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Everything posted by Vifam7

  1. It's not that dogfighting is dead but perhaps rather less important than we think? For example, RAAF Air Marshal Geoff Brown stated: In any practice engagement I have had in the last 20 years where I have turned with another aeroplane in a bigger picture environment – rather than the static one by ones, two by twos or four by fours – every time I have tried to do that I have ended up being shot by somebody else who actually is not in the fight. As soon as you enter a turning fight, your situational awareness actually shrinks down because the only thing you can be operating with is the aeroplane you are turning with. The person who has the advantage is the person who can stand off, watch the engagement and just pick you off at the time. So you got to be really careful about how you use those KPIs and with regards to avionics.. “…the ability to actually have that data fusion that the aeroplane has makes an incredible difference to how you perform in combat. I saw it first hand on a Red Flag mission in an F15D against a series of fifth-generation F22s. We were actually in the red air. In five engagements we never knew who had hit us and we never even saw the other aeroplane…. After that particular mission I went back and had a look at the tapes on the F22, and the difference in the situational awareness in our two cockpits was just so fundamentally different. That is the key to fifth-generation. That is where I have trouble with the APA analysis…. To me that is key: it is not only stealth; it is the combination of the EOS and the radar to be able to build a comprehensive picture. In that engagement I talked about at Nellis, in Red Flag, the ability to be in a cockpit with a God’s-eye view of what is going on in the world was such an advantage over a fourth-generation fighter – and arguably one of the best fourth-generation fighters in existence, the F15. But even with a DRFM jamming pipe, we still had no chance in those particular engagements. And at no time did any of the performance characteristics that you are talking about have any relevance to those five engagements.” Quotes come from this link: http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-f-35s-air-to-air-capability-controversy-05089/ I won't say that dogfighting ability is unimportant but I get the feeling that a lot of us get caught up on that issue alone when a host of other matters (ie. capabilities that the F-35 has over other 4th gen fighters) are perhaps more pivotal when it comes to air-to-air combat.
  2. I'm not sure if we can positively say that the A-10 and F-16 outperform the F-35 in their respective roles. It's obvious that the F-35 is not an A-10 but then the way the F-35 does the CAS mission is likely to be different from the way the A-10 does it. Just because they are two different aircraft doesn't necessarily mean the F-35 can't accomplish the same mission. FWIW, the Marines use the AV-8B Harrier and F/A-18 Hornet for CAS. Marine Corp Aviation (whose integral mission is CAS) seems to do fine without the A-10. By that reasoning, I would imagine that the F-35 could do the CAS mission just as well, if not better. With regards to the F-16 comparison - While the F-35 might not have the 9G turning ability of the F-16, maybe it doesn't need it. Lack of manueverability could be compensated for in many ways. I know it's not sexy of not being able to turn inside the opponent but these days it seems tactics, stealth, and sophisticated avionics can trump agility.
  3. I can relate with Tim Eldred's story. I lost a good friend to cancer earlier this year as well and he too had a massive anime collection. However, my friend was able to sell just about every last thing from his collection in one big swoop just shortly before his death. It was sad when the sell off happened (because it basically signaled what was coming soon). I've thought about my own collection, but I'm just not ready to let go of many things yet. I'd like to think that I have several decades to think or do something about it.
  4. At 1/24 scale and made of diecast, I think this is going to be only in robot mode. It also doesn't say "kanzen henkei" (perfect transformation) anywhere.
  5. The Swiss Air Force evaluated those 3 aircraft back in 2008/2009 when it was looking for a replacement to its F-5E fighters. A leaked report said that the Rafale was the best aircraft for its needs. Yet, despite being the 3rd best choice, the Gripen still won the contest based on cost/price.
  6. It'll be quite awhile before the Strike Eagles are retired. They are expected to remain in service until about 2025. I would guess that any replacement will be an upgraded F-35. Probably sprouting bigger wings and/or wearing stealthy CFTs.
