  11. I'm pretty sure HLJ allows you to cancel from your orders page.
  12. The mistakes are so blatant that I'm assuming Arcadia is doing it intentionally to further differentiate themselves from the Yamatos. Makes me wonder if they'll tweak anything on the VF-4G...
  13. Do you guys think there will be any improvements over the Yamato for this one?
  14. It's kinda sad we're looking forward to the box and not the valk
  15. It's a beauty though...especially in fighter mode. At first I was miffed that the Yamato would no longer be considered a "Holy Grail" item, but I never really intended on selling mine anyways. I guess this means I can safely risk having one converted to FB colors if Arcadia doesn't get the chance. Regardless, I'm sincerely happy for everyone who doesn't already have one in their collection to have an opportunity to get it at a reasonable price (fingers crossed).
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