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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Prometheus = fun ride, looks beautiful, will buy on Blu-Ray. Bad script/editing who knows...it's no EVA.
  2. Finally got around to watching this and it was a lot of fun. The advertising was bad... I remember one of the commercials saying something like, "before star wars, there was John Carter..."...what??? It made it look desperate, and got a lot of negative views because of it's sales, therefore it must be "bad"...
  3. *grumble grumble* I'll agree his helmet is too big and the art direction could have been more stylized. I like carl, so will watch it anyway...hopefully it will be at least a fun movie.
  4. do the hands HAVE to come off to transform to fighter?
  5. anyone's point accumulation working from amiami? I still have 0 and I've ordered a couple valks from them within the year.
  6. + the extra 40,000 yen they charge for ems. Hopping for a no fast pack version
  7. I'm not confused, I follow what you are saying and what RS is saying, I just think he's ignoring a couple things with that story even within this movieverse.
  8. Still doesn't really make sense because he's taking a snippet out of the whole story.
  9. Looks great, but gonna pass. Already have the renewal S and F... So you guys have 1 less macross fan to contend with.
  10. What about when the hulk has to poop? Now Bruce has to deal giant hulk poo, but maybe just the stress of pushing will turn him back to the hulk.
  11. *2 cents...i haven't played part 3(no time to play games anytime soon), but watched the "good" and "bad" endings....I don't see what the problem is that's getting so much criticism.
  12. So I liked avatar last airbender...and I stress "liked" I wasn't giant fan, but appreciated the show. Now that The Legend of Korra has aired, I'm liking it a whole lot more and thought the first 2 episodes were great. The art style and animation has been knocked up. I'm sure animation quality may drop in later episodes. No review here, other than to make some people aware to check it out if they had any interest in avatar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-_EoE0JMhE
  13. Finally found ratchet. Not bad. Even though he's cheating theres little kibble unlike rid arcee. Rid prime is ok but truck mode looks too much like a happy meal. Looking forward to sky quake, not dread wing. Just like sky quake's colors more, and wishes of a rerelease of FE bulkhead one day. The rid one looks horrible.
  14. Still looking for ratchet. Picked up rid arcee for the hell of it., way over simplified
  15. I liked it. Jennifer delivered. Didn't read the books and wouldn't have known that it was from a book until someone told me. It was absolutely nothing like twilight, don't even know how twilight was mentioned in the same breath. I've seen battle royale 1 and 2. The concept did remind me of it. Regardless, in my opinion, story was ok, acting was great and kept me interested. I think I read in the credits that the author was also part of the screenplay. Also, of course they won't show kids graphically kill eachother, but you get the point when they do.
  16. Yes I have the same problem. I tried messing with just about everything in different positions and finally just left it as is. Haven't gotten around to really check if the neck plates are slightly different.
  17. This thread is talking about 2 different recent movies of the same title. Both probably bad.
  18. This is a prequel thats not necessarily about alien, but it is. Makes sense?. Don't pass on it. It's ridliey Scott who made alien so no one better than he, could make this prequel.
  19. Awesome work. Now I have a question for pacific rim that will not break NDA. Will macross fans get a Boner over it?
  20. Katana girl didnt bother me. Laurie and Carl need to die. Just leave boondocks alive, that's all I care about.
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