  7. It's a scale that's often found on anime/sci-fi models from Japan. Imai and Arii used the scale for Macross models back in the 1980s. Bandai currently uses it for their Master Grade line Gundam models. The scale can also occasionally be found on aircraft models. Tamiya dabbled with it back in the 70's. Nowadays, it can be found in cheap pre-built models included with subscription magazines.
  8. If you're going to get a Bandai kit, get the either the old 80's transforming kit or the new 2013 transforming kit. Both are 1/72 scale. The old 80's kit is actually better engineered for transforming ease. The new 2013 kit is better off built into one mode. If you've got kit building skills/experience, it's probably better to go for the Hasegawa kits. The 1/100 scale Wave kits are excellent. Fantastic sculpt and very easy to build. I highly recommend them.
  9. I'm pretty sure those Marines know more about what the F-35 is capable of and why they want/need it for future conflicts than most of the critics out there. In anycase, all of the currently missing capabilities will eventually be worked in. Advanced fighter jets don't happen overnight.
  10. I think you need to re-watch those 80's OAVs. Many of them had plenty of fanservice.
  11. But it is in production. Something like 120+ are already in various stages of testing and training with various squadrons.
  12. So the 9 different countries that signed on to the program, plus 2 others (Israel & Japan) that chose to buy it over any other Gen 4.5 fighter are all making a mistake? And that the air force men and test pilots from around the world who have given their approval to the F-35's capabilities are all liars?
  13. -Deleted- Noyhauser above explains it better.
  14. Despite shakey hands, assuming you can still do some things, here's what I generally do when I don't want to put in that much effort - 1. Panel line. Simply take Gundam panel line marker/pen and follow the crevices. 2. Paint just the minor details. Such as coloring in the vents black. Or painting the inside of the thrusters red or yellow. 3. Dirty the model a bit. Just take a pencil and rub the lead along the edges 4. Spray matt clear. Just doing this will make your model look 100% better.
  15. So there was some official docs behind David Axe's F-35 vs F-16 report. See here: https://medium.com/war-is-boring/read-for-yourself-the-f-35-s-damning-dogfighting-report-719a4e66f3eb However, read how a former Viper/Hornet pilot sees it: http://fightersweep.com/2548/f-35-v-f-16-article-garbage/
  16. A crap article IMHO. There's no legit source, names, or data. It only references another web article which too has no legit source, names, or data.
  17. Most likely it's about what was negotiated in the agreements and how much in license fees is being paid. In general, the more fees a licensee pays, the more rights they get (which could include how much of what they can produce) from the licensor.
  18. From my understanding, all Valk designs whether on paper or toy form are property of Big West. Thus any gimmick or feature developed by Bandai or Arcadia are still owned by BW. And if anything is copied by either party, it's done with full approval from BW. Heck, it's even conceivable that BW would pass along designs from one party to another.
  19. I don't know if this helps but Bandai has a tips page for those having trouble with the hips. http://www.bandai.co.jp/support/faq/201506/detail715.html Basically it says to slide the hip joint to the side and move the hips while hooked to the upper and lower lock parts. Not sure what this means as I haven't yet attempted to transform mine.
  20. Yes, the canards angle up and down. Which is great because I prefer the canards to be just slightly angled up and not all the way up.
  21. Would greatly appreciate if someone could post side profile comparison photos (with landing gears down) between Yamato, Arcadia, and Bandai.
  22. I thought the series with the Clarkson-Hammond-May trio was getting a bit stale with rehashed jokes and uninteresting challenges. I don't know, maybe a new tone and direction will be a good thing. .
  23. Poorly adhering decals (just about every Gundam related waterslide decal ever, in my experience) can be dealt with by using a decal setting/softening solution like Mr. Mark Setter or Mr. Mark Softener. Not using decal setting/softening solution can sometimes result in the decals coming off with the slightest touch even if you have sprayed a clear coat.
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