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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. One thing to keep in mind, is that I don't want to create a redundant area to find pictures and info, Having something posted in the forums, then the gallery, then a link to the gallery back in the forums,etc... is not going to work. It would have to actually replace a function that is poorly implemented or not being used as designed on the forums, like the Reviews section. Something of an Amazon.com type area for Macross products, with pictures and reviews in the same area, but easy to find. Not sure if this is the correct app for it, but we could see if it fits.

    Macross Collections would be something I think would be good here, and maybe even a static area for Custom models and Fan Art-such as Cheng's model build ups. You could click on his album, and be able to see all the things he has accomplished in one area. The conventions would also be good idea, as people would post their own pictures much easier than having to get them FTP's up to the site.

    I know there is a way to actually put it down into the forums, so it is more integrated, instead of a link at the top corner of the page. Will look into that next.


  2. Click the link at the top underneath the Bubblegum Crisis banner ( did you check that out btw? You should! :) )

    or click here


    Found out we are paid through October 2008 for the Gallery module-just hadn't enabled it, so I did tonight.

    I figure it might be a place we could store static items-such as personal collection pictures, or possibly even reviews? It might be easier to find out how a kit rates, or if you should buy a book.

    Nothing is set in stone, but please throw out some ideas on

    1) If you think it would provide value to the site

    2) If above is Yes, what types of Categories would we want? To store what?


  3. Beautiful job on those kits. That VF-1 is still my all time favorite.

    I don't think we've ever seen them all built together side by side except at the actual events they were originally sold at.

    Wow. :lol:

    The only time I've seen the YF-19 and YF-21 in person was when they were passing THROUGH my hands from Yahoo Japan on their way to Carl's house. He let me scan them for the models page though. They are gigantic!

    More please!


  4. Here are a bunch more (23 pages)-many only available if you searched in Japanese.


    Found some really cool items here-including a live performance of the Macross II opening song


    Music video for Triangler


    Really good girl playing bass to it too


    And I must have missed it a while back-love this one! LOL


  5. Today I went down to the grand opening of the Book-Off japanese used bookstore here in San Diego. It was very busy inside-which is a great sign!

    About 1/4 of the store consists of used english books and videos. Books are all used, and range from romance to technical. Standard big used bookstore like.

    Used videos are the same-a healthy selection of DVDs and VHS.

    The rest of the store is japanese video games,computer books,manga,fiction and non fiction books, mainstream and anime cd's and another very large selection of videos (anime included).

    Some cool items I noted:

    Many Hobby Japans (past 7 years)

    About 30 middle/late B-Clubs

    20ish Model graphix

    Tons of Figure magazines

    There were also about 5 Macross CD's in the music section.

    The good news is that non of the items are sealed in plastic (i.e. Mandarake), so you can browse through everything before buying. This is great when you are looking for those Macross odds and ends articles. And the prices are very good-many of the Anime magazines were going for $1. I picked up Macross Zero vol 1,2,3 for only $7 each. First of many trips there :)

    If you are in the San Diego area, I highly recommend stopping by!



  6. Reconfiguring the email server, and unfortunately need more time, so emails will be broken until tomorrow night. I'll let you know when its all back up.

    This will also affect new user registrations.



  7. As for Bandai reissuing the same (Ex IMAI)kits over and over again, I am pretty sure that they donĀ“t even have the molds for the 1/72 destroids, 1/200 Monster, 1/5000 Macross Fortress etc. . On some japanese collectors site I have read that those molds are considered "lost" whatever that means.

    I wonder where the Arii molds have gone, none of those except the variable 1/100 Valks have ever found their way to Bandai and Arii themselves have only reissued the small stuff (10 years ago) - where are the 1/5000 Storm Attacker, 1/72 Glaug + Tomahawk and the retooled 1/100 Regults? "Lost" as well? Just curious...

    The biggest loss -at least to me- is the IMAI 1/72 VF-1 D Gerwalk - not the transformable one! This one was based on the "raven-nosed" Gerwalk and Super-Fighter kits but they added a completely reshaped nose that looks fantastic. The only old 1/72 Gerwalk kit that looks good out of the box (except the Hands) IMO. I have only ever seen it once on E-Bay but got outbidden.

    OMG, I never ever noticed that-after all this time. Wow! They did make a big imporovement. :)

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