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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. In NY til Sunday 6am on business

    Saturday is free for sure-maybe friday night

    Want to pay my respects to those at the WTC

    See the Statue of Liberty

    Go to the top of Empire State...

    What else would you do with limited time?


  2. Wow-and I thought I was going to pick it up for only $61.50 :p

    Egan Loo sniped me (back when we were the 2 big macross ebayers) the first time one of these came up a couple years ago-it sold for around $80.

    $700?? Jeez

    That is some dedication


  3. Would something like this be a good addition to the site?


    We would setup the main categories and provide the main info. End users could then add in their own reviews, completed pics, etc.

    Considering this or an equivalent for the main site. Imagine you were looking at a page setup with the latest Hasegawa kit or Yamato toy. Would this help?

    Or would it split up normal discussions here and make things too complicated? Would I have to search the forums here for info or go to the product review area? Would I limit the reviews to true reviews(like article submissions) and leave all normal conversation here where it currently resides?

    What do you think-good or bad?


  4. I've recruited Jesse to help us with the main web page.

    The other half of the site is the board here

    I'm looking for someone who already has some experience with Invision Board on Redhat, has free time, and loves working for free :p

    For the board we need to

    1) Re-skin it

    2) Re-arrange/streamline some of the forums

    3) ???

    Let me know if you are up for the pain!

    If one person is good at programming, and someone else is good at graphics, a team effort would also be an option.

    Of course I'll be available for help, (I'll setup a dev env for you you) but I'd like someone who is mostly self-sufficient. I'm going to be writing the code to bring our old Ikonboard forums back online :)

    Post or PM your interest here please



  5. Ok,

    so maybe doing the PHP security upgrade at 1am on Thursday wasn't such a great idea

    After an hour monkeying around with the failing configuration I signed off

    Just got back home now, and off course figured out what the problem was in 15 minutes!

    For those wondering what MW is up to lately

    I'm going to be making a decision in the next couple weeks to see if I'm going to

    1) Jump back into MW and do all the updates it needs

    2) Find a another co-admin to run the day to day needs of the site

    I've never been so busy in my life, but Ive got a new job that actually promises sane hours , so I'll have free time again.

    The benefits of going with another co-admin is of course more help, and faster results. Hmmm-sounds like a tough decision...LOL


  6. Greg,

    I am so sorry. My heart broke when I read your post.

    I know its not much, but you have an entire communties support here. If there is anything we can do please let us know.

    Stay strong for your daughter, and God bless.


  7. The DVD will contain no copyrighted material-I'm not going to step on anyones toes(Big West/HG...)

    Members have been offering for years to send in donations to help me out with site costs($150 a month), but I've always felt bad so I've never accepted anything.

    This is going to be my way of thanking people for any donations to the site they wish to make. :)

    It will have the DYRL TV Special (subbed-translation already paid for and done)

    TV Commercials from my old Beta tapes (you will enjoy!)

    Collection picture tours from various members here(you will not believe)

    and some other stuff :)

    Wanted to do a fanzine, but the costs to produce were just too insane. We are LONG overdue for a Macross fan book!!!


  8. well for a high quality toy-I could understand a mold costing 10k

    but how do the bootleg companies in hk and china do it?

    The quality of their plastic is not as good as the originals, but it is still much sturdier than resin. And they sell their copies for dirt cheap-I don't see how they'd ever recoup the cost of an expensive mold?


  9. There is the Macross Panel at Anime Expo in Anaheim, CA(tentatively July 3rd)

    We are also having our own Macross World Con the following week July 11th in Los Angeles.

    If you are up for the drive please bring it , but man thats a LONG drive...haha



  10. Found my old beta tape catalog (a bunch of 8x11 college ruled sheets stapled together with my notes on them-hey I was 15 years old and broke)

    On one of my tapes(one I don't have) it says "Machine Robo Promo"

    This would have been around late 1985 early 86

    I think I remember seeing this-the animation was incredibly fluid and detailed. It was also pretty short.

    I've gone on-line and searched for this, but only find MR episodes

    Any ideas?


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