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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. Our friend is creating a Japanese Macross 25th anniversary website.

    He is advertising in NewType,Animedia, and other forums asking for original Macross art work. Characters,scenes,mecha...

    You'll get full credit for everything you submit, but it must be original-no scans or modified copyrighted art.

    Sounds like a very cool idea-wonder how many submissions he has been getting!

    25 years-holy cow.


  2. Can't quite say anything about being slighted Duke, as it is deserved. You've been around in the community long enough that I know you are being polite when saying that. The main pages have only been mildy maintained in what, 2-3 years now. My fault entirely. Our current helpers have lives of their own, and what time they can contribute is greatly appreciated, but it is like putting out a fire with a garden hose.

    I only WISH we had a problem that we NEEDED Macross site and forum consolidation.

    You can count on 1 hand how many active sites and forums there are on our hobby. As I've said before, Nexus is a prime example of new blood and what can be done with the latest web tools.

    I think the big problem is the sheer size of things. MW has gigabytes of pictures and thousands of statically coded HTML pages. I remember remodeling the entire models section and losing all the data to hardware failure. It was a punch in the gut I still feel-I think that is the moment the big updates stopped. I just couldn't go through all that again.

    We need something based off of some sort of interactive template that we can simply drop 10 reference pics, a bunch of descriptive text, and even user reviews. Something EASY to maintain and EASY to make additions to. Graham knows how painstaking it is to create a new page for the latest Yamato whatever. Create the page and all the thumnails, update all the links, go to the subsection main page and add the link there, upload all the files making sure all the links are ok,then go into updates and post about it. When I created MW I didn't know a damn thing about HTML and, well it showed. Static pages were all I knew. Now it is our biggest stumbling block to growth.

    We have to change. What solutions are out there that aren't susceptible to some PHP hacking? Is there something that doesn't cost a whole lot of money(under $300?). I've never lost sight for MW to be a top community resource, but I've lost the way to get there.


  3. Quick update on recent staffing changes!

    David Hingtgen, EXO and Azrael have been changed to moderator status (wish I could say Congratulations, but it is really more of a job than a privilege :p )

    Mechamaniac, Fulcy, and JsArclight remain as long as we can get their help and valuable time as the site's mini-mods. Thank you!!!

    And finally, Hurin has offered some of his free time to co-admin here on MW!

    Maybe we'll be able to upgrade our dinosaur-era site into present times! :wacko:


  4. Incredible work

    One thing I love about these CG models is the fact that they can look like primered resin or plastic model kits. If I knew anything about CG I'd never even color them in :p

    Next best thing to actually breaking them out of the box.

    It would be cool to have a virtual model kit program with all the pieces from a real one scanned in :)

    Anyhow-can't wait to see more!


  5. This isn't a specific problem, but more of a suggestion... can we enable the Fast Reply button? I find it a huge help in posting when doing ltos of other things at the same time, and hardly eve post as much without it...

    I see mine working-I'm not sure why yours isn't

    The control panel has a million options-I'll try to find something restricting you...


    Sent a PM regarding a (not security-related) problem (or it might be intentional) that I'm not sure you'd want posted publicly.



    You have PM! Well about 10 from me LOL

  6. Well what can I say-we were hit.

    All patches had been installed-it was just the version of the board software we were on, oh, and I didn't have flood control on. Doh! Our attacker has disabled many other boards since and before us.

    For our veteran members this is old news. Once a year the MW forums go down for some reason or another. Server updates, hardware crashes, board changes, hacks... Hope you got a lot done during the outage!

    Damage report? Aside from being down for 2 weeks,it looks as if only a couple avatars are missing. Everything is as it was on August 24th. If you see missing data, please post it in the Missing Data post. We are now on version 2.1.7 of the board software. We'll stay on top of future versions from now on, and not assume security patches alone will keep us safe.

    I would highly recommend all users change their passwords. While I don't have definitive proof in the hack logs that the database was downloaded, it is better to be safe than see your account compromised.

    Hurin from www.macrossnexus.com was kind enough to provide us with our new skin-THANK YOU!! I still need to upload the custom images for it to be complete-will get that done shortly. And many thanks to Azrael for all the assistance with server configuration.

    Please let me know if anything does not work-I'll get it fixed asap.

    Welcome back everyone!


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