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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. OK-i just have no time right now

    between my 2 jobs and restoring my car and other life activities, i just haven't had the time needed to put into the site right now. I've been trying to fool myself into thinking I can get control over it("just a few more weeks") but I'm not, you've all heard it before. I've come to accept the truth. I only have a limited amount of free time in the forseeable future and Macross World is suffering.

    We need at LEAST one, preferably 2 or even 3 people to take the lead and bring MW back to its former glory. Site updates, forum upkeep, etc etc etc

    MW runs on redhat 9, has uses php,mysql, and apache. Experience needed(not expert, but at least some familiarity-google smart + common sense would be fine)

    PM me with interest please. Lets get this rolling.

    Thank you,

    Shawn(ghost admin of MW)

  2. Approved a bunch of new registrations that were in the queue for the last 2-3 days

    Not sure why they are not being sent out-will work on this next.

    If you did not receive a confirmation email address try logging in with the user name/password you registered with-it will work(tested this)


  3. "Quick note though, it looks like the path to the emoticons may have changed. Check out this post and note that all the emoticons are missing and come up as "bad image" icons."


    please let me know any other path issues you encounter!


  4. done

    can i have my life back


    we also have the invision board gallery-working out the install now

    if you see any problems please post them here

    you WILL need to change your timezone in your profile-we are finally on pacific time(my time)


  5. Another incredible year we shared at MW Con. 5 years now! That is pretty damn amazing in itself. Each year we see new blood attending and they consistently say they had a great time and it exceeded expectations. This year was no exception. I'm almost remembering peoples names...LOL (next year we HAVE to have name tags again!)

    Having Mari visit was just amazing-many many thanks to Solscud and Xstoys for pulling off that one. When I walked her out to the car she said she had great time and enjoyed talking to all of us. She also said to call her again next time-she'd even sing for us! Everyone was very professional and respectful with the questions and the leering(hey-she's hot-I'm only human too)

    Egan FINALLY broke out some of his collection-my jaw was on the floor. I hadn't ever seen half the things he had. Just shows that for Macross collecting you really can't ever find it all. Considering that the original merchandise has been out of production for 20+ years and we still find new things shows how much they worked the license. Mittens and Kids shorts. LOL

    Thanks to Tommy too for coming buy and breaking out the goods. He and Steve had gone to Japan last year and found a bunch of original preproduction Macross artwork by Miyatake himself. Some sketches were even on the back of someone's homework! He literally grabbed any loose paper he could when doing rough sketches. Tommy even showed us some of the new stuff coming from their new Robotech OVA-looked good(I'm a huge Mospeada fan).

    Everyone I talked to was awesome-the help and offers we got from website maintenance to finally subbing the tv special was most appreciated. The customs again blew me away (the cake simply rocked-and whoever makes an edible chocolate 1/55 next year WILL win-I promise)

    And Seiichi! Again brought the goods and sold for outstanding prices. His webstore is close to completion. He will have a booth at San Diego Comic Con next month-PLEASE make sure to stop in and support his efforts for all us old-school Macross fans!!

    Please post your pictures and comments here-would love to see the pictures taken!

    You guys(and girls!) rock!


  6. Taking down the entire site from 06/22/2005 pm to 06/26/2005 pm for maintenance.

    If you have personal PMs write down the info before then please

    Doing: OS upgrade, Invision Board upgrade, MySql, Php....

    If maintenance is done early of course we'll be online, but I want to plan for the worst case scenario where everything falls apart like it normally does with this type of work



  7. fyi

    I'm still doing the "BIG" backup(the entire site)

    Been downloading for 3 days now-40GB of MW data!

    Looks like it might finish sometime tomorrow. Yes I'm gambling the patches I installed earlier will hold us until we complete the upgrade.

    The reason for the big backup is that I've decided to install a new OS (we are still on redhat 7.x)

    Our server is pretty robust-2ghz P4 with 1Gb ram, 80gb drive so I'm not going to do anything hardware this time. But support for redhat 7.x is pretty hard to come by. Looking into alternatives(we are on the EV1 network)-which are listed here


    We'll be down for a couple days this time-at least 3+ I imagine. With MW Con and Fathers day this weekend I think the earliest I'd take us down would be monday night.

