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Proof that CN is going to butcher Gundam SEED

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The commercial breaks really screwed up my recording as well, espically the very last one. Cuts to commercial, than the CG stuff comes back on but goes to ANOTHER commercial again, so I thought "Okay this is like back in the old days...either the show will just come back on or they'll just be smart and show another CG...." Nope, they cut right back into the show I missed TWO scenes that night....I was PISSED!

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That's the thing, without the excessive commercials, it wouldn't have been that bad at all. That's the big disappointment there is the breaks in any tension the episode had. It's a shame. Doing that later would be even worse.

In retrospect, I thought some of the sound effects sounded wierd. They did change some sounds around. A strange edit. Maybe an attempt to tone down the violence level? I was surprized they showed stuff like the Zaft guy throwing a grenade in the trailer and stuff like that, so any other edits are more wierd. Overall not bad for Toonami treatment.

Maybe it will come to adult swim later uncut.

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I can't believe you guys actually tried to watch that. Seed isn't even a good Gundam show. Let alone what CN has done to it. I didn't even need to read this thread to know what CN would do. The one time in recent weeks I actually watched Adult Swim was a very disappointing InuYasha episode. The dubbing was horrendous and heavily edited.

To top it off someone at CN thought it would be funny to scribble mustashes, black eyes, and glasses etc on the faces of the characters through out this episode. That was all it took to seal the deal for me to never watch anime again on CN. Not even for a moment A shame really cuz years ago when Adult Swim was being put together I had alot of high hopes when Cowboy Bebop was aired with very little editing. Made Toonami look like a joke. Now any anime on that network is a joke. So I'm sure whatever of Seed they air is a joke too.

(I will never watch this Knights of the Zodiac crap I've heard about because I love my Saint Seiya too much)

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I don't like Gundam SEED. Let me say that right from the start but I did watch it cause I was interested in seeing what the dub was like. Its the same old slow paced, boring show. The commercial breaks ruin whatever flow the show did have. Honestly I won't even be bothering with the series. I didn't care for it subbed and I care for it even less dubbed. Believe it or not I actually found the first episode of MSG to be far more enjoyable and it took me a while to get into that series and even then it took the movie versions to make me a fan of it.

I can't wait for Gundam Z to come out.

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As for the content of Gundam Seed, I actually enjoyed the show quite well. Some parts dragged early on, forcing a rush later on, but overall wasn't bad. Especially for a show designed to be a new branch off point. A pretty good cast as well. Much more better than Wing's character batch IMO.

To top it off someone at CN thought it would be funny to scribble mustashes, black eyes, and glasses etc on the faces of the characters through out this episode.
Huh? :huh: Where and who?
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I thought the dubs were all right. Nothing to change the channel over.

Yup. The dub on Seed was pretty good. I'm surprized Ocean Group voiced it good on the first episode, considering it normally takes approximately nine-episodes to get used to Ocean Group dubs.

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To top it off someone at CN thought it would be funny to scribble mustashes, black eyes, and glasses etc on the faces of the characters through out this episode.
Huh? :huh: Where and who?

It was a little prank Adult Swim pulled as their April Fool's joke and has absolutely nothing to do with Gundam SEED.

Wait....OMGWTF?! CN did ANOTHER Aprils Fools joke again?!@?!@!! How dare they!!!!! My poor Inyuasha had an ugly muustasch!!!!

Honestly, some of the people in this thread are beyond belief...

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To top it off someone at CN thought it would be funny to scribble mustashes, black eyes, and glasses etc on the faces of the characters through out this episode.
Huh? :huh: Where and who?

It was a little prank Adult Swim pulled as their April Fool's joke and has absolutely nothing to do with Gundam SEED.

Wait....OMGWTF?! CN did ANOTHER Aprils Fools joke again?!@?!@!! How dare they!!!!! My poor Inyuasha had an ugly muustasch!!!!

Honestly, some of the people in this thread are beyond belief...

The Big O joke after they put the wrong episode a few months back was funny though. Made you think they were going to do it again. At least they have a sense of humor over there.

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At least they have a sense of humor over there.

I agree, AS has a real dimented but very funny sence of humor. i like their "Cards" specialy sence they have brains enough to think for themselves and seem to know whats good, even if they cant show it (I am ofcourse refering to the Card about Macross a while back.)

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It was a little prank Adult Swim pulled as their April Fool's joke and has absolutely nothing to do with Gundam SEED.

Wait....OMGWTF?! CN did ANOTHER Aprils Fools joke again?!@?!@!! How dare they!!!!! My poor Inyuasha had an ugly muustasch!!!!

Honestly, some of the people in this thread are beyond belief...

No, you're beyond belief if you thought that immature stupidty was actually funny. Then again considering the source I am not at all surprised. "My poor InuYasha" indeed. :rolleyes:

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Speaking of CN pranks....did anyone catch the first episode of Witch Hunter Robin the second time they showed the series?.

Someone had gone in, and altered everyone's faces so they were sporting big moustaches and beards and glasses etc.

They re-aired the non-altered version the next night. I don't think it was an intentional prank on their part, it seemed like someone had actually doctored the film.

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Bad pronounciation of Japanese is common in the US. I know people that have been watching anime for years that cannot pronounce character names or any other Japanese word correctly.

Heck, Viz still can't pronounce "Ranma" right, and they've been putting it out for over a decade now.

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I wonder how much they'll edit all the bouncing breasts in the show...

Not to sound too much like a fanboy, but the giant bouncing boobies that were in the credits, yet NEVER IN THE SHOW aside from Murrue's repeated jiggling in her seat when the ship got hit was so misleading!.

"We were totally lied to by our album covers!"

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