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Everything posted by isamu

  1. Any more info on the dvds? Will they contain the original mono audio track, and the cleaned up video from the previous release?
  2. I'd like to see an RT story revolving around the events that took place between the end of the Macross Saga and the start of the Southern Cross saga, as well as the end of the SC saga and the start of The New Generation.
  3. Ahh, I stand corrected then. Thanks for clearing that up. Had no idea she made those comments. Oh well, I too wouldn't mind them getting someone else to do the score. Can you say....... Kô ÔTANI!!!!!! This guy's music is freakin awesome. He did the score for Gundam Wing....one of my favorite anime OST's of ALL time!!! A quick sample:
  4. She's said no such thing.
  5. Interesting insight guys, thanks Walter White flying the YF-19
  6. If I'm not mistaken I think the guy who voiced Guld is the same guy who played Ben and Lunk in RT?
  7. Has Bryan Cranston ever mentioned or acknowledged his role as Isamu in Macros Plus, during any interviews you're aware of? I've been watching a few of them and he never seems to so much as even mention his anime voice acting days. Another question.....is there any behind the scenes footage of the English VAs doing their performance on Macross Plus? That would have been cool extra on the DVDs/BDs.
  8. I have to say in all honesty this news brightened my day. Any info regarding the plot/story/timeline?
  9. There isn't a grave big enough for Kawamori to roll in(if he was dead).
  10. Ahh thanks for the insight bro. A tragedy indeed but I guess you have to take all these factors into account. Yoko KannoTanabata Sonic 2009 concert....would have loved to have been there http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=TCju_BUQk0w&list=PLAEF6FF810BA2A6D4
  11. Thanks for the information gentlemen. It's unfortunate about the crossover stuff, but it's good to know there at least concerts for those other Macross related material that's out there on disc. I will try and track those concerts down one day. Not sure if any of you can confirm this, but a very long time ago at one of the Macross cons, I was told by Egan Loo that the 15th Anniversary Macross Concert(which is probably the very first Macross celebration concerts they ever did) which took place back like '98 or '99 *WAS* in fact filmed by one of the big studios(Bandai or Big West). Not sure where Egan got this news or how credible his source was, but I doubt he would've told this to me if he wasn't sure. Tochiro have you heard anything along these lines? If that concert was really filmed, why do you suppose they never released it on any format? Quite a shame because I read it was one of the most memorable Macross concerts performed to date.
  12. Did they ever bring out any of the previous concerts....particularly any of the Yoko Kanno concerts....in either DVD or BD?
  13. Interesting stuff guys. I don't think I need to add anything further regarding HG's behavior. HG will always be HG. I just want RT on BD someday(with the original audio track restored) :/
  14. I just finished Gundam 00. Started out kinda slow, and the overly excessive political mumbo jumbo rubbed me the wrong way(as it usually does), but it slowly got better the second season really improved upon the first. Really enjoyed it by the end. Those Innovators....God Dayum! Onto Unicorn...my final Gundam show.
  15. That makes two of us my friend. I've learned this the hard way Got all the way to the end only to have the rug pulled out from under me. Biggest cock tease of a cliffhanger In TV series history. I've been begging and petitioning thousands of people from various forums to get behind a petition to continue the Berserk TV series up to where the Manga currently is, to no avail :(
  16. Why? All the games worth translating have already been ported over by their American/European publishing counterparts. I know a guy who plays nothing but import Japanese games and he says a lot of them these days are trash.
  17. Thanks guys. Much appreciate your courteous and candid answers. Very interesting info. Looks like they're not up to much these days. It's too bad about what you say regarding all topics turning into flame wars and people acting like dbags. I hope we can have a mature, adult oriented discussion about RT, without it turning hostile. I fully acknowledge the wrong doings of HG, but personally, a part me still likes Robotech and watch it occasionally. Obviously I like pure Macross a lot more
  18. I'm just asking because I never see any Robotech related topics in this forum and wondering why? I realize there's a lot of RT haters here but I'm just curious what Harmony Gold is up to these days, and what their plans are for the RT franchise? Are they still releasing RT-related shows? Do they have any plans to sell the rights to Macross in the near future?
  19. the bans were justified. seed was phenomenal.
  20. DAMMIT! I read the title as just "Macross Movie BD Boxset WITH ENGLISH SUBS!" at first and got all my hopes up
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