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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. The opening themes of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam are another famous example of this.
  2. HLJ actually has all 100 issues available to preorder right now.
  3. New photos and 6/2020 release date via Dengeki Hobby:
  4. Update on the VF-4: https://www.taghobby.com/archives/404318 That price has gotta be a typo, right?
  5. It looks like HLJ offers similar Hachette subscription kits: https://hlj.com/search/go?ts=custom&w=hachette
  6. I used the Mr Color paints recommended in the Hasegawa 1/72 VE-1 Elintseeker kit. 1999.co.jp has scans of model kit manuals where you can find the paints list. For example: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10020300/60/1 One exception is that I used Alclad paints for the metallics.
  7. Aren't these supposed to be small, Kinkeshi-inspired vinyl figures? I'm looking forward to seeing the finished result.
  8. The way they've lit these product photos really emphasizes the questionable quality of the plastic. It appears totally translucent, like a gunpla model.
  9. The placard suggests that the model displayed here is the planned premium finish version of the SDF-1. Did the original Yamato release have the paint applications displayed here? I see lots of little red details I don't remember from the Yamato version. It also looks like they've darkened the panel lines.
  10. I hope the Orguss mold is successful enough for them to follow it with a Nikick in this line.
  11. Foil? I think Hasegawa produces metallic foil in different finishes.
  12. I understand. I'm suggesting that the premium finish version, which comes with tampo markings applied, offers a significant labor savings over the regular version which requires laborious manual sticker application to achieve a comparable appearance.
  13. Both versions look great, and nigh indistinguishable in the wide shots. I almost wonder if they would be better served by focusing on the labor-saving benefits of the premium finish version. It has to take quite a while to carefully trim and apply all those stickers to the normal version. Also, it looks like some of the tampo markings may have sharper detail than their corresponding stickers. For example, compare the red arrow markings on the leg armor.
  14. I typically use the Mr Color paints recommended by the manual included with the kit. For the gold trim on this build, I used Alclad 2 Pale Gold.
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