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B-2 bombers CAN drop bombs just like this image, they just usually use the more accurate munitions. Those easily are B-2 bombers.


Edited by Anubis
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Reviving an old topic...

Out of the pictures in the "This is Animation" Original Illustration Portfolio (mecha), the one that comes closest to the topic of this thread is the one that was used for volume 2 of the Robotech Macross Saga reprint volume (shown here). The image on the book is cropped, which cuts off the word "Artmic" next to the Regult's foot.

Now, Graham mentioned that the art resembles that of Yoshiyuki Takani. Takani apparently collaborated with Toshimitsu Suzuki on the Macross model artwork (this comes from some Mospeada staff interview notes here; not sure if these are the same as the ADV Mospeada liner notes).

So it appears possible, even likely, that either Takani or Suzuki did the picture from the TIA portfolio.

However, there are some stylistic differences between that picture and the one that we're discussing. The Regult's right leg is quite different, and while the detail on the side "bun" of the Regult looks like flush "panels" in the Artmic drawing, it is more 3D in the unknown painting. If you look at the model illustrations here and here there are many differences in detail again--we have four similar, but quite different Regults.

So while it looks like there could be an Artmic and/or Suzuki connection, it's very hard to come to a definitive answer based on style. But if anyone would like to pursue this further, I see that Takani has art books--pictured here (same book with more detail here) and a different one here. And there's a Suzuki/Artmic book here.

One final note: I wouldn't be surprised if the picture we're discussing has been cropped--the Regult is cut off rather clumsily--and the signature is in the part that's missing.

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The picture at the beginning of this thread was also on the Robotech Macross Saga vol. 1 laserdisc. I got it in 1994, so it's at least that old. At the bottom, below the hand, there's a square with 2 triangles facing each other inside of it (pointing inside from 2 corners of the square) and beside that is "Artmic".

Nice shot, VF-1A. You completely missed hitting a regult at point blank range and now you're going to crash into him.

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The picture at the beginning of this thread was also on the Robotech Macross Saga vol. 1 laserdisc. I got it in 1994, so it's at least that old.

Heck, there's a version of that picture on the back of one of the early Comico RT comics, so that dates it to 1985-ish.

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The picture at the beginning of this thread was also on the Robotech Macross Saga vol. 1 laserdisc. I got it in 1994, so it's at least that old. At the bottom, below the hand, there's a square with 2 triangles facing each other inside of it (pointing inside from 2 corners of the square) and beside that is "Artmic".

Thanks, Legioss! That cinches it, aside from determining exactly who did the painting (probably either Suzuki or Takani, and I'm not familiar enough with either man's work to hazard a guess).

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If I remeber correctly its ....funny thing is I was asked about the origins about a year ago and have now promptly forgotten. Its original Macross art-not original created for Robotech. The sig is at the bottom right in the uncropped version...

Have a full blown poster of this pic from one of the old Animage magazines from 83

Its been cropped and used in many forms :)


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I ran into the same problem with the SDF image we're using on one of the DVD custom boxes...

A good lithmus test is that if the image looks hand painted and it's actually good... it is probably of Macross origin. If it looks out of proportion and poorly colored, it's probably Comico's original, and if it looks super duper Photoshopped, it's most likely Yune and Co.'s work from the Robotech comics, products, etc.

It's actually quite easy to see the difference after you look at it for a while.

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