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Everything posted by shiroikaze

  1. Already done. Working off the cover, looks like they're putting him/her in a kimono'ish outfit. I haven't seen all of them yet, but I like this one alot.
  2. Hmm, why not order from Ami Ami? I'm pretty sure they're cheaper than everywhere else at 5,910 yen. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=MED-DVD2-07843&template=default/product/e_display.html Shouldn't really be a problem, since both PSP games allowed configuring controls, didn't they? Also, I'm curious why the developers didn't opt for the CG-styling of the series.
  3. They pack really well for their figures and toys, I don't know about disc-based items but I'm gonna assume they're pretty safe in the box (I'll know for sure soon enough). Here are Ami Ami's shipping rates. They automatically ship EMS unless you tell them otherwise in the message box during ordering. If you do forget, you can always email them afterwards. They're a great company.
  4. I have a Phenom II X4 965 as well, the stock cooler doesn't come with a molex connector though =\. Also from what I read around the net, the stock cooler for the Phenom does an adequate job cooling the CPU. It shouldn't ramp that high though. Maybe you need to reapply new thermal paste?
  5. I haven't paid much attention to Touhou until a little while ago. But since I've been listening to the original tunes, remixes, and arrangements, all I have to say is that the games have some really good music. Some notable arrangements: Phantom Ensemble arranged by UI-70 (not part of any album or release, but this guy is good.)And some recommendations from my little brother:
  6. This is not an AMV but this deserves some recognition. This man provides an awesome arrangement of a duet on guitar.
  7. I tried the HAWX 2 demo, I feel it's a definite improvement over the first game. I like how they give you full control in "Assistance-Off", though it still feels pretty clumsy. Mid-air refueling was pretty nerve-racking the first time, but I think I got the hang of it on second play-through. On the carrier landing, I couldn't tell if my landing gears were down =\. Game tells me to bring down landing gears, I press a button, I take a quick look with the right analog stick, gears are still up. Press it again, look once more, still up. I was ready to pull back up until the game took over for me... I'm not really one to spot any missing details, but so far, I like what I see. It's definitely much more fun than the first game, though I'll wait and see how Ace Combat turns out. The game's damn fun. My only gripes with the game is probably the inability to attack backwards in midst of a combo attack on an enemy in front of you (maybe you'll get this upon leveling up, I'm not sure). Also, the ol' dualshock 2 doesn't work with this game .
  8. In the previous page, Azrael brought up that it could be the profile. Have you tried making a new one?
  9. Did a reinstall help? Is Firefox using up more RAM and CPU resources than it should? Actually, Firefox can do that too, Just not as cleanly and smoothly as Chrome.
  10. Nice . Normally I'm not impressed with any of the Play Arts figures (particularly the Final Fantasy line), but when I saw pictures of Big Boss in jungle fatigues, I was totally surprised. It's really good to know that it's a quality toy. Maybe I will buy him someday.
  11. I look at my last portion of my list and had to heave a long sigh... Already Preordered Luka Megurine Figma Black Rock Shooter Figma Intending to Buy Dead Master Figma Kos-Mos Figma Maybe purchase (Most likely never) Revoltech Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood Revoltech Protect Gear Soldier Hitagi Senjougahara Figma Bandai VF-25S Armored & RVF-25 model kits Play Arts MGS Big Boss figure If I Had the Money RAH Big Boss Yamato Max & Millia VF-22's Yamato YF-19, YF-21, & VF-11B Hitagi Senjougahara figure Miku Hatsune "World is Mine" figure Giant Reimu plush (!) Giant Marisa plush (!) Vocaloid Nendoroids Touhou Figmas. Goddamn exclusivity
  12. It was in the Project Diva 2nd single CD if that counts . I found out an interesting tidbit, Nagaru Tanigawa (you know him as the writer of Haruhi) actually co-wrote the script.
  13. Meh, I wouldn't rail it for having too little frames. I definitely liked the story but I do agree that the pacing does need some work. I'm hoping they'll release more episodes. And I'm disappointed that they didn't use the Black Rock Shooter song .
