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Everything posted by MacrossJunkie

  1. LIES! That's a Roy imposter. The real Roy would have beer missiles exclusively. He would first shoot one at himself to get himself respectably drunk if he wasn't already, then he would shoot them at his enemies so they wouldn't be at a disadvantage. After all, how can you fight without some booze?
  2. Oh right, I remember those now. I only saw pics of them once from one of the toy shows. Did they eventually come out for sale in stores?
  3. Did they say how much it would end up being if they used your coupon?
  4. I think it would be neat to see an Enigma type paint scheme applied to the YF-21. Kind of like the ones done on the VF-1s in the past.
  5. I guess the smallest transformable ones would be Bandai's high-comical joke machines? That the smallest that I can think of anyway that did some sort of transformation.
  6. I'm not clear on what you mean as I don't have a 1/60 VF-1 yet. Are there gaping holes in those areas for the 1/60's fighter mode? EDIT: Nevermind, took a look at some pics of the 1/60 VF-1s and saw the holes in the back of the legs.
  7. Awww, dangit. Oh well. Not a big surprise since the majority of Yamato's releases are practically the very last day or next to the last day possible. Its almost like places charging something plus 99 cents to make it seem a lot lower than it really is (like 19.99 instead of 20). I think Yamato should just decide on a month to release something and add a month to it and release it on the first of that month to make it seem like they are releasing things early
  8. Yeah, I saw that and then I saw the price and thought wtf? The price of these stupid sets are even higher than the price of a 1/60 vf-1 or destroid and close to the price of an alto VF-25 as well... and that's not even considering the regular price. Even the 1/48 GBP armor cost me less than that when it first came out and you got a lot more for your money than what you get in these sets. I would have liked to get a ghost, but at those retarded prices, I can easily do without. It's too bad we can't even submit our RVF or 25G coupons for the discount.
  9. I can't wait to see pics of the actual retail product. I'm really hoping they fixed the shield so that it's more level with the shoulder plates in fighter mode and doesn't leave such a big gap.
  10. Is that color for the VE-1 correct? I had the impression that the main body was a gray sort of color rather than white-ish. The white kind of makes it look ugly, imo.
  11. Have a look at page 2 for some suggestions others have posted regarding attaching the wing boosters. When done right, it shouldn't wiggle around at all. It may still be kind of weak, but you would be able to tell the difference regardless.
  12. On top of possibly having more parts and stuff, the argument that Yamato won't be able to exploit this mold as much as the VF-1 and thus have to charge more for it seems to ring true as well. If you look at prices for the v2 1/60 VT-1, it is between $15-20 more expensive than your standard VF-1 + FAST packs, despite actually coming with less packed in. This is likely due in part to the new molds needed for the FAST packs which are unique to the VT-1. I'm actually amazed they didn't charge a bit more for the VF-1D since that uses a 2 seat cockpit that won't be used again in other designs since it is different from the VT-1 or VE-1 (which I'm sure Yamato will release eventually). But at least the majority of the other parts are re-used from the basic VF-1. Since there's far less repaints available to them and no variant heads for the VF-11, not to mention less popularity than the classic VF-1, Yamato likely just has to sell them at a higher price to justify making it in the first place.
  13. Okay. Just making sure there wasn't anything else in this release. I want to get an Alto custom eventually when they finally fix the wings and hopefully the legs as well. I plan on displaying the full armored Ozma version in battroid so that stuff won't really bother me, but it would be nice to eventually have a VF-25 that I can display in fighter mode without needing to use super packs or armor to hide the deficiencies of the fighter mode or coloring.
