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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. I had blocked the fact that even exists out of my mind, what were we talking about...
  2. I see Arnold has topped "Last Action Hero" in his personal worst category. I used to think I could watch Arnold in anything (excepting LAH of course) too.
  3. I have the first couple discs of the second season, but the reproduction quality is dreadful, with luck the version shown on SciFi will be better (I can hope...)
  4. It's certainly not new, and I'm not watching it yet - but I will be watching Star Blazers starting April 21st. http://www.starblazers.com/home.php
  5. How can you be so right and so wrong all in one line? I'll grant that Episode 3 was far far better then the other prequals, but that really isn't saying much. The whiney Darth Vader bit just killed it.
  6. For the old series (I mean Hartnell in this case) it was pretty good. A lot of the older shows are very slowly paced, and this suffers from that a little bit as well. (of the Hartnell episodes the one my friend remembers most was the one with the Aztecs - they apparently used cricket bats to make their swords, although I should not make fun of them since it made a pretty good imitation of an Aztec sword)
  7. Why? You know they will not answer them, so asking is a waste of time. Plenty of other Anime (aniation for those who insist SC is not anime) in the sea, no need to bother over a show that is currently moribund.
  8. They already did that with the very first doctor in the episode "The Chase". But since they already have 3+ versions of Atlantis on the show then why not?
  9. Don't forget Hamlet. (sure it's a play, but it's had a zillion movie versions.) I was going to list another scifi movie but it's slipped from my mind now.
  10. I wouldn't if I were you... (and remember - you were warned)
  11. I watched the first 15 minutes or so this morning (DVR running out of space, had to clear some junk off). I could barely handle the aliens reprogramming missiles instead of just blasting them, I could barely handle the ratta tat tat noise the F-16 autocannon made, I could just barely stomache the national guard air base looking like a rundown drive in movie theater, but when the general in charge started yelling at a pilot to get him to launch while making everyone else wait for him - while bad guys are on the way - well it was time to pull the plug. (remember, all of this in 15 minutes or less). Troma team makes better movies...
  12. I hope I'm missing a joke here, I never heard of this show before. I've heard of Smurfs, Transformers, GI-Joe, Thundercats, etc... (I did not LIKE them, but I heard of them...)
  13. Just watched "Tokyo Godfathers" last night, although not a series nor scifi, nor action, it is one of the best bits of Anime I have ever seen. Well drawn characters (visually and in terms of characterization) along with an good story, and darned funny as well. For any who don't know it is the story of 3 homeless people that find a baby on Christmas Eve and the proceed to find it's mother - they each get a nice bit of backstory on how the three of them became homeless along the way.
  14. I am officially endorsing this remake! http://blastr.com/2011/03/our-first-look-at-the-new.php
  15. We must have different definitions of Popcorn movies... (I'm not inclined to see many movies these days)
  16. Which would make sense only if the side story required less work then SR, which is hard to imagine. (unless they really are using Love, Live, Alive footage, which is equally hard to imagine doing now).
  17. Don't see how he could have known then, George didn't make that bit up till ESB... True, the novel is something totally different.
  18. We can add Tomb Raider to the list of reboots we could really really live without... (at least I can) http://www.cnn.com/2011/SHOWBIZ/Movies/03/08/tomb.raider.reboot.ew/index.html?hpt=C2
  19. They don't care, in order to maximize sales the toys HAVE to be available on release date - which means gettng them to retailers earlier then that. And sales is all that matters. (some might think I'm a cynical old git, and they might be mostly correct)
  20. [edit] - looked again, although there are pictures I think they are just something they stuffed in the article, some editor thought they were both Star Blazers... What drawings? The article I posted had no drawings, it's total pie in the sky at the moment to begin with.
  21. The Hobbit will get visuals and stuff like that, there is no way it's going to get anything else.
  22. Max? I'd think it would be Milia...
  23. I know, I've been meaning to write them and say they could add the robots into their video player... (they have one that plays DVDs and automatically syncs the DVD and the commentary) On the plus side, they can now make fun of all the movies they have been wanting to for a long time - I think the first movie they did in this format was Roadhouse...
  24. Executives ONLY care about one category, box office bucks.
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