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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. yeah...normal as I can get it with my GTC Header tried to tighten it up a little
  2. I'm going to be visiting the Wise Guys warehouse soon...so will take lots more pictures and videos
  3. @jenius You will be setting up a display right?
  4. I pulled up my own inventory tracker sheet and have this (1982-1984 only) 253 kits 124,800 Yen
  5. Now that makes a lot of sense! Arii or Imai or Nichimo would drop a flyer in the shipment cases about their upcoming releases I think you solved that one!
  6. Just FYI, if you are an Orguss fan and have not yet ordered the Figure King magazine yet....DO IT. It is just awesome-covers all the Takatokus, Ohsatos, tons of Line Art, interviews, Model kits, and collectibles...it is AWESOME. It is the definitive ORGUSS collectors book! If you are a fan of the Macross Package Art book, you can find the same artists did the model kits (Suzuki and Takani)
  7. Somebody get a Small Lake and a YF-19...quick!! That is the perfect picture
  8. I want Mechanic Clear Fast Pack (@$55 max) special web order, then a Cannon Fodder tan VF-1A regular release in mid year to round out the 1/48 VF-1 TV lineup. They SHOULD have started out with a generic VF-1 template valkyrie. You then sell chestplates and heads and ventral fins and circle thingies on the legs and tailfins. Maybe even a little magnetic plate for the fuselage side for the 001/011/012/013 numbers or any other combo you want. Didn't someone already do that in the Robotech toy world? Then everyone will need to buy 6x of the same basic core valkyrie, and you then sell nothing but Livery packages. Someone mock that up in photoshop already 😛 I mean hasegawa did the chest thingy...Bandai an follow it up and make a million of them. I'll sacrifice the air brake gimmick to keep it simple. Yamato had it close with their No-Paint...its just NO ONE wants to do their decals and stickers...but PLUGIN items? Pretty sure people would be interested.
  9. Shawn

    Macross Books

    I just wanted to see some crazy interpretations like Fast Pack Boosters becoming the feet, and the valkyries engines nozzles turning into hand clamps. This is what I'd imagine an AI art generated piece might look like (sorry Suzuki...Imai made you do some weird stuff sometimes LOL) Totally understand the additional considerations needed of new tech applied to other types of work, didn't mean it in that way. We can return back to our escape from reality here and talk about planes and robots again
  10. Shawn

    Macross Books

    What the heck is this in the corner?
  11. Shawn

    Macross Books

    I DEFINITELY want to see some AI generated variable fighter concepts...that has some crazy potential.
  12. Unbelievable amount of effort in this restoration. I had no idea the amount of detail they packed into the cockpit. It truly seemed like they cared about making it look extremely complex inside. I'm an amazed at your level of patience, and laughed when I see you discovering NEW blemishes that your brain tuned out during the process. This is beyond anything I could imagine doing myself. Kudos on your efforts on this. And come on...we ALL have to be thinking about how this was delivered.
  13. Shawn

    Macross Books

    On the back of one of an 1985 Japanimation magazine, I saw this on the bac. It looks like its a flyer from Arii, regarding their 1984 Summer to December releases. The GMP and Galvion art has been seen before on their respective boxes, but that Strike VF-1 Gerwalk is new to these eyeballs Never seen it before except for this advertisement. There is an amazing amount of detail in the VF-1! I believe Masami did the HEWAT Lineup (bottom pic..the yellow Skull tends to be his trademark)...but I can't quite tell if this is Masami or Suzuki or another artist.
  14. Have we ever found any more information about the Arabic valkyrie? Using google translate on the phone, I sometimes get the very top line to say 'Sally Tek 1/' The rainbox type box is similar to a Joons release. The large main title on the box and instruction manual says Metamorphosis Robot "بوت التحول" from @glane21's post from 2007 or so
  15. Yeah-can confirm the smooth goggle on the kits you mentioned. Can only suspect they were trying to go for a smoother blend of the head in fighter mode The 1/72 Imai Battroid kit (and subsequent Bandai versions) has a defined goggle...you could perhaps swap it with some work Nice catch...one just tends to ignore/accept things like that after looking at it for 40 years are without asking hmmmm.....
  16. Great find-I love the larger picture. And it is just like you said, it is the toy on the sprues. The canopy is the exact same color.
  17. Macross Valkyrie Lady! (copy of the Bandai kit from 1985) https://mypi.ruliweb.com/m/mypi.htm?nid=237467&num=2057
  18. Copy of the Imai 1/144 kit by Apollo https://dprime.kr/g2/bbs/board.php?bo_table=figure&wr_id=82714&sca=&sfl=wr_subject&stx=마크로스&sop=and&page=2&scrap_mode=
  19. It is funny-I asked to see the inside of the box, and obviously all the sprue parts in the catalog ARE from that kit. They are too large for any of the other boxes, and the 3009 part number is overlayed on them. The bags of screws and springs are on the front left in the plastic bags, the redish clear canopy in the middle in front of the small 0201 box, and the VF-1J red decals on the right. Maybe it is easier to ask around if there is a better scan the Popeye Catalog anywhere?
  20. @nightmareB4macross seems to have already answered my question on screws or glue
  21. Do you remember if they assembled the 1/55 model kit with screws or did they use glue? I wonder if it had springs for the arm shoulder ratchets? Hopefully one day we can find someone with pictures again. Thank you for all this wonderful information!
  22. HOLD ON...Just HOLD ON... @transjet I misread your original post So the VF-1A on the left is the Model kit of the Takatoku 1/100 toy but you said the Yellow Box is a model kit of the 1/55 Takatoku!???!?? Are there ANY pics of the inside of this box!? OMG
  23. Found some more awesomeness Arii 1/100 1997 Release. This actually says Tatsunoku on the box. Was this an official release? Some books Shitajiki another book (DYRL)
  24. Looking through the pages, it seems these are the release years for the various valks. They continued right up to 1997! (all listed in the articles at the very bottom) https://m.blog.naver.com/PostList.naver?blogId=tenetron&categoryNo=175&listStyle=post&logCode=0
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