  14. Does that third group also suffer from a lot of indigestion?
  15. I totally agree. It's just not the same when a VF can't transform. I also don't transform my valks very often, but it just feels complete with it having the ability to do so. I find it far more impressive and marvel at the engineering that has gone into a valk that can go from a fighter mode, that has nary a hint of robot parts and truly looks like a modern fighter, to a pretty awesome looking robot. All the neat things like the hidden heatshields, cockpit seats that turn for the different modes, and other twists and gimmicks that are used in getting it to go from one mode to the next are amazing. I mean, how many people have thought the heatshield for the coming VF-11B was a really awesome implementation and thought the toy was all the more cooler for it? To me, stuff like that adds a lot to the toy that things like the hasegawa models just don't compare to. Sure, those models look great, but if you look at them, they take liberties with the design to try to make the fighter or battroid look better because it doesn't have to transform and to me, it's not as impressive because they don't have to worry about the transformation process and having to have all the parts compatible between modes.
  16. Man, that's not too far off. Hey Vermillion, it looks like you're going to have to change your sig to the next item on your wishlist With any luck, I hope Overdrive will be shipping them by Tuesday so that they arrive by Friday that week. Speaking of which, I'm not the only one having SSL errors trying to access the account page and stuff on that site, am I? Anyone able to get in contact with them and know what's going on?
  17. Other than the extra holes in the backplate, there isn't supposed to be any improvements (like legs being higher in fighter or wings being more level) on the Alto re-release, right?
  18. I don't think there are any more due to Toynami's latest shenanigans. At least not ones online that I know of. Edit: If you want a US seller specifically, you may either have to check any local stores if you're lucky enough to have one near you that stocks these things or go with ebay. Edit 2: I forgot about Image Anime, but they are a total ripoff store that severely overcharges for things and I wouldn't recommend using them.
  19. Also, if anyone is doing paint touchups or panel lining and messes up, avoid using chemicals or rubbing alcohol to wipe off the screw up. The paint on the DX comes off as easily or easier than whatever paint or ink you are using. Just try to do your best with water if possible. I was doing a touchup for a paint screw up on my 25G and some extra paint splattered. I dabbed a paper towel with some rubbing alcohol and wiped it off, but to my horror, a stray piece of wet paper towel had barely touched another area and the paint came clean off like I was wiping dry marker off a whiteboard with a wet rag. You couldn't even see any residual paint left to indicate there was something there before. I don't know what kind of paint they use but I've never had existing paint come off that easily on a toy before nor any paint I've ever used, especially after it's dried. It definitely had to be an extremely thin layer of paint at the very least for it to come off like that with no trace left.
  20. The hip armor will not fully cover the intake. It just clips on and looks like that so there's really nothing you can do about that. As for the wingroot pieces, and the gap between the intakes, it's hard to get everything settled properly when you have the FAST packs on. You can try bending the knees a tiny bit by a degree or less which seems to help me minimize the gap between the intake sections and lets me push in the pegs attaching the wingroot to the leg armor as far as it will go. You can also make sure to get the hip guns pushed a little higher up and the 5 dot shoulder block level with the backplate so that the gap there is not so huge. There will always be a gap, due to the way it's molded and designed, but it shouldn't be as big as your third pic. I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done about the boosters. My RVF (and probably my 25G also) has that same amount of clearance between the booster nozzle and the vertical stabs. The boosters are locked in properly on mine but the clearance on the right is smaller than the clearance on the left just like your pic.
  21. Oh is that all? I was worried it might have been a glue stick to use on all the pieces that will break or fall off
  22. I was just looking at the pics on page 7 again and I was curious what this arrow is pointing to and what it was saying. Anyone know?
  23. That place is pretty incredible. They have a pretty impressive setup. I think it would be pretty cool to work there. I'm surprised I only saw a YF-19 and Ghost booster box on the return/damaged goods shelf, unless there were more Yamato Macross items in that Yamato cardboard box on that second from the top shelf.
  24. Really? For all the pics I've seen with the Dragunov rifle's tines deployed, the scope was up as well. The only times I've seen it down is when everything on the rifle is folded in.
  25. If you're talking about the pegs that go into the forearms, they don't seem to do much other than help align the arms for fighter mode. Once the shield is in place, it does most of the work of keeping the arms locked in position.
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