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Everything posted by myk

  1. I would've loved to have joined the armed forces, but my bad hearing kept me from doing that or even law enforcement for that matter....
  2. That truly is amazing. However, Tom Cruise's role in Top Gun is to smile alot and play volleyball, so I wouldn't criticize him for his lack of piloting skills....
  3. -Not married. Heck, I've never even had a girlfriend. Besides, marriage is unnatural anyways.....
  4. I think.........yeah, I did, I just wet my pants.....
  5. Seal off every possible entrance to your home. Arm yourself. Eat food that only comes in cans. Play with your Valkyries.... -Then call the police......
  6. I wouldn't go that far.........But I will say that they have their own beauty.....
  7. Ok, for as long as Alien 3 has existed, I have heard nothing but single-sentence complaints and criticisms about it. For the first time in almost 10 years or so, I would like to hear actual reasons supported by examples and well thought out points of view, explaining why the story was so unfavorable. Enough of this 2nd grader quality "it sucks, it's crap, it's horrible, it's garbage" jibber-jabber, without so much of a clue as to why it's so bad.... Just because it didn't have a bunch of macho a-holes running around with mega-weaponry, shooting everything that moves, doesn't make it a bad movie. Actually, the only difference between Alien, Alien 3 and Aliens, Alien 4 is the element of weaponry. All four movies tell the same tale of grim, human determination against a deadly, and ironically "natural" enemy as well as incredible odds. Also, Alien 4 is interesting, if only because Ripley's character ceases to be a complete victim, and is able to retaliate somewhat against what is going on around her. Say what you will about Alien 3 and 4, but those two movies accurately carry the theme that started in the first Alien movie: Corporate greed and selfishness so powerful that it negated the rights and lives of those subjected to it..... -I love anti-establishment stories.....
  8. My local newspaper claims that the people responsible for the film had embarked on a painstaking pursuit in the name of accuracy for that particular period of Japan's history; except for the part of the white samurai, of course. I'm hoping however, that Forum members here who have studied that particular time of Japan's history will post any inaccuracies... Well, your opinion of Tom Cruise is your right of course, but could you site some examples of how his character and ego exceeds the sum or worth of the movie itself? Also, how can a movie character be "genuine" and "decent" when a movie is usually a fictional work? The key is to suspend your disbelief and convince yourself that you are watching fiction. Failing to do that, all of DYRL could be seen as phony balony hardships and contrivances, for example. And finally, what's wrong with being an egomaniac? That's what being an A-list, high dollar celebrity is all about. It's not as if someone acts for the sake of artistic expression....
  9. Did the 'Seeker have weapons of any kind?
  10. God bless the Valkyrie Exchange......
  11. I love that kind of talk........
  12. Ridiculous. There is no need to sacrifice your prized collection. I moved from a 3 bedroom, 2 car garage house into a single bedroom hole in the wall with no garage or even a patio for that matter and yes, I kept ALL of my toys (GI Joe Defiant for example)and still to this day continue to collect. It's all about your priorities in life, I suppose.....
  13. My local aerospace museum at the Miramar airfield has had an F-14 for quite some time now. As I drive by it, I dream of blasting my old high school with missiles, then following up with a few good strafing runs.... Once again, I can't help but be amused at how "tired" of the VF-1 everyone is, nor can I help but remember a few years ago when VF-1's existed only on e-bay, destined to be owned only by the few people that were insane enough to pay outrageous prices... It is a good time to be a Macross fan, gents. "When you have everything, it seems like nothing....." -Horatio/CSI
  14. $190 huh? I can't wait to see the looks on these guys' faces when Yamato reissues the 'Low Vis, with an 'S head or something..... And you know they will, too.........
  15. Not violent, but definitely just as harmful as being a violent influence to minds that can't/don't know any better. Movies like 2F2F, 'Gone in 60, etc like to justify felonious, criminal behavior for a "higher" moral ground in the end of a story, allowing its main characters to ignore laws that the society (you, me, law enforcement) believes in and upholds. This basically amounts to an "ends justifying the means" mentality and that is NOT the way accomplish one's goals or desires...
  16. Is a chair better than an aquarium? Is Kill Bill better than Macross? Two highly illogical and thus unanswerable questions... Will the Moderators close this thread? I certainly hope so.......
  17. myk

    Rosario Update???

    You're right, everyone has personal problems, and so it's time to get over this and move on.....
  18. I just noticed this thread, but do you mean to tell me that you could order one of these guns, have it shipped somewhere and then just pluck it from a shelf?! It can't be that easy!
  19. That's something else. The only thing I can do with Photoshop is enlarge pictures.....
  20. Mortal Kombat versus Street Fighter-now there's something to vomit over.....
  21. That's true, but the latest, most recent chip mentioned by lavinrac, the DMS-3, has a switch that allows you to turn it off if you need to go online, as an active mod-chip would keep you from doing so otherwise... Neat huh?
  22. I can't say how much I love the looks of the movie.....
  23. Good. I'm actually looking forward to that dark colored thing....
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