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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. There are a handful more, just odd cross-breed pictures, like a Lobster-Bull. Don't ask, will grab a screenshot of it soon. S
  2. Found some very old screen captures I did of the Laser Disc, thought it would be cool to share! Shawn more... more...
  3. Shawn

    SDF 1:700

    Please keep the updates a comin'! I just can't believe what talent and a 3D printer can achieve these days. Nothing is out of reach. Awesome project!!!
  4. Still 2 copies of those documents http://www.ebay.com/itm/MACROSS-II-2-Production-Scripts-Notes-Anime-RARITY-Kevin-Seymour-/262298629626 Was fantastic to finally hear that potential movie story line. Incredible how so much was used in 7 and Frontier, and maybe even Delta. Would love to see someone create a comic or something with this story. When reading it I could play it all out in my mind. Many, many thanks to the SpeakerPODcast for covering this story, my drive to work these last couple days has been very entertaining!!
  5. Wow-never seen them built before, except in the original promo ads. Fantastic job!!
  6. Shawn

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    I called Bandai going super scale 15 years ago http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/fun/ebay2050/_ebay2050_vf-19kai.htm http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/fun/ebay2050/_ebay2050_pgvalk.htm I cannot wait to get this, the detail looks fantastic in some of those close up pics! Wow wow wow. S
  7. Incredible! That video was first heart wrenching(the failures), but once they got it going I yelled out Yahoo! So cool.
  8. I wonder how many people in the world can say they have a COMPLETE Macross Takatoku set...that is just crazy what you've done over the years! We'll need to give you an entire section on the main site for your collection! Congrats again! That takes a lot of patience and motivation.
  9. Promo video showing some scenes (DVD v Blu) I love all the extras they are including. Awesome
  10. Just watched the entire video. Never seen anything like this before. Your attention to function and detail is mind-blowing. Thank you for sharing this project with us here! WOW WOW WOW!
  11. Here is another Takani Style VF-1J http://www.fg-site.net/archives/3305008
  12. I like the idea of the hangar where you could walk around some valkyries, but that sounds like a lot of work! Walking around the dyrl city would be pretty cool, like the concert hall or humburger popo. Would leave a little creative license for you to fill in the blanks. I have the 1st dev kit-are you make it for v1 or v2?
  13. They have a link to another build up too! Click on each of the 13 title entries for more details. http://dog1958.blog89.fc2.com/blog-category-13.html S
  14. Agree-wish the pics where larger too! I love how they cherry-pick the best parts of the Club-M and the Hasegawa 1/48...truly an incredible hybrid.
  15. Stumbled across this-incredible build!! http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/sukebeningen/diary/?ctgy=12 Make sure to see all 5 pages throught the link at the top. My favorite kit of all time! Shawn
  16. Not sure if anyone mentioned this, but at the MWCon this year, Tenjin was very impressed with the one that was on display. He said he wanted one!
  17. xstoys...I heard you picked up a super rare Legioss cel cut-away too
  18. My family and I are bringing a bunch of stuff this year...so please come over to the vendor area and say hi! Some items include a 1/48 Low Viz, 2 1/60 VF-Xs, two 81 issue complete Chronicle sets, complete set of SV-51s', 3 DYRL BluRay sets, 1 Wave SDF-1, 2 Club-M 1/48 Ultimates, and bunch of misc books(Macrosss the First, Gold Books), vintage(Out/Animage) and newer magazines(like a 16 set of New Type Ace with the entire Document of Macross booklets), and other items at what I think will be attractive, competitive prices. Last year we sold almost everything which was fantastic. We are not looking to make a profit, just recover the original item costs + make up the big yearly server host fees...it ain't cheap. Best of all no shipping overhead! Can't wait to see the turn out this year, going to be another incredible Con. Kirik and team deserve our great thanks for all the hard work they are doing...again. Literally without them the Con would not exist! Shawn
  19. Absolutely awesome!!!! Can you ship it to us for the MacrossWorld Con to display! LOL Great job on that. I love the blue you chose...really nailed it.
  20. Just received my Valkyrie in the mail-wow is it intricate!!! You did a fantastic job on this kit!! Also, any chance you have a higher resolution image of that 'design process' you posted above? Thank you! Shawn
  21. Server hiccup, but everything should be restored again now! Shawn
  22. Shawn

    Macross Books

    If I ever get a time machine, I am going to rent a VERY LARGE TRUCK and back up to the Imai loading dock and take EVERYTHING!! Shawn
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