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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. A couple more snaps for the night. Once again, left-side is the original Perfect Edition R2J and the right-side is the new Remastered-Edition R2J.

    You guys should be quite alot familiar with these as they are the infamous animation-scenes coloring-goof of the Max-1A turning half-Hikaru during his melee :lol:



    Ayup! They've finally fixed the coloring-goof in the remastered-version. :lol:B))

    Did they fix all the animation mistakes regarding color banding on the valks? When Max is in the Meltrandi ship fighting Milia, did they paint in his blue? Or at the end after Hikaru blasts Bodolza, did they paint in the stripe when the valk flips around in battroid mode? Or what about the most famous-when Focker flies into the scout ship chasing the VT-1? Is the canopy cover yellow (original) or black?

  2. Arghh-let me think about where I had read this.

    I'm almost positive it was in the video interview from the Mixx software. I had those interviews translated years and years ago, but the notebooks that contain that translated data are in some box somewhere in my garage.


    Anyhow it was absolutely in his VF-1 specs (although previously unpublished except from the interview) well before M0 came around.


  3. The firewall does nothing but block certain IP addresses from access the site via HTTP-it is very specific.

    I know its like tech support asking you to email them when their computer is down, but if there is anyway to get the message out to those affected, that if they send or post their IP addresses here, I can go and make sure they are not blocked.

    I've not heard about this type of problem before-one computer can access, but another cannot from the same house, unless different software is being used. Perhaps a filtering program/ad blocker/....

    Maybe MW got onto some blacklist?


  4. Sorry to have kept everyone in the dark-it was something Graham and I have been informally discussing with them for a quite a while now. (dropping little hints for the last couple years). It was as much a suprise to you as it was to me.

    It is a trial run (probably just to shut us up) for a couple months, just as we did with our first sponsored banner run about two years ago for the Hikaru toy (not so successful from our end-we saw absolutely nothing from it). You won't see anything Macross related in that upper right corner, as there are unresolved licensing issues that will be with us for the rest of our fandom, but that's life, get used to it, we all have. LOL

    The banner is unobtrusive, not flashing in your face, and is for the Proto-Garland (one of my personal favorite designs). What more could I ask for :)

    I really hope it develops into something tangible after the trial (solely tentative on any traffic it may generate), as it would be great to finally get some of my server costs offset, but that would be the extent of it. Fansites are fansites-all manufacturers take their licks about the merchandise they make, so nothing would change for anyone here. Having any sort of elevated status would not be fair. I'd just like to thank them for finally giving us a trial shot. Go Megazone! Click click!


  5. Our firewall is set to automatically block any IP address it finds attempting a brute force attack.

    Get your IP range from your home computer and send to me (PM) and I'll remove the block.

    Until someone in your area tries again, you'll be good to go. Most of the automatic blocks are from people randomly trying to crack any server they can connect to, sorry you were affected by this.


  6. I made a backup of the forums on the 24th and the 27th, right after we went offline. But I can't find my 27th backup anywhere-so images uploaded between the 24th and 27th are currently awol. I'm trying to find out where the backup went-maybe I renamed it something on accident or its in another backup tar-who knows. Will keep searching!

    The old forums will be back online within a week or two. Trying to find the installer I used (do you see a pattern with files disappearing with me? I am...)


  7. I need to find out exactly what the rebuild attachment function is doing

    perhaps I could do it offline on our backup and reupload the thumbnails or something.

    will see how many resources are allocated to mysql in the conf file-perhaps if i adust those it would not crash.

    I did have to clean out my cookies but it does remember me now.

    The speed (from san diego) seems fine-much, much faster than before. Could anyone else comment on any speed issues?

    Regarding the non-ASCII, 4-bit text in the profile, perhaps the column type change to a non-unicode type. Will see what the difference is between the two.

  8. I love control panels for websites.

    They make our lives so much easier.

    <sarcasm off>

    Sorry for the delay in coming back everyone, the new server has a fancy pants control panel that I had to get used to. Somehow it is supposed to make your life so much easier than running from the command line, but I didn't see it this week. ANYHOW, after reading and reading and reading I found solutions for most of the the little idiosyncrasies that afflicted the migration.

    Please make sure to post all the problems/bugs you may have here and we'll get them sorted out this week! Obviously the new skin is a coming soon...

    Shawn :)

  9. Hi everyone!

    We'll be going down Wednesday night through Friday (and quite possibly Saturday if there are any problems) to finish the server migration.

    Please make sure you don't have any open transactions during this outage-as we won't be able to get the info. Will see you on the other side!

    Thank you!


  10. New forum version is part of the upgrade. Our license runs out next month, so we'll be getting the newest version. I'll be ordering the server tonight or tomorrow at the very latest. Trying to decide if we stick with our current provider (was RackShack, then turned into EV1, now called the Planet), or try another. The options I'm considering are...

    1) The Planet

    Pentium D950, 73GB SCSI, 2GB Ram, $159.00

    2) Soft Layer

    Pentium D950 or Xeon 2060, 250GB Sata II, 1GB Ram, $159.00

    3) Layered Tech

    Athlon 64 4200+ Dual Core, 160GB Sata, 1GB Ram, $129.00

    We average about 5GB per day in bandwidth, and those providers all easly cover that tenfold. The Planet is really big, but sometimes the network seems very congested and throughput is horrible. I'd get the benefits of a much faster drive (we are on an 80GB IDE right now), and double the ram. Soft Layer gets a lot of great feedback and is getting a rep for a solid network. Layered Tech is also recommended, although I've been finding posts on their IPs being banned due to spammers on their network, but I'm sure the others have that same type of problem. Anyone have any feedback on the others listed above or recommendations for other providers?


  11. Sorry everyone-had some server issues. Our drive is apparently having some problems, I couldn't even term in. Gets worse when there is more disk usage. Ayhow new server procurement should happen within the next week or so, so there will be another slight outage. More when I find out more!! :)


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