    More when i know more.


  8. We'll be upgrading this week to IPB 2.1 later this week

    I'm also going to schedule some server upgrades(php/mysql)

    SOMEONE please make a skin for us :)

    As some of you may know, we had a security issue on the 9th. Invision board released a patch on the 10th and its been installed(along with the last one that I missed)

    Anyways we'll be on/off throughout the week(mostly on daytime/off evening hours)


  9. I'm not opposed to forum upgrades, but Invision Board 2.0 is $69 per year correct? We've always run free forum software here. Only fees are the monthly server we have. Are there any custom upgrades/modules we could add to the 1.3 version that would give us similar features?

    Seiichi has his own domain-its not a section of MW.

  10. I'm a virtual ghost here. I think someone called me a Rumor once-think that was appropriate.

    The fact that I'm still a Valkyrie Heat-shield scrubber after 2 years on the new forums says it all.

    In February Jesse offered to help out with the Main site updates and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! He's done an incredible job. Hope he likes the work so we can see more of what he has in store! The Main site used to get tons of updates,but life got in the way(LOL) so it stayed frozen for quite a while. Jesse has done an incredible job bringing it back from its hibernation.

    The Forums are still the forums. They sort of live and breathe by themselves. Aside from the stock Invision board skin(you will all hate me when its eventually replaced because we are so used to it) its been pretty good here. I'm just in awe at all the custom work-be it toys models or CG art.

    New news is that Seiichi is uploading his stock to his webstore. He told me his stock and sent some pictures-it is unbelievable(29 gold books for example). When his store opens it will be THE MOST COMPLETE Macross store ever made. He IS the Otaku, I mean "Macross" King. ;) His focus is on all the original items. Start saving up now-he said he is really motivated to finish it up and launch! He's coming to MW Con 5 this year too.

    MW Con 5(5??) is June 19th,2005. Hope you can all attend. Wonder if we are getting Mari to come? That would be crazy! I look forward to seeing everyone again! Have a great time when we all get together.

    And HUGE Congrats to Egan again on 10 years of the Compendium! That is incredible. He's done a great fan service to us all. He was the reason MW was created(I wanted the compendium model section but with pictures). We've been around since what-Dec 1999? So we are 5 1/2 years old now ourselves? Amazing how time flies!!! Shows how timeless Kawamori's designs and story really are.


  11. Friend has a 1971 Buick GS (455 Auto)

    He recently put a Vortech YS trim centrifigal on it, only 7lbs boost

    560hp and 814lbs torque at the rear wheels

    Says at freeways speeds he can hammer it and break the rear end free no problems.

    Sick sick sick.

    Got the p600 setup off a running 1973 TA 455 (stock). At 4lbs boost(belt slipped after this) it was putting out 600lbs torque on the dyno. The shaker is obviously going to live attached to me hood. I have a 2nd unit I'm using for that(same year), so the original is going to go in my closet. Damn thing is worth $600 with all the flappers and solenoids-no way I'm chopping it up!

    Yes-my car has the HO(RA4 derived) heads(car is all orig EXCEPT for the block-has a 73 455 auto). Pulled the old stock engine out and sticking it in a corner for now. Until I drop it into my 96 240sx :) LOL

  12. Pontiac people at Macross World?


    I've been restoring my 1972 Trans Am(455HO/4sp)

    Been doing the bodywork for the last 6 months(why I'm not here much after work)

    Engine is almost complete-been finding parts for 2 years now. All I need to do is to clean up the deck and it all gets assembled-yeah :)

    Wenzler Aluminum heads with shaft mount rockers

    Intercooled P600 Procharger supercharger 12lbs boost

    Crower billet crank

    JE custom pistons

    Crower 6.8 rods

    etc, etc, etc

    Body is SOOOO beat up-been cutting out all the rust. Found a passenger quarter panel(be here in a month) to take care of that half of the car. Need a drivers side quarter, trunk floor, and some work on the fenders and its done. Yeah-thats ALL.

    My brother has a 1970 Pontiac GTO Judge/Ram Air 3 4spd :)


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