  14. For their relations, I'm pretty sure you're right on the money. Though I'm pretty sure Activision do have some power in some of Blizzard's decisions. I would love to support Blizzard, but I don't want to support Activision. About the Korean version of the game, I believe it's the WoW players that are getting the game for free. We're not going to see that here in the States. Aye, as I may dislike Activision itself, Infinity Ward doesn't come away unscathed either. Also, I guess I'm a bit more optimistic now that you've brought up the WoW expansions. As for LAN-play, true, EULA does state that (which I still think is bullshit). I still don't condone being forced to buy additional copies of the same game in a household. However the original Starcraft allowed "Spawned" copies for LAN-play, SCII doesn't seem to have that feature anymore.
  15. First off, no LAN. I know it doesn't affect everyone else but it does matter to me. From what I understand, each copy of Starcraft II is now tied to a battle.net account, right? How does that work out for me and my brother who want to play together but only have one copy of the game? I always dislike the idea of buying extra copies just so the rest of the family can enjoy it together. Probably something that console games mostly have over PC games. The only exceptions I made happen to be Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead. While I regret getting another copy of Left 4 Dead but wholesomely enjoy Team Fortress 2, I paid substantially less for both games. What I paid ended up short of their retail values, so I'm "okay" with them. Secondly, retail price. Yes, I know I can easily get it cheaper during the release month (Thanks for the heads up, UN Spacy) but a $60 retail price left a sour taste in my mouth. Not to mention, I'll have to pay two more times for the rest of the trilogy. While Blizzard did state that they're treating the next two games as expansions, I doubt they'll be priced under $60 retail. Lastly, Blizzard's affiliation with Activision. Mainly seeing how Activision handled the Modern Warfare 2 fiasco ends up being the final nail in the coffin. You wanna destroy customer loyalty and respect, follow their example. Do I love Starcraft? Yes. Will I buy the game right away? No, but once the Battlechest rolls out then maybe I'll fork over the money. Until then, I'm staying away from the game, unless I succumb to downloading it (or I could watch how the story unfolds via Youtube). Yes, you could say that I'm just whining and pouting.
  16. As much as I like Starcraft and while I did enjoy Starcraft II beta, I'm gonna have to stay away from the game for now. Yeah, I know what I'm missing out on but there are some things keeping me away from this game.
  17. No, it was disturbing and utter nightmare fuel.
  18. Heh, the first one is actually pretty funny. The Touhou music just tops the cake .
  19. Do you have multiple ports on your video card? If so, have you tried the other port? Have you tried using System Restore and restoring to a previous state?
  20. I don't know about how accurate it will be, but it looks like there will be a "realistic" mode, and a "2-pilot co-op" mode to go along with the staple "arcade" mode. Only helicopter games I'm familiar with is the Commanche series. I never really played any of the Jane's games. Also, would like to put out that Alien Swarm is available for free on Steam. http://kotaku.com/5589233/valve-unleashes-an--alien-swarm-on-steam
  21. flight sims making a comeback perhaps? http://kotaku.com/5587770/helicopter-combat-game-yes-please http://kotaku.com/5587924/its-about-time-for-a-new-helicopter-combat-game
  22. Just out of curiosity, are you guys hating the last two movies because they took a poo (twice) on Ripley's Good End?
  23. Might as well unload what photos I have too. Someone actually brought Yuu Asakawa a bouquet during the autograph session, it was pretty neat. I'm considering whether or not I should unload the stuff I found from 4chan. The people there snapped up some pretty good photos. From there I found out about this: Deadpool vs Red Ranger (in its entirety)
  24. Because mostly everyone else is watching Naruto, Bleach, or some other anime from the previous season or two . I think I have good idea why they aren't as popular as Bebop. One thing is that there is so much more anime out in the wild now; second would be that there's alot of content left out of their respective novels.
  25. "...and Sub-Zero crushes your liver." I really don't like Scorpion's new costume, I like the rejected concept better honestly. He has demon's blood smeared all over him.
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